
The Christmas Promise

Rafi_Khanvkmmmnnn · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 2

you get up there and

become lonely I want you to come back."

Diane wiped her tears away and went over, giving her a hug. "I don't want you to go, but you're old enough to do what you want. Since you're leaving will you please stay and have dinner with us?"

Looking into her mother's eyes she just couldn't say no. "Alright, I would love to stay and have dinner with you and dad." Turning off the lights they went upstairs to the apartment where her parents lived. While her mother put the food in the oven she started making the salad, her father went and poured them all a glass of wine.

"So where is this place you've rented?" Diane asked, dishing out the food.

"It's about eight hours from here, just outside a small village." She pulled out the brochure that showed the picture of the cabin and had all the information in it, handing it to her mother.

"This looks lovely, dear, but it's kind of far from the town. I don't like the idea of you being there all alone, what if something happens to you?" No, she didn't like it one little bit, handing it to

her husband to look at.

"Mother, I'm a grown woman and can take care of myself, besides, it's only a fifteen-minute walk into


"But honey, it's Christmas and you'll be so lonely."

"Mom, I'll be fine. I plan on doing a lot of reading and working on some designs for the store's display area. We really need to update the store, something to bring in the younger people."

"But a month, why so long?" her father asked.

"I just want to get away from the holidays, Christmas and New Year parties."

"Oh, but you used to love the holidays," Diane said, remembering how Leah loved decorating her home, making Christmas cookies and going to parties. That was until she left Preston and since then she rarely smiled and never went out.

Leah got up and placed her empty plate in the sink. "That was then, I no longer do. I think I'll head home now, I have a lot of packing to do."

After giving them both a hug and promising that she would call when she got there she left to go pack. She planned on leaving early the next day and wanted to miss the morning rush hour. She had her car winterized, new tires, her oil changed and a complete tune-up. At her apartment, she grabbed her suitcases from the closet, knocking down a small box in the process. Groaning she bent over, picked it up she placed it on the bed. She sat down, her fingers traced. along the top of the box. She knew what was inside and hesitated before opening it. Inside, on top was a picture of her and Preston, it was taken one Christmas. Picking it up she held it in her hands, tears streaming down her face as she looked at it. She had given him her heart and he crushed it beyond repair. It was love at first sight and she thought their love would last a lifetime. That was until he started working late at night, coming home smelling of booze and perfume. Whenever she confronted him about her suspicions he would tell her there was nothing going on. He was spending so much time with Hannah, going to meetings with clients and drinks afterwards. In the beginning, he always insisted she go with him, but

as time went by he stopped asking her to go. Countless times whenever she would call Preston Hannah would answer, saying he was too busy to come to the phone. In a fit of anger, she tore up the picture and threw it into the wastepaper basket. She vowed that she would never again fall in love. Yet she still loved him but knew she had to try and get over him. She wiped the tears from her eyes, getting up she goes. to the bathroom and splashes water over her face. Taking one last look at her red and swollen eyes she goes back into the bedroom and started packing.

Early the next morning she jumps out of bed, quickly showers and changes into a pair of jeans and a pullover top. After going downstairs and making herself some coffee she took her bags out to the car while it was brewing. She flipped through the pamphlet while sipping on her coffee. The cabin was situated in the woods, only a few minutes away from town by car, but a good ten to fifteen-minute walk.

After washing up the dishes and putting them away she leaves for her trip to the cabin. It was starting to snow and there was barely any traffic which she was grateful for. So turning on the radio found it was all Christmas music, after going through all of the channels. and not finding anything that didn't relate to Christmas she sighed loudly and turned the radio off. Even the Christmas songs made her feel sad and thinking about Preston. He always loved to sing along even though he had at horrible voice but it still put a smile on her face. At Christmas he would do everything he could to make her laugh, the first Christmas they were together as a married couple he wore a pair of holiday deer antlers and nothing else and would chase her around the house. Once he had caught her he would carry her to the bedroom and tossing her on the bed he would get on top of her. Another time he wrapped a big red bow around his manhood, telling her she could unwrap her gift. They had so many good times together until it all went wrong.

Arriving in the small town called Clarksville she looked around for somewhere to grab a bite to eat before stopping to get some groceries. It was a longer drive than she thought it would be and she was starving. And as she drove through the small town she noticed that they had all their Christmas decorations up. She rolled her eyes and let out a sigh, this was all she needed. Tiny snowflakes hit her windshield as she drove down the street. She finally spotted a restaurant up ahead, pulling up to it she stops, turned off the car and goes inside.

As soon as she walked inside heads turned her way, giving her a warm smile. Smiling back she takes a seat near the front. A young girl in her early twenties came over to the table with a menu in her hand and handed it to her.

"Good afternoon, can I get you something to drink while you look over the menu?"

"Hum, coffee, please." When the waitress came back with her beverage she ordered the luncheon special. The people coming and going from the restaurant smiled at her when they walked past her. After she ate and paid the bill she figured she might as well go fill up her gas tank before going to get some groceries.

The young man behind the counter at the gas station saw her pull up, putting on his coat he goes out just as she was getting out of her vehicle. "Would you like me to fill it up?"

She was taken aback, she figured she had to do it. "I didn't think these days they had full service anymore," she said, smiling.

"We do here in Clarksville," he answered, filling up her gas tank. "I've never seen you here before, are you just passing through?

"No, I actually rented a cabin just outside of town for the month."

"You must be talking about the Kringle's cabin, they rent it every year around this time. You'll like it there and it's close to town," he said, closing the cap to the tank. "That'll be thirty-one dollars, please."

She hands him thirty-five dollars. "Keep the change."

"If you need anything just ask, my name is Ricky."

"You could point me in the direction of the nearest grocery store," she said, getting into her car and rolling the window down.

"It's just down the block, take a left and you'll see it." Placing his hand on the roof

of her car he gave her another smile. "You haven't told me your name."

"Leah, Leah Russell," she said as she started the car and drove off. She thought Ricky was a good-looking guy and was sure he was flirting with her. But she wasn't interested in anyone and wasn't here for romance, she just wanted to be left alone.

She found it with no problem but as she walked into the grocery store she felt tired so she decided to just grab a few things and come back tomorrow to stock up. Getting enough to do her until morning she headed to the cabin. She was excited to see it, from the pamphlet it looked amazing. It started to snow again, coating the road and trees, it was actually very pretty. It didn't take her long to find the place, parking the car she sat there, staring at it. It was exactly the same as the picture in the pamphlet. "It's breathtaking," she said under her breath.