
The Christmas Promise

Rafi_Khanvkmmmnnn · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 1

It was going on three weeks until Christmas and Leah Russell was busy doing the books for her parent's clothing store. She sat in the office trying to focus on the paperwork before her but the Christmas music coming from the store was grinding on her nerves. Two years ago on Christmas morning, she walked away from the only man she had ever loved, divorcing him. For six months she lived with her aunt in Alaska, heartbroken. She knew she couldn't hide forever so she moved back to San Diego to work in her parent's store. Now two years later there was still a hole in her heart that just wouldn't heal. The very thought of being around family and friends this Christmas was proving to be too much for her so she made a decision to go away by herself. But to break it to her mother and father was going to be so hard, but she had to do it.

Pushing the papers away she got up and poured herself a cup of coffee. Sitting back down her mind drifted back to when she first met him. She was with some friends in a bar when this tall, handsome man walked up to her as she was waiting for the bartender to hand over her drink.

"Let me pay for that," the stranger sald, handing the bartender the money.

She turned her head and stared into a pair of smouldering blues eyes, he had a light stubble on his face, his dark hair was carefully styled back. He had an incredible body, his abs rippling through his shirt underneath his suit jacket. When she finally found her voice she gave him a friendly smile. "Thank you, but you really don't have to do that."

"I want to, but I do want something in return before the night is over."

Oh here we go, she thought to herself. "Just because you buy a lady a drink doesn't entitle you to something in exchange," she snapped, reaching into her purse to pay for it. She felt a tingle go through her body when he placed his hand over hers, stopping her from taking the money out.

"I think there has been a misunderstanding on your part. I wasn't suggesting anything sexual, just one dance before the end of the night."

The way his eyes were staring into hers she felt the heat rising up, her cheeks burning. "Oh, I'm sorry."

As he paid the bartender he gave her a smile. "There's no need for you to be sorry, I'm sure that someone who looks like you gets hit on a lot. Enjoy your evening, I'll collect on that dance later tonight," he said, lifting her hand up to his lips he kissed it, then turned and walked away.

She went back to her friends who witnessed the scene between her and the stranger. "What?" she asked when she saw the smirks on their faces.

"Who was that hunk you were talking to?" Coco asked, grinning from ear to ear.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me his name."

"A perfect stranger just goes up to you and buys you a drink for no reason, he must want something," Sarah said, frowning.

"Well, he did say he wanted one dance with me before the night is over," she replied, looking around to see if she could spot him. But he was nowhere in sight so she figured he had left. In a way she was relieved, he had this strange effect on her and she was afraid she'd do something foolish.

Three hours later and feeling no pain she was sipping on her drink, swaying her hips to the music while her friends were up dancing when she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned around, the stranger was standing right in front of her. Maybe it was the alcohol or the way his smothering blue eyes gazed upon hers that had her heart racing and her core throbbing.

"I'm here to collect on that dance," he said, taking the drink from her hand, placing it down and leading her onto the dance floor. He pulled her into his arms, crushing her body against his. The moment he saw her standing at the bar he knew he had to get to know her. She was wearing a black sparkly dress, her long blond hair flowed down her back, she had a look of sweet innocence about her. "I've been waiting all night to dance with you," he said in a low and sexy voice.

"Who are you?" she asked, feeling the firmness of his body against hers.

"My name is Preston Phillips, and you are?" he asked, looking down at her lips that had on a shade of pink lipstick.

"Leah, Leah Russell," she replied, her eyes glued to his lips. She had the urge to kiss them, and being a little tipsy she felt brave so she put her hands behind his head and pulling him down planted her mouth over his. She felt his arms tightening around her waist and his lips pressing firmly against hers in a passionate kiss.

When the kiss ended they were both breathing heavily and out of breath. "Let me take you home," he said, whispering softly into her ear.

Without a word, she took his hand and they left the bar, her friends forgotten as they got into his car and she told him where she lived. When they got there he walked with her to her apartment and went inside with her.

"Would you like a drink? I'm afraid all I have is wine."

"I don't want a drink, where's your bedroom?"

When she pointed he picked her up and carried her to her room, laying her down he climbed on top of her, his mouth came crashing down hard on hers. He pushed his tongue inside her mouth, his hand sliding up under her stdress and inside her panties. He moaned when he felt her wetness and her arms going around his neck. They groped each other as they quickly removed their clothes. Straddling her he looked down at her as he ripped open a condom package and placed it over his shaft.

"You're so beautiful," he said as he entered her with one hard thrust.

They spent the night making. love for hours until the sun came up, neither one having slept. She got out of bed and put a robe on, turning to look at him.

"I'll go make some coffee and breakfast, you can take a shower if you like," she said and left him lying there on the bed. As she prepared them something she heard the shower running.

Just as she was dishing out the food he entered the room, wearing only his pants, his shirt in his hand and his chest still damp. "Smells good, I'm starving." His eyes moved along her body, he could still picture what she felt like naked and smiled.

As she placed the plate in

front of him when he sat down she realized what she had done, sleeping with a total stranger. "I just want you to know I have never brought a stranger home for sex. You must think I'm a tramp."

He gripped her hand, pulling her down onto his lap, putting his arms around her waist. "No, I don't think you are a tramp. I want you to know I have never done anything like this before either, but there was something about you. I want to get to know more about you, to spend time with you."

She ran her fingers through his hair. "I want to get to know you too."

From that day on they were inseparable, the fire and. passion between them grew with every passing day. He was co-owner of a large publishing company that was just starting out, he had dreams of making it one of the most successful company's around. Six months later they were married and bought a house, life was good for the first two years, but then things started going wrong. Preston was working longer hours, sometimes not coming home until early morning and when he was always on his phone or working in his home office.

He had also hired a personal assistant, a tall sexy brunette named Hannah Leeves. They took an instant dislike to one another and Leah would complain to Preston that she never gave him her messages when she called. He would brush it off, saying it was her imagination and all of their fights revolved around Hannah. She began to wonder if they were having an affair, but he would swear they weren't. The straw that broke the camel's back was on Christmas Eve, he was attending the office party, promising only to stay long enough to hand out the bonuses. Not feeling well she stayed home, she tried calling him several times but his phone kept going to voice mail. Being in so much pain she went to the hospital, after being tended. to she called him once again, crying.

She was in shock when Hannah answered his phone. Asking to talk to him she was told he was in the shower and she would have him call her back. Heartbroken she went home and packed her bags, she was in luck when there was

one seat left on the plane going to Alaska. It was clear now that her husband was having an affair so she went to stay with her aunt, divorcing Preston. He would keep calling her but she refused to talk to him or to tell him where she was, he finally gave up. She shook her head, wanting to forget about him, it was time for her to tell her parents she wouldn't be home for Christmas.

Preston only intended on having one drink with the staff while handing out their Christmas bonus, but hours later he woke up with a pounding headache. He looked at the time and saw it was past midnight and knew Leah would be furious. She was going to come with him but feeling ill she stayed home. He got up, his legs felt like jelly and his head spinning so he called for a cab to take him home. He could hear the party still going on so he snuck out the back way. It was Christmas morning and he wasn't sure how he was going to explain why he was so late getting home when he promised he'd be right back.

He hurried upstairs to their bedroom but she wasn't there, her clothes were gone

but there was a note on the nightstand, he sat down to read it.

Preston, I can't go on this way any longer, it's over. I am filing for divorce so don't try to call or come see me. I am leaving and going to where you'll never find me. I don't want anything in the divorce, just to be left alone. Goodbye, have a good life. Your soon-to-be ex-wife, Leah.

He crumpled the note up and threw it across the room. He couldn't believe that she would leave him without talking to him first. Feeling betrayed he got up and went downstairs and poured himself a shot of whiskey. He knew they were having problems, what with him working long hours and not being there for her on special occasions but he was doing this all for her, for them. He had always been a good husband, never beat or cheated on her, their sex life was amazing, though lately, it had slowed down some. "Well if that's the way you want it you can have your damn divorce," he cursed, then started drinking straight from the bottle.