
Chapter 22 Three Thousand Cavalry Under Sky-sea City

"Yana is bothering the teacher to take care of her. Let's pick up Yana quickly, and then we will have a big meal!"

The car was smashed and had been taken away by the insurance company for repairs. Just as they were stopping the car on the side of the road, suddenly, Elena Shaw's phone rang.



"Okay! I'll go back right away!"

"What's wrong?"

Tyrus Wilson asked.

"A colleague called, the design manuscript of the last batch was a bit flawed, and the buyer is waiting for the goods, so I have to go back and revise it!"

"In this way, you go to pick up Yana first, then go home and wait for me, I will try to go home as soon as possible!"

As she said that, she stopped a car and was about to leave. Suddenly, she stuffed the bag in her arms into Tyrus Wilson's hands: "The contract here is very important. You must take it home and keep it safe!"

After finishing speaking, he left in a hurry, looking at her back, Tyrus Wilson pursed his lips lightly, for some reason, his heart sank slightly.

Hope, I'm thinking too much...

Yana, who has always been obedient, did not know what was going on today, and she was restless. Tyrus Wilson coaxed her for a long time before she gradually fell asleep. Looking at the clock that was pointing to the early morning, Tyrus Wilson felt a little uneasy.

It's been this time, why hasn't Elena Shaw come back?

He picked up his cell phone and was about to call Elena Shaw when his own phone rang first.

Looking at an unfamiliar number on his phone, his heart sank slightly.

"Are you Tyrus Wilson?"

Listening to the rough voice on the phone, Tyrus Wilson asked in a concentrated voice, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, but there is something that I believe you will be very interested in!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly, and then Tyrus Wilson's cell phone rang, and a small video was sent over.

Turning on the video, Elena Shaw was trapped on a chair, her eyes and mouth were covered, and she could only whine and choke, but the horror on her face and messy hair proved the fear in her heart at the moment.

At this time, a man-like figure walked up to Elena Shaw, stretched out his hand, and gently rubbed on her delicate face, with a hoarse voice accompanied by a malicious smile, when his hand fell to the position below Elena Shaw's neck At that moment, the video stopped abruptly!

The phone rang again, with the same rough voice: "Did you see the content of the video?"

"What do you want?"

"Hehe, you don't need to waste your brain when talking to smart people!"

"Unfinished building in the southern suburbs, take the bag that this little girl gave you. There must be everything in the bag!"

"Come alone!"

"Remember, you only have one hour. If you come late and face such a charming beauty, my brothers, I can't promise to do anything..."

The phone hung up, and Tyrus Wilson sat on the sofa without moving.

An invisible evil spirit spread from him, and the temperature of the whole room suddenly dropped several degrees. In the deep eyes, it seemed to come from the dark fire of Jiuyou, beating faintly!

After a long time, he opened the door, and the dark night looked like a monster, trying to devour everything, but when the door opened, the endless darkness seemed to have encountered some fear, and retreated faintly.

Outside the door, Marcus, who hadn't seen him for a long time, and Anya stood there blankly, letting the night wind mess up their clothes, and remained motionless.

"Issue the commander-in-chief, sacrifice the blood flag, and three thousand cavalry descend to Sky-sea City!"

A bloodthirsty look flashed across Marcus's face, and he knelt down on one knee: "Subordinate, obey the order!"

At this moment, on the top floor of the unfinished building, Emily Clark was wearing a black windbreaker. The night wind ruffled her hair, and her beautiful face was filled with endless chill.

"Miss, everything has been done according to your order!"

A man said respectfully, if Tyrus Wilson heard this voice, he would definitely recognize it, it was exactly the same as the person who called him!

Emily Clark narrowed her eyes slightly, turned her head, and looked at Elena Shaw who was tied to the chair. She suddenly shot and tore off her blindfold. A flash of panic flashed in the eyes of Elena Shaw who regained her light. When she saw the person in front of her clearly, she Surprised: "Miss Clark, is that you?"

"What are you doing?!"

"You are committing a crime, do you know that?!"

Emily Clark didn't have the graceful and elegant appearance before. She narrowed her eyes deeply, looked at Elena Shaw, and smiled contemptuously: "Crime? Hehe, Miss Shaw, you are really stupid and naive!"

"It's really hard for me to imagine how a stupid person like you can get involved in the ups and downs of the business world? But I lost out to a person like you! Haha, what a great irony! "

Emily Clark's voice slowly turned cold: "Miss Shaw, do you know that Clark Group is mainly engaged in the jewelry industry with assets exceeding tens of billions. It is a well-known enterprise in Sky-sea City, but you must not know that Dow started from scratch. In the early years, a group of tough, loyal and brave masters were gathered, and the days of licking blood with the tip of a knife have accumulated the most primitive capital!" "They are the most loyal team members of my Tao family!"

"Let me tell you another secret, Sky-sea City, where there is light is under the jurisdiction of the main palace of Sky-sea City, where there is no light, it is the world of the four dominants in Sky-sea City!"

"In addition to Tiger Brown in South Sky-sea City, and Tom Golden in the underground of the three cities in the east, west, and north, there is another master, their master, surnamed Clark!"

Elena Shaw had a terrified look on her face. At this moment, Emily Clark didn't look like a socialite at all. She was more like a devil in the night, arrogant and cruel. She pinched Elena Shaw's chin, her eyes showing a cold light : "In my life, Emily Clark, I have never been unable to get what I want, and no one has ever dared to fight with me! But only you are an exception!"

"Elena Shaw, you are really courageous. Do you know what will happen to those who offend me, Emily Clark?"

Elena Shaw had an unconcealable horror on her face: "You... what do you want?"

Emily Clark suddenly smiled: "I remember, you have a daughter who is five years old, and she is very beautiful, right?"

Upon hearing this, Elena Shaw suddenly became excited: "No! You can't touch my daughter!"

"Please! I was wrong! I will give you the cooperation order! You must not touch my daughter!"

"Haha... I will take what I lost, not to mention your daughter, even your good-for-nothing husband is doomed!"

"Don't worry, after that good-for-nothing husband of yours brings what I want, I will make your family of three happy together forever and ever!"

"We are very happy now, and Miss Clark will not worry about this!"

A cold voice came, and his eyes followed the prestige, and the figure of Tyrus Wilson appeared in front of him step by step.

"You really dare to come?"

Emily Clark stood up straight and looked at Tyrus Wilson.

"Miss Clark kindly invites me, how can I miss the appointment?"

Tyrus Wilson's eyes were cold: "I'm here, people, you can let it go!"

"What do I want!"

Tyrus Wilson took out the contract signed with Mr. Karen, Emily Clark winked, his subordinates took it, handed it to Emily Clark, and looked it up and down, Emily Clark laughed lowly, and then, it turned into a roar of laughter, A deep sarcasm flashed in her eyes, and she looked at Tyrus Wilson: "I thought you were a smart person, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid!"

"I came here alone, and handed over the only thing that can save my life to me so easily. Can't you see that it's not so easy to leave now that I'm here?"

Looking around, there were more than a dozen big men holding sticks with fierce expressions on their faces. Tyrus Wilson snorted coldly with disdain: "With these wine bags and rice bags, do you want to keep me?"

"Emily Clark, a brain is a good thing, but unfortunately, you don't have one!"


Emily Clark just wanted to get angry, but she smiled bluntly: "Now you can only use your tongue, but you don't know that when you, a little wife, comfort my brothers in front of you, your Mouth, can it still be so powerful!"

Tyrus Wilson's eyes froze suddenly: "Emily Clark, what do you want to do!"

Emily Clark caressed Elena Shaw's pretty face, winking like silk: "She is beautiful, you say, isn't it?"

Beside him, a big man with tattoos swallowed deeply, with a greedy green light in his eyes: "I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my life!"

"Hehe, is it?" While speaking, there was a tear, and Elena Shaw screamed, and the clothes on her chest were ripped open by Emily Clark: "Then what are you waiting for?"

"In front of this man, wouldn't it be more exciting to insult his woman?"

"I can't take it anymore!"

The man let out a low growl, and rushed towards Elena Shaw. Elena Shaw screamed, and closed her eyes in despair, but the imaginary scene did not happen. Her eyes opened slightly, and a familiar figure suddenly appeared. Time appeared in front of myself!

Tyrus Wilson's speed was so fast that before anyone could react, his hands had already clamped the big man's neck, and he slowly lifted him up, with a death-like chill in his eyes: "From when I was The moment you heard your voice in the video, you were already dead, you know?"

Emily Clark on the side quickly recovered from the shock, and with a backhand, a Desert Eagle appeared in her hand, pressing against Tyrus Wilson's head, and said coldly, "Let him go!"

Ignoring Emily Clark's threat at all, Tyrus Wilson looked at the man whose face was already flushed, and said coldly: "No one can live safely after insulting my woman, and you are no exception!"


With a slight force, Tyrus Wilson broke his neck, and then threw it aside like a piece of garbage!

Emily Clark's face was completely pulled down: "I told you to let him go just now, didn't you hear?"

"Don't point this at me, or you'll regret it!"

"Ha ha……"

Emily Clark laughed suddenly: "I think you must be crazy!"

"Keep your eyes open for me to see clearly, as long as I pull the trigger, with a bang, your little life will be over!"

"Now, I order you, kneel down!"

Tyrus Wilson chuckled, strolled in the courtyard, walked to the window, looked at the moonlight outside the window through the broken glass: "Just with a broken gun, do you want me to kneel down?"

Emily Clark smiled confidently: "A broken gun is enough to kill you ten times!"


"Then look, how many times can these guns kill you?"

After saying that, he raised his hand and punched, and the broken glass shattered in response.

Under the cold moonlight, three thousand fully armed the Northen Corps, like a torrent of steel, three thousand cold submachine guns, pointing directly at the window!

A mighty and hoarse order resounded through the sky!

"Three thousand of the Northen Cavalry, the assembly is complete, the ammunition has been loaded, please give instructions to the young commander!"


The uniform loading sound was like a bolt from the blue, hitting everyone's heart hard!

Thunder roared, and the entire sky seemed to be trembling!