
Chapter 16 You Say, Is It Fair?

Tyrus Wilson opened the car door, and the man roared, "Are you fucking blind! Didn't you see my car coming? You fucking drove in, are you courting death?"

"Do you know what kind of car this is? Porshe, do you know!? Do you know the sports car!? If it gets scratched a bit, I can't afford to sell your broken car!"

Elena Shaw also got down from the co-pilot, and upon hearing this, she argued with reason: "We obviously came here first, so why should we give way to you?"

"Even if you bump into it, you are fully responsible!"


"I didn't expect there to be such a beautiful woman in this little broken car!"

The man's eyes suddenly lit up, and he laughed: "What kind of place is this, and you are also qualified to enter with a broken car like you?"

"Beauty, you look good. It's a cheap ride in this kind of broken car. My brother's Porshe co-driver is still empty. Why don't I take you for a ride tonight!"

As he spoke, he stretched out a dirty hand and was about to touch Elena Shaw's pretty face. Before he touched it, a pair of iron-like hands grabbed his wrist, and the man yelled in pain: "It hurts! You... ...You fucking let me go!"

Tyrus Wilson shook his hand violently, and said coldly: "I don't want to waste time on you, get out!"

The man was full of hostility, turned around and took out a steel pipe from the car, walked straight to the VW, and slammed the windshield into pieces.

"my car!"

Elena Shaw was about to rush over to stop her in distress, but was grabbed by Tyrus Wilson, just watching the man let out a sigh of relief, and after a while, a good car was smashed into a half scrapped state!

The man threw the steel pipe on the ground, snorted coldly, and said provocatively: "Boy, what did you just say? Let me go away?"

"Now, I smashed your car, and you still let me go?"

"If you want to get out now, you can't get out!"

"Hey...why, are you not convinced? See, that's my car. I'll give you the steel pipe. If you're upset, you'll smash my car too!"

"If I smash your car, I will pay you back, if you smash my car, you will pay me back, how about it?!"

Tyrus Wilson's eyes suddenly turned cold, and at this moment, a voice came from: "Who dares to make trouble on the chassis of the Spa Hotel?"

Seeing the person coming, the man said, "Mr. Ballard, it's me!"

Seeing the man's appearance clearly, Mr. Ballard immediately smiled and said, "So Mr. Ortiz! You are..."

"It's nothing, I just wanted to have a light meal, but I didn't expect to meet a poor guy!"

"Dare to grab a parking space with Ben Shao, and don't even look at what you are!"

Mr. Ballard glanced at the smashed car, frowned slightly, and said, "Young man, quickly move your car and let Mr. Ortiz's car in!"

Tyrus Wilson smiled and looked at him: "Didn't you see that my car was smashed by him?"

Mr. Ballard took it for granted: "You deserve it for smashing it! Who told you to block Mr. Ortiz's way? Is this place accessible to a car like yours?"

"Move it away quickly! Otherwise, I will throw it to the scrap factory for you!"

"Haha...Mr. Ballard, I really like your bold temper. When I meet Mr. Brown another day, I will definitely mention you in front of him and give you a few promotions!"

Mr. Ballard smiled flatteringly: "Yo, thank you Mr. Ortiz!"

Hearing Mr. Brown, Tyrus Wilson's heart skipped a beat. After groping for a long time, he found a card. Tiger Brown told him that with this card, it seems to be the most distinguished VIP of the Spa Hotel, right?

I made a call according to the phone number on the card. Not long after, a group of people in suits and leather shoes hurried over from outside. After seeing their appearance, Mr. Ballard asked curiously: "General manager? Store manager? What do you do?" Are they all here?"

The visitor ignored him at all, and immediately saw Tyrus Wilson holding the card, and said respectfully, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Wilson?"

The expression on Mr. Ballard's face suddenly froze!

Tyrus Wilson played with the cards in his hand, playing with taste: "Here, can't I be allowed to park?"

"You are joking, you are our most honored guest, even if you want to park your car in our hotel lobby, we will remove the door as quickly as possible to facilitate your parking!"

"The second generation of domineering rich is scrambling for the parking space, and the manager of your hotel is so arrogant that he wants to throw my car into the scrap factory indiscriminately. Hehe, I didn't see it. Where is the word noble?"

The general manager's expression changed suddenly, and he said coldly: "Mr. Ballard, you offended Mr. Wilson, and deducted all your benefits at the Spa Hotel. Now, you can pack up and get out!"

"Mr. Ortiz! I'm sorry, starting today, all properties under the Spa Hotel will prohibit you from entering!"

The faces of the two were pale!

Afterwards, the general manager said to Tyrus Wilson respectfully: "Look, are you satisfied with the result of this treatment?"

Tyrus Wilson thought for a while, then suddenly raised his foot, and the steel pipe was caught in response, and then walked towards the Porsche sports car.


With a stick down, the front cover suddenly collapsed.

"my car!"

Mr. Ortiz exclaimed and was about to step forward. The general manager waved his hand, and two men immediately stood in front of him. The former looked at him coldly: "Mr. Ortiz, I advise you not to be impulsive, let Mr. . Wilson finished venting well, he is a distinguished guest that we Mr. Brown must treat with courtesy, if he is still the slightest bit unhappy, even if your father comes personally, he will not be able to protect you!"

After a while, millions of sports cars became a pile of scrap iron. Tyrus Wilson went straight to Mr. Ortiz and said with a smile, "You smashed my car, and I smashed yours. Tell me, is it fair?"

Mr. Ortiz's face was pale, and under the threatening eyes of the general manager, he nodded stiffly: "Fair...fair."

"Since it's fair, then my car doesn't need your compensation, and your car doesn't need my compensation either?"

Mr. Ortiz almost cursed, what kind of broken car is that, I can buy ten of you for one car, can this be considered the same?

But, dare he say no?

He dare not!

"Yes...no need."

Tyrus Wilson nodded in satisfaction, and grabbed Elena Shaw's wrist: "Let's go, the dinner party is about to begin!"

"Mr. Wilson, I will lead the way for you, this way please!"

All the way to the top floor of the Spa Hotel, at the entrance of the luxurious conference hall, they are queuing up one by one to enter. Elena Shaw sorted out her appearance a little, and put aside all other thoughts. Tonight, how to promote the cooperation with Mr. Karen is the Top priority!

Just as she was waiting in line to enter, a discordant voice suddenly sounded: "I read that right, Elena Shaw, it's really you?"

According to the reputation, a woman with heavy makeup and a man in her forties and fifties looked at Elena Shaw in surprise.

"Are you...Joss?"

Elena Shaw was also surprised, and then her face suddenly turned ugly. The person in front of her was none other than her high school classmate, Joss Conley, who had been at odds with her for three years.

Joss Conley looked at her luxurious attire, a look of envy flashed in his eyes, and then he looked contemptuous: "Why don't you say, it's better to look good than to be born well, even if it's a rotten second-hand product, just dress it up casually. There are still people who are curious, Elena, I really envy you!"

"Joss Conley! What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Am I talking nonsense? No one in Sky-sea City knows that you, Elena Shaw, got pregnant out of wedlock and came back from abroad with a big belly when you were less than twenty years old. Who knows what embarrassing things you did outside!"

"What kind of party is this today? Celebrities from the upper echelons of Sky-sea City! If you didn't rely on your beauty to fool a rich man, based on your status, you are also qualified to appear here?"

"Oh, I forgot, that's what your mother does. She's a good stepmother!"

"Knowing that tonight is a gathering of celebrities in the entire Sky-sea City, I tried my best to squeeze in here, and use it to seduce men with the little beauty I still have."

"However, as an old classmate, I would like to advise you that this courtesan is not so easy to do. The richer the man, the more he can play. If you want to please them, you need more than just a pretty face!"

"However, judging from your experience of going through hundreds of battles at the age of twenty, I think there should be no problem with three or four people, haha..."

The man next to Joss Conley looked at Elena Shaw greedily, and said, "Miss Shaw originally did this. After the banquet, I have a few good partners. This one is better, but it can be done with Miss Shaw." Let's have an in-depth exchange!"

"Of course, this price will definitely satisfy Miss Shaw!"

"Joss Conley! You spout blood!"

In the third year of high school, Joss Conley's mouth was famous for its viciousness. Elena Shaw naturally couldn't speak to her, especially such obscene words. She was so angry that she trembled all over, her face flushed and said: "I came here on a formal invitation, and I have The invitation letter is not as dirty as you think!"

"Invitation letter? You deserve it too?"

Joss Conley's face was full of disdain.

"If you don't believe me, look!"

As he spoke, he rummaged through the bag. Suddenly, his angry face changed, and his hands became messy.

"Where's the invitation letter? Why can't I find it? I put it in my bag!"

"Oh, the cowhide has been punctured, right? Invitation letter? After all, this is also a dinner party for top celebrities, a courtesan with hundreds of beds, and an invitation letter?"

As he spoke, he took out an invitation letter from his bag and showed it off in front of her: "Look, this is called an invitation letter!"


At this time, Tyrus Wilson stood in front of her, and a cold voice sounded: "It's like you lowly useless people will use invitation letters, and we don't need any so-called invitation letters at all if we want to go in!"