
Chapter 14

The second daughter also recovered from the shock at this moment. With their identities, of course they know what the Golden Dragon Card represents. Even in the entire country, the number of people who can own the Golden Dragon Card can be counted on one hand!

Their men can be regarded as some dignified people in this Sky-sea City, but compared with the owner of the Golden Dragon Card, that is the difference between Haoyue and Chenhui!

"Oh, Miss Shaw! This dress is so beautiful! I said, with our Miss Shaw's figure, we look good in anything!"

"That's right, our Miss Shaw is one of the top ten beauties in Sky-sea City, no, it should be the top ten beauties in Sky-sea City, she is naturally the beauty of Tianze, and she is a fairy!"

The two women, one on the left and the other on the right, surrounded Elena Shaw very enthusiastically, all kinds of flattery.

The red-haired woman looked envious, and glanced at Tyrus Wilson's direction from the corner of her eye, with a hint of trepidation in curiosity: "Miss Shaw, what does your husband...do?"

Elena Shaw is also confused, what does Tyrus Wilson do?

She really didn't know, but, if his status was really that noble, why did he keep eating and drinking with her?

At this moment, the shopping guide's face immediately became respectful, and the body that was standing side by side with Tyrus Wilson couldn't help but bow half of his body.

"Dear guest, this is the most honorable Golden Dragon Card in the world. According to the agreement between our store brand and the World Bank, you can enjoy the supreme VIP treatment in this store and enjoy half-price discounts for all products!"

"Please take a seat first. This store has top-notch Black Tea and premium coffee. What would you like to drink?"

Tyrus Wilson waved his hand lightly: "No need."

"Okay, then I'll pay by card for you right away."

"After the discount is over, the total is 330,000, and this is yours..."


All of a sudden, the shopping guide frowned, and she was stunned by the impressive four characters of abnormal card swiping on the credit card machine.

She took out the card and looked at it again carefully, and then her face suddenly became very ugly, and her voice became a little stiff: "Sir, do you have any other cards?"

Tyrus Wilson shook his head, the young commander is traveling, when did he have to pay for it himself?

As for this card, it was the president of the World Bank, who forced it to him with a stern face, or the kind that can't be done!


The shopping guide directly put the card on the table, and said indifferently: "Then you should change the payment method!"

"Hey! Why are you talking to our Mr. Miss Shaw!"

The yellow-haired woman shouted: "A little shopping guide lady, dare to disrespect our Mr. Miss Shaw, believe it or not, I will let you pack up and leave immediately!"

"That is, the owner of the Golden Dragon Card is also someone you can offend?"

The shopping guide snorted coldly with disdain: "If he is really the owner of the Golden Dragon Card, I wouldn't dare to disrespect if I lend me a hundred courage, but is he?!"

He said and took the card on the table in his hand: "Global Golden Dragon Card, as the name suggests, there is a golden dragon on the card. Look at this card, is the color of this dragon golden?!"


The two hurriedly left Elena Shaw and came over. After a closer look, it was supposed to be a golden dragon hovering, but the dragon body of this card turned out to be red!

"Sir, next time you make a fake, at least be more serious, at least, don't mistake such an obvious color!"

There was deep sarcasm in the shopping guide's tone.

The tone of the two women also changed suddenly.

"Let me just say, the clothes I usually wear are street stalls worth a few hundred yuan. How could there be such a rich husband? It turns out that he is a counterfeiter!"

"Tsk tsk, Miss Shaw, if you can't afford it, you can tell us, we can still give you one or two clothes that you don't wear, why do you have to fake it?"

"Of course it's for showing off!"

"It's very common for people of our status to buy a piece of clothing, but for a person like Miss Shaw, if he can buy such a piece of clothing, he may have to save for a long time without eating or drinking!"

"Miss Shaw, are you ready to take the photo secretly? Take it off immediately after you take it, those are diamonds from Africa, if you accidentally drop one, I'm afraid, you will have to work for nothing for half a year!"

Elena Shaw blushed and was about to run to the fitting room with her head down, when the shopping guide stopped her coldly: "Wait a minute!"

"This dress is a limited edition, so it's not something that anyone can try on casually!"

"If it is worn once, it will be depreciated and damaged once. Since you can't afford it, then break the 30,000 yuan for the try-on and pay for it!"

"What?! It costs 30,000 yuan to wear it. You are stealing money!"

Elena Shaw exclaimed angrily.

"Oh! Seeing you like this, do you want to renege on your debt?"

The shopping guide pinched his waist, his face full of contempt: "What's the big deal if you don't have money, is this a place poor people like you can afford?"

"If anyone wants to try on clothes, we will try them on for her, and we don't look in the mirror to see if we are worthy!"

"I've seen a lot of people like you. When you're poor, you just honestly go to the night market to pick up some stalls. Let me tell you, it's 30,000 now. After a while, it won't be that price!"


Suddenly, Tyrus Wilson laughed, and he looked at the shopping guide: "I've never heard that you have to pay for trying on clothes. Is this the regulation of your store, or your regulation?"

"My rules are the rules of the shop!"

"If you don't take the money honestly, otherwise, you will never get out of here today!"

As he said that, he pressed a red button, and then the siren blared, and a group of security guards rushed into the store.

The shopping guide said triumphantly, "How about it? Either take the money, or what you did just now, in the Public Security Bureau, is enough to convict you of fraud!"

"Oh, Miss Shaw, it looks like your husband is in trouble!"

The yellow-haired woman gloated at Elena Shaw: "Otherwise, please beg us, for the sake of our colleagues, maybe we will show kindness and pity you!"

"Yeah, if Miss Shaw's husband is a fraudster, then you say our Miss Shaw still has the face to stay in the company?"

Elena Shaw bit her lip deeply. Although she hated Tyrus Wilson for trying to please him in this way and made her lose face, she could never see Tyrus Wilson being taken away and convicted. Thinking of this, she took a deep breath and walked to In front of the second daughter, took a deep breath: "I beg..."

A pair of warm hands grabbed her immediately, and Tyrus Wilson's voice sounded: "You don't need to ask them, just relying on these people, they don't deserve to do anything to me!"

"What time is it and you still slap your swollen face to pretend to be fat!"

The shopping guide looked contemptuous: "Security, give him a long memory! Let him know that no one deserves to play wild in Augustla Shopping Mall!"

Looking at the security guards gradually approaching, Tyrus Wilson's eyes turned cold, and seeing that he was about to explode, a voice sounded: "Why are you surrounded by so many people?!"

"Let the guests see what it looks like!"

Everyone avoided, and two figures in suits and leather shoes appeared at the door.

When the shopping guide saw it, his face was filled with a smile, and he trotted over: "Mr. Santos, why are you here?"

Neo Santos frowned: "What's wrong?"

The shopping guide explained what happened in the store with embellishments, and then pointed at Tyrus Wilson and the two: "It's these two who come to the store to make trouble without money. If you don't teach them a lesson, all poor ghosts will come here in the future." We Augusta Shopping Mall, isn’t it bad for our reputation?"

After listening, Neo Santos snorted coldly, and then bowed his head respectfully to the old man beside him: "Mr. Kim, I'm sorry, I'm a little troublesome, I'll take care of it, and come as soon as I go."

Neo Santos walked up to Tyrus Wilson, looked him up and down, and said arrogantly: "Boy, you should be glad that I have a distinguished guest here today, so I won't make things difficult for you. Take out the money as soon as possible, and you can walk out of here safely!"

Tyrus Wilson smiled: "Are you a shopping mall, or a bandit den?"

"Are you asking for money? Why do you?"

"Just because you are poor enough to enter Augustla Shopping Mall and dirty my place! Just because you are poor and wear clothes you shouldn't be wearing, you should pay the damage fee! Just because I, Neo Santos, let you pay Money, you have to pay!"

"Ha ha……"

Tyrus Wilson laughed suddenly: "What a domineering Mr. Santos!"

The conversation changed, and the eyes turned cold: "Then if you say, what if I don't give it?"

Neo Santos glanced at Elena Shaw who was not far away, with a flash of greed in his eyes, and smiled coldly: "Then you can leave, your girlfriend, you have to stay and pay off the debt!"

A killing intent flashed quietly on Tyrus Wilson's face: "Some things, if you say them, there is no room for regret!"


"Ha ha……"

Neo Santos seemed to have heard some big joke, he picked up the Golden Dragon Card and waved it in the air: "Only by you? Or by your rotten counterfeit card?"

"Boy, if you don't know how to be funny, believe me or not..."

"That card, show me it!"

Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded, and at some point, the old man walked over with a solemn face.

Neo Santos quickly smiled flatteringly: "Mr. Kim, it's just a small matter, just let me handle it, you..."

"Bring that card over here!"

With a thunderclap, Neo Santos trembled, and quickly handed over the card in his hand.

The old man took the card, looked it over carefully, and finally his eyes fell on the red dragon body, and the pupils in his eyes shrank deeply!

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he handed the card to Tyrus Wilson with both hands, bowed ninety degrees, and respectfully said: "Surprised the distinguished guest!"

"Oscar Kim, president of Augusta Shopping Mall, represents the 800 Augusta Shopping Mall stores around the world, and expresses his greatest apology to all distinguished customers!"

Everyone was shocked!