
The Chosen's Odyssey

In a world that had endured a galactic war lasting centuries, a young boy takes an entrance exam for one of the most prestigious sects. He possesses an otherworldly handsome face and a charming smile that could captivate even Immortals and Deities alike. With secrets that many would give anything for, he embarks on the challenging journey of cultivation, filled with successes and setbacks, highs and lows, and plenty of action in between. Join him as he conquers the thrilling and erratic world of cultivation. ------ This is a novel I'm creating in my free time as a hobby so any advice or criticism is always welcome. ;) I try to upload 4-5 times a week depending on irl commitments. -----

Unorthadox01 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
222 Chs

Quick Spar

"Oh my gosh, that was so barbaric." Jiang Xia complained as she sat down opposite Witney, Talia and Vasari.

"I thought I was going to die," Gia said as she sat next to Jiang Xia. "How come you guys are almost finished eating?" Gia asked with a questing look on her beautiful exotic face.

"We were the first ones here so it was free picking," Witney answered before biting into a juicy piece of steak.

"And you didn't think to help your friends out?" Gia grumbled before picking up her fork and digging into her salad.

"We were in a rush too, that fatty was right behind us. It was one of the scariest moments of my life." Not just Witney but Gia, Jiang Xia and even Talia shuddered at the thought of Timo ramming them at full speed...wait.

"Alright, you are forgiven."

The girls continued to talk about what they did during class with Vasari joining their conversation now and then.

Alex Rales and Jude soon joined them at their table. Alex took the unoccupied seat next to Talia while Jude sat next to Gia.

"Hey, Vasari. What do think about the Spartans? Do you think there are still members alive from that barbaric race?" Alex asked Vasari a question to get to know more about him. While getting lunch he met up with Jude who told him that Talia was seated next to Vasari in their class and he was far from happy when he heard this. He decided to learn more about Vasari and what weaknesses he can exploit.

"I don't have any opinion on them. They were only fighting for what they believed in, the same as everyone else. Someone close to me once told me a quote that was simple to understand yet hard to uphold.

There are two sides to a coin. Head and tails.

There are two sides to a story. Yours and mine.

There are two sides to eternity. Heaven and Hell.

Be sure you look at both before you decide."

Vasari ended his little speech and smiled lightly before taking another bite of his lasagne pasta.

Vasari's answer left the others speechless, from the story that they heard from their teachers it was portrayed as the Spartans being the villains and them the heroes but that's only their side of the story. To the Spartans, spreading their beliefs was the right thing to do and must have thought that everyone else who rejected their beliefs was wrong.

Talia side glanced at Vasari with sparkling eyes. Seeing her reaction, Alex instantly regretted asking Vasari that question.

'Because of a stupid quote that he heard from someone else everyone thinks he is some type of guru.' Alex fumed as he noticed that not just Talia but the other 3 girls also looked at Vasari with their eyes shining brighter than usual.

Vasari was laughing internally as he thought, 'So this is a so-called "Heavens favourite". Hmm maybe because he is still young and naïve that he is not as special as is depicted in the tomes.'

Vasari's thoughts stopped there as the table once again continued with a random conversation.

The lunch break lasted for 30 minutes before everyone had to head back to their classrooms for the second half of their school day.

"Okay since it is still the first day of school we will only be doing light training to get everybody warmed up. Follow me to the school gym where we will be doing most of our practical lessons." Miss Covington got up from her seat and made her way out of the classroom.

Seeing their sexy teacher leaving the classroom everybody quickly got up from their seats and followed along.

The school gym was located next to the main school building and was more or less half the size of the school building which for a gymnasium was not small by any means.

The 35 students of class A were standing in the middle of a massive open space within the school gym building. The floor was laminated wood that was waxed not long ago since it was shiny and made little squeaky sounds when someone walked with their shoes on. The ceiling was high with large glass panels allowing the gym to be properly illuminated. There were 3 large doors, excluding the large double door they used to enter the gym, which lead to unknown areas and 2 smaller doors with a sign above it.

"From now on whenever we enter the gym we will change into our sparring attire which I will give you now. Also, no shoes are to be worn while in the gym and nobody is allowed to enter those 3 large doors unless authorized by a teacher."

Miss Covington waved her hand and suddenly 35 bags appeared between her and the students. "There are 21 blue bags for boys and 14 pink bags for girls." Miss Covington then pointed to the two small doors. "Those are the changing rooms. Pink sign for girls and Blue sign for boys. DON'T mix it up."

Miss Covington gave a threatening stare to the boys causing a few fearful gulps and rapid nodding.

"Now get changed. Don't waste too much time."

With that, the students quickly got a bag and left for the changing room.

The changing room was as basic as it gets with metal lockers and long benches separating the two rows of lockers. There were also a few showers at the back of the room.

Vasari was the last one to enter the changing room so he had to find a free spot to get changed.

"Yo Vasari over here! We saved a spot for you."

Fortunately, Asher and Timo saved an opening for Vasari. What good friends they were.

Asher and Timo soon regretted their actions of saving a spot for Vasari once he started getting undressed. Although they'd already seen Vasari topless before, it did not take away the awe they felt when they saw it. They could not help but stare. It was so perfect and attractive that even when they tried to look away they felt themselves glancing at him from time to time...to time. Like a moth attracted to light.

Not just them but all the boys in the room stopped to admire the most perfect body they have ever seen. Some even took out their ManaPhones and took one or two pictures to post on Managram or use it for some inexplicable things later when they are alone in their room.

The boys saw muscles on Vasari that they never knew existed and they wondered just how hard someone had to work to get a body like at just 16 years old.

Vasari was a proud person and he did not mind people staring at him.

Vasari reached into the bag and took out the first item which a regular white T-shirt with a red cloud printed on the chest area. He put the T-shirt on and just like his sect robes it adjusted to fit him perfectly, highlighting his boulder-like shoulders, mountain-like chest and ripped forearms.

The next item in the bag was a pair of black sweatpants which Vasari put on before it similarly adjusted to fit him. He put his sect robe and clothes he was wearing underneath it into his locker.

Vasari decided to tie his hair into a ponytail since they will most likely be doing some type of physical activity. His ponytail reached past his buttocks and instead of looking feminine, it highlighted his broad shoulders and handsome face further.

He then left the changing room and walked back into the hall where Miss Covington was standing playing on her ManaPhone.

Only when Vasari left the changing room did the boys break out from their stupor and continued getting changed.

Jude, who was standing nearby Vasari, smiled wryly to himself. 'Sorry Alex but this dude is a different animal. Good luck to you bro.'


*ping* *zing* *zoom* *BOOM!!*

"Game Over! You lose."

"Stupid fucking game. Who made this crap and how did it get a 5-star rating." Miss Covington grumbled to herself after she lost a game on her ManaPhone.

"Teacher is that your ManaPhone making those sounds?"

Miss Covington jumped in fright when she heard Vasari's voice come from behind her. Normally with her cultivation, it would be impossible for Vasari to get so close to her without her noticing but because she was so focused on her ManaPhone she did not even notice him.

"Ahh Vasari it's you. Yes it was, I was just playing a game." Miss Covington answered while ogling at Vasari. She did not bother to do it sneakily as Vasari was blind.

"Like what you see?" Vasari grinned devilishly causing her to blush slightly and she could feel the blood filling her little sister making it feel full. If she did not have such impressive control over her body she would definitely be leaking a little by now.

Composing herself, Miss Covington ignored his question and swiftly changed the topic.

"Regarding your question from earlier about the Yin Yang Control stage, I suggest starting with the Yin control part since it will be more difficult to control compared to controlling your Yang. Yin will make your body more flexible and will also gain a slight resistance towards harsh cold environments."

"Thank you for your advice teacher." Vasari bowed slightly and decided not to tease her anymore...for now anyway.

Cheeks still flushed pink Miss Covington looked down at her ManaPhone and continued to play her games.

'Fuck, he is way too dangerous. I better control myself better when I'm around him.' She thought as she continued playing her game but she couldn't get his devilishly handsome grin out of her thoughts.

Luckily for Miss Covington, it was not long until her students finished changing and entered the hall again.

"Okay now that everyone is changed we can start with our first exercise which will be a simple jog around the hall. Once everyone has done 10 laps we will move on to the next activity."

Timo nearly puked out his lunch when he heard the word jog and collapsed on the floor when he heard 10 laps.

"This lazy pig. Stop pretending and start running." With great struggle, Asher lifted Timo off the floor and back to his feet.

Seeing that his performance was seen through, Timo begrudgingly started jogging while cursing Asher with some not-so-friendly words.

It took 5 minutes for everyone to finish their 10 laps with Vasari carrying Timo on his shoulder for the last 2 laps.

As cultivators with superior bodies to normal humans, they did not even break a sweat while completing the 10 laps, Timo being the only outliner.

"For the next activity, I will be teaching you basic hand-to-hand combat techniques. I know most of you think that you already know basic hand-to-hand combat techniques, after all, you had to last three moves against a combat training dummy, but I can guarantee that none of you has perfected the basics yet. And without perfecting the basics you can't perfect the advanced techniques."

What Miss Covington said made sense and those who wanted to complain at the start swallowed their words after she explained her reasoning.

Miss Covington made everyone get into pairs and since there was a person too many she chose someone to be her partner. Much to the annoyance of the girls she ended up choosing Vasari to be her partner.

With Vasari not being an option anymore Witney and Talia paired up.

"Now stand 2 meters away from your partner and face them. I want everyone to get into their standard fighting stance. The partner on the left-hand side will be the aggressor while the partner on the right will be the defender. I want everyone to watch my movements and try your best to replicate them. Ready Vasari?"

Vasari faced Miss Covington and without getting into a fighting stance nodded his head indicating his readiness.

Miss Covington raised an eyebrow at his laid-back attitude and decided to teach this pretty face a lesson.

The boys were excited to see Miss Covington in action and what made it even better was that she was still wearing her pencil skirt.

The girls were excited for the same but different reasons.

Since Vasari was ready Miss Covington wasted no time and kicked the ground appearing in front of Vasari within a blink of an eye. She lowered her speed to a fraction of her normal speed to make it fair for Vasari and threw a left palm aimed at his chest.

Vasari reacted quickly by swivelling his body and avoiding the incoming palm. He simultaneously kicked his right leg out aiming for the gut of Miss Covington but although she slowed her movement speed down to match Vasari's cultivation, her reflex speed was still on the level of her high cultivation base.

She easily noticed Vasari's sneak attack and reacted accordingly by using her right arm to block the kick. Upon impact, she was surprised at how heavy his kick was but did not dwell for long as she swivelled on her left leg while raising her right leg up performing a spinning heel kick aiming for the right cheek of Vasari.

Sensing incoming danger, Vasari instinctively lifted his right arm to block the incoming kick. Unfortunately for Vasari, Miss Covington added a bit more power to her kick which was not something that Vasari at his Cultivation base could block without consequence.

Vasari was sent sliding 10 meters(32.8ft) away and half of his forearm was red from blocking Miss Covington's' powerful kick.

"Ouch, that's gonna leave a bruise," Vasari said blankly while shaking his arm. Miss Covington looked at Vasari like she was looking at a monster. That kick was supposed to send him flying and at least leave him with a broken bone or two, she would have then given him a bone-mending pill to quickly heal his bones. However, he seemed to be completely fine besides his forearm being a little red and swollen.

She was also interested in his unique fighting style, it was unorthodox and unpredictable, but now was not the time to ask such questions since she still had a class to teach.

Miss Covington turned to face her students who were watching their little spar fervently. "The first move I want you all to master is the basic palm punch then we will move on to the spinning heel kick."

The sexy teacher gave her orders and the students got to practice while she examined their progress.