
The Chosen's Odyssey

concentrating on IRL commitments and can’t find the time to update regularly, so I’m taking a short break to sort everything out. ————— In a world that had endured a galactic war lasting centuries, a young boy takes an entrance exam for one of the most prestigious sects. He possesses an otherworldly handsome face and a charming smile that could captivate even Immortals and Deities alike. With secrets that many would give anything for, he embarks on the challenging journey of cultivation, filled with successes and setbacks, highs and lows, and plenty of action in between. Join him as he conquers the thrilling and erratic world of cultivation. ------ This is a novel I'm creating in my free time as a hobby so any advice or criticism is always welcome. ;) I try to upload 4-5 times a week depending on irl commitments. ----- Cover art not mine if you are the artist contact me and I will take it down.

Unorthadox01 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
222 Chs


"Man that was one hell of an experience. Thanks for the opportunity, Vasari."

"No problem. I am glad you enjoyed yourselves." Vasari replied with a smile on his face. If he was being honest, he never wanted to enter that stadium again unless he was the one competing.

"Yeah thanks, Vasari, it helped take my mind off that bi- I mean girl and damn that was a close match.", For DT this was the second-best day of his life, barely losing out to the day he entered the sect.

"I didn't expect LowClouds to do so well at the End to End race. Their Movement technique is really good." Jaxon added.

"Well, it also helped that the NightSwordz members only had mediocre movement techniques except for that assassin," Gia commented

The group of 12 were currently walking back to their residences after watching their first-ever League Rankings match and it was safe to say that it was an unforgettable experience.

After winning the second game and drawing the match 1-1, the 3rd match was bound to be intense as both teams planned to go all out to obtain victory. Losing two points could be the difference between obtaining more or fewer resources at the end of the season.

The last game was a 20vs20 deathmatch which NightSwordz ended up winning pretty convincingly.

"What do you guys want to do now?" Timo asked while searching for 'Fun things to do in Outer Haven' on his ManaPhone.

"Porkchop why don't you go to the Dark Winter fields and Breakthrough already? You are the last one to not awaken your inner yin energies."

"Well, I don't have enough Cloud Points because you lot still have PTSD from the last time." Timo shot back at Jaxon. For the past week, Timo had been nagging them to restart their money-making scheme but these boys kept delaying it by giving lame excuses.

"Fine, how about we start after school tomorrow? I'll let some people know tonight and do background checks." Jude finally gave in, in all honesty, he was also low on cloud points and the Elemental Manipulation stage was a lot easier to overcome if one had a decent amount of funds.

The 6 boys discussed their plans while the other 6 were having their own conversations. The girls and Alex were discussing all the exciting moments during the Rankings match while Vasari silently listened from the side.

After arriving home Vasari went straight to bed and woke up early the next morning to get ready for the day ahead.

"Vasari, what did you think of the League Rankings match?" Miss Covington asked while they sparred against each other.

"It was fantastic. Best experience of my life."

"Hahaha, I knew you would hate it." Miss Covington let out a good laugh while throwing a right hook aimed at Vasari's jaw, which he easily blocked.

"If you knew I'd hate it then why give me tickets to the match?"

Vasari threw his own punch which was easily dodged by Miss Covington.

"Payback for trying to tease me during our sparring matches but unlucky for you because you're still a few hundred years to tease me."

"Okay okay I'm sorry, it's just that Miss Covington is the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes upon and it's the only way to get your attention." Vasari raised his arms in defeat.

"Hmph liar." Miss Covington performed a palm strike and connected cleanly against the unguarded chest of Vasari.

"Oomf!" Vasari went flying and crashed against the wall. It wasn't long until he stood back up on his feet and made his way back to Miss Covington. It wasn't the first team he's been sent flying and it definitely wouldn't be the last.

"No matter how much I think about it, your body is abnormally strong.", Miss Covington praised and subconsciously looked down towards a certain area on his body causing her to blush for a second before regaining her composure as if it never happened.

"You looked didn't you"

"Did not"

"Yeah you did"

"Did not"

"Did t-Oomf!"

Once again Vasari crashed into the wall and got up with a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

The rest of the students were already used to their antics by now and ignored the duo. Well…everybody but two young women looked at Miss Covington with sharp gazes.


"Teacher, why don't we talk about something else like what is the best way to go about entering the Elemental Manipulation stage?" Standing in front of Miss Covington again, Vasari asked a question that was on his mind recently.

Miss Covington rested her smooth chin on her delicate hand as she thought for a few seconds.

"I would suggest using Elemental Essence stones. Elemental Essence stones are basically pure elemental energy condensed together and they can be artificially created or created naturally in areas where one specific element are abundant."

"How many cloud points is an Elemental Essence stone?"

"Hmm I'm not sure but if remember correctly it should be around 100 to 150 cloud points per stone for a basic element."

If Vasari wasn't blind and wearing a blindfold, his eyes would definitely be bulging out his eye sockets.

100 to 150 cloud points per stone!! That means he would need a minimum of 400 cloud points to get 1 stone for each basic element.

"Teacher, isn't there a cheaper alternative?"

"Well you could pay cloud points to enter the elemental cultivation grounds but they are more expensive than the Summer Light field and Dark Winter field."

"Sigh...looks like I have to accept missions again."

"Hehe cultivation is difficult only the delusional will say otherwise." Miss Covington then turned to the class and dismissed them. "Okay everyone, change into your sect robes then you can leave."


Vasari: "What do you mean you can get a shit-ton of cloud points?"

Timo: "It's exactly as I said. We came up with a method to get enough cloud points to live in luxury until we reach the Nebula Realm."

Asher: "It's true. We could get close to 500 cloud points a day. Split it between the 7 of us and that's approximately 71 cloud points a day. WE"LL BE RICH HAHAHAAH!"

Vasari: "And tell me, how will you earn this amount of cloud points a day."

Jude: "Hehe brother Vasari, this is where you come in. We are going to take a few pictures of you and then sell them to those horny girls for cloud points."

Vasari was really surprised that they wanted to sell pictures of him. Was he really that handsome? The thought crossed his mind as he listened to the rest of his friend's plans. It was a good plan, low-risk high reward, however, Vasari did find one issue regarding this whole operation and that was that he was supposed to remain as lowkey as possible in case of the slim chance that someone from the Church of Prasufis recognises him. If that happens there was a high chance, that day next year would be his death anniversary.

'Ah fuck it, we can worry about that later. Right now I need the cloud points.'

"Okay count me in." Vasari accepted their proposal and the boys immediately got to work. They looked for areas in the house with the best lighting and started their first photoshoot.

DT suggested that Vasari pose shirtless in a few pictures, but he declined. His reasoning was simple, he thought Witney wouldn't like it if random girls had pictures of his body that were for her eyes only. She even told Vasari to wear a shirt even when he was at home because she didn't want Asher and Timo drooling over her man's body.

An hour later the boys chose the best pictures before doing background checks on their potential business partners.

"Okay these are the girls we have decided to sell to for the first week.", Asher wrote down 7 names on a piece of paper, "These 7 all have no psycho boyfriends and they're not mentally ill themselves. They have agreed to pay 300 cloud points for 3 pictures so that will get us to 2100 cloud points."

"Not bad, not bad at all.", Timo rubbed his hands in anticipation as he imagined all the delicious food he could buy with that many cloud points.

"Okay now that we are finished here, can you all leave? You are cramping up the already small house." Vasari shooed away the pests before walking to his room.

Standing outside his door, he could hear the sound of a sweet and melodious voice singing softly from inside his room.

Vasari smiled before silently entering the room. Inside was a young maiden with blonde, golden-like hair tied into a messy bun who was busy painting the walls in a light shade of blue.

"Need some help?" Vasari asked as he walked closer to the nation-toppling beauty.

"I'm almost done. You can shower while I finish this last little bit."

With a peaceful smile painted on his face, Vasari walked into the bathroom.

Not long ago Witney decided that she wanted to stay in the same room as Vasari. She thought it would help take their relationship to the next level. Witney had a goal and that was to become the undisputed first wife of Vasari and the best way to do that was by spending as much time together. What better way was there to achieve this than living together?

However she absolutely could not live in such a plain room and so, decided to paint the walls to give the room some colour. She decided on a light blue that was a similar shade to her eyes. Her reason for this colour was not as simple as one might think.

She chose this shade of blue because if he ever brings another girl into his room they will automatically look at the walls and think of her eyes. It will give the impression that she is always watching. Well, that was the impression she was going for. Will it work? Only the future will tell.


Just as Witney finished painting the last wall, Vasari walked into the room with nothing but a towel covering his lower body and a thin cloth over his eyes. Witney openly stared at his body without masking her desires. Every day spent with Vasari made her more and more eager for when they would finally seal their relationship and she can become his woman in body and soul.

Although she wanted to do it with Vasari, she also respected his wishes and knew that sooner or later they will finally become one, it was only a matter of time.

As if hearing her inner wishes, Vasari said a few words that nearly made her heart stop beating.

"Witney why don't we go on a date tomorrow after school."

"O-okay." She stuttered a little, still surprised by the sudden plans.

"Good girl. Let's go sleep." Vasari swept the helpless lamb into his embrace before climbing into bed with her still in his arms. Witney was already getting used to getting swept from her feet and just went with the flow.

"Vasari I probably smell like paint and sweat. Why don't I take a shower first."

"Aww but I'm already so comfortable, it's fine, you smell fine."

Vasari brought her body closer and sniffed her neck, tickling her in the process.

"Okay okay hehe hehe stop it, it's tickly."

Vasari stopped his well-targeted attacks and said goodnight to the blonde beauty laying in his arms before drifting to sleep.

That night Vasari had a dream, a dream where he lived as a mortal, working as a farmer. His life as a farmer was simple and although monotonous, he enjoyed every day since after a hard day's work he would come home to a warm house, a full plate of dinner and the most beautiful wife his imagination could conjure. His brain had no visual material to base the dream wife on but from the blonde, golden-like hair and light blue eyes he could tell that it was Witney based on how he heard some people describe her.

As far as Vasari could remember that was the most peaceful he had ever felt but he knew it was just a dream and it was just the calm before the storm.

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