
The Choppa Effect

"Fuck wrong wid unnu?" Tego mumbles and then I hear him sniffle. I look around to see his head down and his fingers playing with his eyes. Emotional bad man to rass. I walk over to him and he looks up at me with his eyes full of water. "What's wrong with you?" He shakes his head but still answers me. "I- We protected you guys and she's being such a bitch about it." He sits up straight and wipes the few tears that fell while he was speaking. "We sensed the danger and dealt with it so why aren't you guys appreciative of that?" He's staring intently at me. "That's why I know I shouldn't get to know you but I've already started." He smiles and walks over to me then pulls me in a hug. "But fuck it." He smiles against my cheek. Emotional bad man? Emotional mad man this. *** Join Jade and Tego in their complicated love story!

kirstyasmine · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Chapter Sixteen

"What do you think of these?" My mother holds up two Christmas themed throws.

One is tan and off white with little reindeers on it and the other one is an off white crotchet type throw.

Normally I would shrug my shoulders but Christmas is almost one week away and I know she wants everything to be perfect in time.

"Why don't you get both? Since you like the two of them I mean. You can use them for different things."

She nods before putting them both in a cart with a few other throws.

We spend another four hours at the furniture store before going to the Chinese restaurant across the road to have dinner and then we went home to start decorating.

"Do you think we should still have pre-Christmas brunch this year?" She asks me as we sit on the floor with all the Christmas tree pieces spread out before us.

"It's what you wanted so I don't see why you would change your mind now."

She shrugs. "You're right. I'm going to start sending out invitations as soon as I can."

She puts down the base of the tree firmly on the ground. "What do you think? Does that look sturdy enough?"

I nod and continue to help her to put the tree up but by the time we were finished, we were both extremely exhausted and decided to just eat something and go to bed.

She ended up finishing the decorating with majority of the non-professional help being from my father and the break seemed to be going by quicker than I expected it to because I hadn't even realized that the brunch would be tomorrow until Alexia mentioned it on our current call bringing me back to reality.

I am not in charge of invitations because it's not my party plus it wasn't at the front of my mind but I am glad that my mother invited Alexia and most likely her mother too.

"Is it buffet style?" She asks me.

I nod which earns me a smile from her. "I like that."

We chat a bit more including her plans for the upcoming yacht party before we both get tired and decide to end the call.

I'm woken up by my door being knocked aggressively. "Jade! Git up!"

My mother.

I take a deep breath before getting up and starting to get ready for the day.

I do my makeup and maintain my leave out before getting dressed.

I decide to call Jordan to see if he was also invited.

He answers on the first ring. "Hi."



"Are you coming to the brunch?"

He scoffs. "Yuh cyaa serious enuh, Jade."


"What do you mean?" I ask him but he just laughs.

"Your mother invited me- that's fine. I know Alexia must have even helped y'all plan." He sounds bitter.

"It's not my party, Jordan. I am not in charge of inviting anyone. I was just wondering if you did get invited-"

"It's whatever, Jade. I'll see you there." He hangs up same time.


I ignore Jordan's very petty behaviour and just get dressed in the outfit my mother bought for me before going down to her waiting in her car in the garage.

"Ready?" She asks me.

I nod. "Great! Your father's gonna meet us there."

She pulls out of the garage and makes her way to the hotel lobby that she booked and once we go inside we're immediately ambushed with greetings.

"I'm gonna mingle." My mother whispers to me right before she's consumed by the crowd as always.

I scan the crowd and see Alexia helping herself to some of the starters.

I walk over to her and tap her shoulder. She smiles when she realizes that it's me.

"Hey, girl. I would hug you but.." She gestures to her plate filled with starters.

I laugh. "That's fine. Where's your mother?"

Alexia points at her mother mingling just like mine. I mouth oh and then help myself to some starters as well.

We both go outside away from all the people and snack on what we picked up.

"Your mother always has such amazing parties." Alexia says.

I nod in agreement before my phone vibrates.

Where are you?

I decide to just call Jordan. He picks up on the first ring. "I'm outside with Alexia." I talk as soon as he answers.

He takes a deep breath before he laughs. "That's fine, Jade. Whatever. I don't know if you care enough since you're all over Alexia but your boyfriend is here."



"Where are you guys?"

He laughs once more. "Oh, so now you care about where I am?"

"Whatever, Jordan. It's fine. I don't need to know where you guys are. Have fun."

I hang up and not even two seconds later I get a text from him.

Alexia doesn't mean you well and I do but I guess you don't care right? I hate to be seen as a "jealous" friend but Alexia is just overall terrible company.

I read his message but I don't answer. Alexia's scoff reminds me that she's there.

"Jordan is such a bitch nigga I don't know how you stand him." She rolls her eyes. "I'm going to find him."

She is on her feet in less than a minute and I am running behind to catch up to her huffing and puffing body while she scans to find Jordan.

She spots him in the crowd standing beside Tego and her eyes narrow at him.

She gestures for him to come outside and he hesitates but does so leaving Tego behind.

"What's your problem? I'm the only one of us two that has a right to hate the other." She's beyond angry.

Jordan kisses his teeth. "Alexia, we both know that I mean Jade well and you don't but I am not prepared to get into a conversation with you about it. Bye." He turns to walk away then stops briefly without turning around. "I'll see you at the yacht party."

Your friends are weird.


The rest of the party consisted of me comforting Alexia because her interaction with Jordan caused her to have a breakdown but she's home and getting some rest and so am I.

I decide to just call Tego instead.

"Jordan is your friend too." I point out when he answers.

"Yeah but I just met him and you've known him forever." He laughs.

"Well, I guess you have a point."

We chatter some more before the conversation dies down and we're both on the phone in silence.

"I haven't seen you in such a long time." He breathes into the phone almost as if he's thinking out loud.

"Yeah." I trail off.

"I've just been extremely busy." His voice sounds cautious.

"Really? With what?"

The other line is completely silent.

"You don't have to tell me." I press.

"I know I don't have to tell you. I'm not going to. It's none of your business." He snaps.

I'm a bit taken aback by his response and the only thing that leaves my mouth is a small "Oh."

He kisses his teeth and I hear him shuffling around a little. "Bye, Jade. Sleep well." He breathes.

He doesn't even wait for me to respond. He just hangs up.