
The choices of Origin

Wait! Let me ask you a question, What will you do if the whole world is destroyed and you alone are left with millions of enemies to fight? Will you give up? Will you fight till the end? Or just run away? This is a story of a world beyond destruction and hope! This is a story where you will enter a new world of fantasy and adventure that you have never seen! The world was created, life was given, wars were fought and peace was established. In this perfectly normal world there are stories and unknown mysteries which are unsolved and yet to come, those very coming stories may change the future of the whole mankind, out of all those stories and mysteries there is one story of Will, a perfectly normal 20-year-old student with unusual white hair and the unfortunate fate of accidents, which will change the whole course of humanity. One day, people were given a choice, a choice to survive, a choice to die the most horrible death, a choice to save, or a choice to kill, The choice which was not a ‘choice’ but must to ‘live’, The choice which staked the whole of humanity's survival. One wrong step and humanity or maybe the whole world may cease to exist. This all happened years ago. ‘They’ told people and ‘Will’ that this was a blessing, while everyone thought it was a curse, only ‘Will’ knew what it was….. “Only Will knew What it was”. The story starts at the end of the world where there is nothing left on ‘this world’ to call this ‘world’ anymore, it cannot be an appropriate cause, how can you call a place where there is no proper life a ‘world’, nothing is left in this world, only flames are burning to further destroy it and things people call ‘monsters’ usually known as some “unknown creatures” which are born just to make this world disappear ragged on this ‘world’ for unknown reasons, it’s not that those reasons are unknown but it is still too soon for you guys to know about this yet. The world was burning and countless unknown creatures roamed around to kill anything which was in their sight but what could they kill? Everyone already died and nothing was left to destroy just waiting for this ‘world’ to slowly burn away…. and that is how our story starts. That's right because even if there was nothing left to call this a ‘world’ there was one small resistance left…. a person… yes that is right just one person… The only person who survived was a human, you may ask what that person is doing if the whole world is destroyed? And Why did he survive? The answer is simple: he was able to survive because of one thing that we humans are best at and that is…. Fight to survive!... Only Fight to survive!

Guraseem_singh · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Guardians, Trial and Will

The big and round room with 12 pillars and 1 throne, every pillar had its unique design and 12 people were sitting on each pillar except the throne was empty and this is where the so-called 'trial' will begin.

"Let the conference table begin!"

"First vote Guardians who would like to speak to him"

"5 Guardians voted to speak!, Guardians' names shall not be revealed to the outsider, no introduction is required! First Guardian begin the discussion"

' So I am not allowed to speak huh? Well let's see how it goes'

*From now on different people will speak but as their faces are hidden and will is unable to see them, we will also be blank who is speaking*

"Long live the Origin and the next Master! I am a Guardian who would like to open this meeting by saying that this 'outsider' wiped out the species of Milian's, although it is commendable and worthy of the praise, giving him a 'trial', I still think is too much, I think we should compensate him by letting him work here as the next Guardian"

"Absurd! You know we all had a vote about this and the majority of the Guardians agreed to give him a trial to see if he really is worthy of being the next Master!"

"Are you guys crazy? Any other person who does not have the blood of Master of Origin can never be the owner of the Origin"

' Again with Origin? Why are they talking about that?'

"But we can no longer keep the seat of Master empty and everyone knows what will happen if a Master is not selected in the next 50 years"

"But the family and history of origin will come to an end if he overcame the trial"

"It hurts me too, but the records of the universe are at the stake we have to have him trail"

"But what if he is unable to overcome the trial? He must at least have the power to compete with a Guardian to enter the trail"

"I can vouch for his strength"

"What? Why are you vouching for him?"

"Well, it may sound shocking to everyone but when we were walking through paradise he could see the original scenery"

*Silence in the room*

"Wha..t? Hey, are you serious? That can't be possible right?"

"Do you think I will lie about something like this"


"It is him we are talking about and we know he never jokes about things like this so it must be true"

"That proves his qualification to enter the trial"

"I still want to ask this, does everyone in the Guardian feel to serve him as Master?"

"Damn it! If only Master had an offspring we could serve, we could also use the power of the offspring to save the Master"

"No point in dwelling on what was done, one of the Guardians already destroyed that planet which killed our Master"

' They destroyed my home just because their Master died? These sick weirdos, I will crush them! No… relax will, nothing good will come out of this, just relax and watch'

"Looks like nobody has any objection now to his trials, even if we don't have anyone from the Origin family or our previous Master, Eren Origin, we will still move forward and protect the records from anything!"

' Eren… Origin? Origin family… No… what? This... no..'

"Now Guardians shall speak with 'Outsider' and Outsider can also Converse with mighty Guardians!"

"Outsider, we shall give you a trial and if you have any questions you can ask now"

"I will ask 5 things… will that be alright?"

"As long as we can answer you can ask anything"

"Ok then, first do you guys know where my sword is?"

"Oh, your sword? Well don't worry your sword is safely kept in Castle storage"

"Wait, I want to ask about that sword, where did you find it? That sword was very sharp and it is one of the best quality swords I have ever seen"

"My father made that sword, he kept that sword in his mansion and told me to use it if I ever need it"

"Looks like your father was one of the greatest blacksmiths"

"Yeah, he was very determined in his work, he was a very kind and lovable father to me"


"Call me Will, that is my name"

"Okay, Will you ask your next question"

"Can you tell me what happened to your current master, I think I should at least know this much"

"Sigh*... This may upset the mood of many but fine, you see Our Master was a very kind person as well as very hard working, he rarely take breaks so one day I don't know what happened he had a talk with one of the Guardians and told him that he is going to take a break for a few years and ordered everyone to not to wait for him and continue our work, as usual, we waited for him every year, he had no sign of showing up, some Guardian argued that they should look for him but for us Master's order was absolute so we waited still, but after 17 years there signs from the Origin and that sign shook the whole Palace, there was a record showing that the Master of Origin was dead and he did not die a natural death but he was murdered…"

*The whole room was filled with silence and anger

"Sigh* sorry for that, I know it must be hard for you to answer but I must ask my next question to confirm something"

"It's alright you are a chosen for trial so we can do at least this much"

"What is this trial you are talking about?"

"Trail is something when a person capable enough put through a series of long test to check his capabilities to a certain position, you are chosen for the trial of Master of Origin"

"What is this Origin and who is the Origin family?"

"Sorry anything related to Origin can't be told to you right now but what I can tell is Origin is the power we all worship here and it is a power which records everything"

"Ok, can you tell me the Guardian name who destroyed the world where your master died?"

"Sorry, as you know the rules Guardian can't give you information more than necessary"

"Are they in this room?"

"That is more than 5 questions I believe?"

"Please answer me… I am not in the mood and I believe you are also not!"

"Yes, they are in the room"

"Ok, the last question can you tell me the name of your previous master and how was he personally? And what will you do if you found the last member of your so-called Origin family?"

"What does that…"

"Please answer the question!"

"Sigh… alright, his name was Eren Origin, he also had the same white coloured hair as you and he was the quite a hardworking and dignified person to say, everyone loved him and all Guardians were ready to put their life online just to protect him… and if you want to know what we will do if we found Master's blood then we all will make him our next Master or use the power of Origin to save our previous Master"

"He…he…hehe… hahahahahaha… hahahahahaha…."

"Will! This type of conduct will not be tolerated, even you are…"

"Shut the hell up! You sickos! Do you want to know a fun fact? Huh?"

"This bastard has gone crazy after we allowed him to talk"

"Hey, Old man and everybody listens to me now! Bring me the Guardian who destroyed my world so I can tear him to pieces!"

"We told you we can't do that!"

"Wanna bet? You will bring him to me and I will kill him in front of you and you all will do nothing, you know why?"

"This crazy…"

"Wait, I think he is up to something, why would he do that in front of us when he is tied up?"

"Yeah, why would he do something crazy which will lead him to death?"

"Hey, hey suckers let me answer for that please"

"Looks like he will behave like a crazy person until we don't ask, so let's ask"

"Why do you think we would do that?"

"Hehe… hahahahaha… because it's simply because your previous master name is Eren Origin"

"So what?"

"Oh, you didn't know? You see I have a little secret and surprise for you then, well the thing is… My Father's name is Eren Origin…"

*Silence in the room*

"Then that means?…"

"Yes, My full name is Will Origin, Son of Eren Origin and I am the last surviving member of the Origin family"