
Chapter 45

David was a little aggravated to hear him say fuck off, "Why are you calling me names?"


 Nada doesn't want to pay attention to him.


 David suddenly remembered, "I don't think I've ever seen your stovepipe, have you been jerking off behind my back?"


 Nada: "..."


 Just in time to reach the school entrance at this time, Nada had already seen David's limousine parked three meters away, and he immediately changed the subject by saying, "Hurry up and go back, don't get wet and cold."


 David's attention immediately shifted, "I can't catch a cold from anyone, I'm healthy, I haven't been sick since I was a kid!"


 Nada nodded perfunctorily, "Mmmmmm you're the best."


 Walking to the car, David put the umbrella completely over Nada's head and reached out to help him open the door before Nada did, "Get in, don't get caught in the rain, if you catch a cold, you'll be in bed for three days and three nights with a cold."


 Nada: "..."


 There's no need to curse him.


 Nada got into the car and David went around to the other side, opened the door and collected his umbrella and sat in.


 Nada was about to get him a towel from the storage compartment when he caught a glimpse of blinding white, and he whipped his head around to see David pulling off his soaked T-shirt and wrapping it in a ball to wipe the water off his shoulders.


 Nada slowed down a step, took out a snow white thick towel, "... you use the towel to wipe it off."


 David threw away his wet clothes, took the towel from Nada's hand, and while wiping off the water, said, "Star, didn't you say there would be a surprise after the exam?"


 He looked at him with bright eyes, and came a few moments closer, with an expectant look on his face.


 Nada: "..."


 Nada calmly said, "Go back before you do."


 David unabashedly inquired, "What kind of surprise?"


 Nada said, "You can guess."


 David said, "Don't want to guess, can't guess, just tell me."


 Nada leaned back against the car window, taking her eyes off David's beautiful pecs and looking out at the pattering rain, her voice soft, "There's no point in telling you straight out."


 David said, "Okay then."


 When he got out of the car, David was also topless, Nada lowered her eyes, glanced at him in the afterglow, and saw his chunky abs, and when she counted them, she really did have a six-pack.


 His abs were not exaggerated, nor were they thin, staying at that degree that was most appropriate and aesthetically pleasing for a teenager, the lines were distinct and smooth, and the shadows between the bulges and the traps all revealed a strong sense of hormones. Especially his pants waist is still a little low, revealing a clear mermaid line, appearing to have a manly sense of charm.


 He was also in really good shape, Nada commented calmly in her mind, finding it a little mind-boggling--how could he be so beautifully muscled when he was sitting and writing papers just like him?


 David didn't notice Nada looking at him, he just felt shirtless and a little chilly from the wind, and said a little impatiently, "Come on, get in, you don't want to get wet."


 There was a new folding umbrella in the car, so there was no need to share one, and Nada walked with David to the front door with her umbrella, storing it in the organizer by the door.


 David wanted to go take a shower, but also still had Nada's comment about the surprise on his mind, and he looked down at Nada with the frantic suggestion, "Stars, that ..."


 Nada read his hint and he whispered, "Go ahead and take a shower, you'll see SURPRISE in your bed when you come out."


 That's very suggestive, David instantly blushed a little, his eyes flashing as he looked at Nada, "... Aren't you a straight man? Fake straight man ah you?"


 Nada: "?"


 Nada blinked, "What's wrong?"


 David shyly said, "Come on, I'm still underage."


 Nada: "..."


 Nada: "... What the hell is going through your little head?"


 David didn't listen and blushed and said, "I'm going to take a shower first then, wait for me oh."


 Within a few steps, he was invited to say, "Do you want to wash together?"


 "..." Nada said, "No, you go ahead and wash it."


 David saw that he wasn't happy and didn't force the issue, he ran to the bathroom and filled the entire tub with hot water, he wanted to get the little shark and thought better of it and grabbed a milk lemon bath salt ball.


 However, sitting in the bathtub, he snapped to attention, no, Nada wasn't his wife now!


 David's face, which had just been high and happy, froze for a moment.


 No, still have to turn him down-


 But what's wrong with Nada?


 The former son cared for him because he was concerned about him and was afraid he would go bald, right?


 A hundred dollars a day that is ... because, because he spends money too fierce, for his good to be like that, and much better than Hua Rong, Hua Rong family is a dime not to give him, Nada at least gave himself back a hundred dollars a day!


 The benefits of Nada being his wife are still many, at least he is much more regular in his routine, he doesn't smoke or drink, his body is getting healthier and even his sex life is harmonious!


 He's so good, it might even be a compliment to give himself a wife!


 David frantically made excuses for himself, and after realizing that he could actually come up with so many, he sat back down in the tub with a great deal of peace of mind.


 He looked down at his brother and whispered, "In the previous generation and in this life, your virginity is still going to be broken by the same person, it's predestined in the underworld!"


 David's young body is already firmly in the grip of sex, lust, and has forgotten all about his original ambitions.


 He gave his friends and family a good scrubbing, put on only a towel, looked very slightly shyly in the mirror, reached out and pointed to himself in the mirror, and said in a hushed voice, "Seventeen-year-old David, you're so handsome."


 After that, he went out the door.


 Except he didn't see Nada on the bed, but he did see a gift box on the bed.


 After a moment's hesitation, he strides over and opens the gift box, inside of which lies a thick book with Higher Mathematics written on it.


 David: "..."


 Nada knocked on the door outside and walked in, saying in an unruffled tone, "SURPRISE!"


 David asked shakily, "What are you sending me this for?"


 Nada says, "Assuming you get into Harvard, you can't slack off for these two months, you still have to keep studying."


 David: "..."


 He was suddenly ashen and disheartened.


 Nada smiled weakly, "I'll stay with you."


 David's sex drive is gone, he's come to his senses, and he finally realizes why Nada hasn't jerked off--


 Because learning makes one impotent.


 David said numbly, "Then why did you say it was in bed, I thought it was you, making me happy for nothing."


 Nada: "?"


 David said, "It's not even SURPRISE, it's shock."


 Nada said, "Then you gave me a fright too."


 David looked up at him, "Me?"


 Nada drops her eyes and says, "After the math test, you made that joke and I was blank."


 He said, raising his eyes, David's face reflected in those curved, round-eyed, clear eyes, "You know what I was thinking?"


 David gulped, "... want to hit me?"


 Nada smiled slightly, "I was thinking that I might as well repeat the year with you."


 David: "..."


 Nada said, "Turns out you were just kidding."


 David said guiltily, "I'm sorry, I was wrong."


 Nada said, "Well, I forgive you."


 David scratched his head and whispered, "So do I still have to learn if I admit I'm wrong?"


 Nada said, "Learn."


 David: "..."


 His sex? Desire was reduced and reduced, to the point where now, there was literally no desire.


 Nada said in a gentle tone, "There's no harm in learning more, you're already very good now, your goal after getting into Harvard is to graduate successfully, I'll be there for you."


 The fear of being dictated and ruled by Nada returns to David.


 He just couldn't think straight before he wanted Nada to remain his wife, could he?


 After his head calmed down, David remembered Nada's words that she wouldn't like him.


 David thought indignantly in his mind that he didn't like him either, and didn't want to be married to him again, or else he'd be governed to the end of his days once he was married again.


 In his heart, but on the face is turning his head to Nada tone abashed said, "vacation I want to go home this how to learn ah?"


 Nada froze, he'd forgotten about it again.


 David said, "Or why don't you come home with me?"


 Nada refused, "No."


 Adding, "I'll get a cell phone and be in touch by cell phone when the time comes."


 David gave a disappointed look, "I won't be able to see you then."


 Nada looked at his handsome face, which looked a little flushed from the shower, and her tone was much lighter, "You can call."


 David said glumly, "I'd rather see your face than your voice."


 Nada looked away, "What's there to see in me."


 David said, "You look good everywhere, I just want to look at you."


 Nada: "..."


 David said, "Or I'll just not go home."



Perhaps she had been alone for too long, David's arrival had made Nada accustomed to studying and living with two people, and if she suddenly returned to being alone again, it would indeed be uncomfortable.


 But he didn't feel compelled to take over the entirety of David's life either, so he declined anyway, "You go back, and call me when you miss me."


 Nada paused and jokingly said, "If you don't go back, your father will think you've fallen for some vixen."


 David said, "You don't know, my dad especially likes you, and if it was you, my dad would have said nothing."


 Nada remembered David's comment about his dad wanting to adopt him, and at this point, he still had a twinge of skepticism, but when he thought of David, he thought David's dad would have no problem thinking that way, "Your dad likes me in particular? He's never even met me, why does he like me?"


 David said, rightfully so, "That's not because you're so likable, my dad loves you even if he hasn't met you face to face."


 Nada: "..."


 Nada was always embarrassed by David's sincere words.


 David sees that Nada isn't talking, so he looks up at him, "Why aren't you talking?"


 Nada was silent for a while and asked him, "Do you think, I'm likable as a person?"


 David exclaimed, "Why would you ask such a question?"


 Nada: "... Can't I ask?"


 David exclaimed, "Of course you're delightful! Isn't there no doubt about it! If you're not likeable, how can I possibly like you!"


 Nada's heart skipped a beat, and he blinked, "You like me?"


 David said frankly, "Of course! Because you study so well, you're someone else's kid to follow as a role model, and most of all you're so good looking! White skin, thin waist and long legs! Who wouldn't like you?"


 "Anyone who doesn't like you is blind!" He summed it up decisively.


 He said it so frankly that Nada let out a soft "hmmm".


 David intoned, "You need to be more confident in yourself, how can you not like yourself when everyone else likes you so much?"


 After a pause, since he felt that he was already a big man who was many years older than Nada, he followed the advice: "Even if no one likes you, don't you care, that's because those people are blind, they can't see your light, but you, you can't doubt yourself, you have to always believe that you yourself are the best, you're the electricity! You are the light! You are the only myth!"


 Nada: "..."


 Don't sing. - Don't sing.


 Nada laughed and said, "I'm not doubting myself, I'm just curious."


 David asked, "Curious about what?"


 Nada said, "Curious as to what I am like as a person in your eyes."


 Without hesitation, David said, "Just the sparkly kind of guy!"


 David covered his eyes in a pompous gesture, "Every time I see you, I think you're glowing, really super shiny."


 Nada smiled, her tone gentle, "Even if you say so, you can't skip high math."


 David: "..."


 He felt his emotions brewing so touching ah, why Nada raised the number again? It's ruining the mood.




 After the exams, the class organized a potluck dinner, Nada changed into the clothes David bought for him, they say that the Buddha depends on the gold dress people depend on the clothes, Nada at this time to look in the mirror, and indeed feel different from too much time to wear a school uniform of their own.


 But what was different, he couldn't say.


 David, as usual, complimented him with a sincere look on his face, "That's a great outfit you're wearing, you look so refreshed and handsome!"


 He pulled out another box from under the coffee table and said to Nada, "SURPRISE! This time it's really SURPRISE! You open it."


 Nada takes it and opens it to a pair of shoes.


 David said, "AJ customized model! See if you like it?"


 Nada subconsciously asked, "How much is this going to cost?"


 David scratched his head, he wasn't sure how much Adolf meant by too much, he tentatively said a number, "A couple hundred."


 Nada knew he was lying by the look on his face, he smiled weakly and thanked him seriously, "Thank you, it's nice, I like it."


 David egged on, "Put them on and try them on your feet."


 Nada tried it on and asked him, "Does it look good?"


 David applauded, "Extra nice! You're going to be the prettiest pup in the room when you wear it!"


 Nada laughed, "You too."


 David humbly said, "That I can't do, you're the center of attention, I'd like to be a green leaf next to you."


 Nada said, "Stop talking poorly and let's go."


 Because the get-together used the rest of the class fee, and although Mignon, the class advisor, still funded part of it, there wasn't much money left, the graduation reception was held at an ordinary hotel.


 David walked up to the hotel entrance and saw the somewhat gray hotel doors before saying with some chagrin, "I forgot to tell Mignon that I have a vip to the Golden Jade Hotel, and that entry is totally free and uncredited."


 Nada always got the odd way rich people spent their money, but he didn't ask.


 The two of them came early, this time of the year has not come too many people, it happens that this time of the year is also summer, there are a few girls kinda solemn, wearing a small dress, revealing a long white neck and long well-proportioned legs, very eye-catching.


 But David didn't even look at them, he is a very strange person, in his eyes, he can only see what he wants to see, just like at this time, the girls' pretty and beautiful figures can't get half of his eyes, instead, it's Nada's figure, which has always been residing in his black and bright eyes.


 David helped Nada pull out her chair and called the waiter, brought over a bottle of milk for Nada and said to Nada, "You can't drink tonight, and I'm not going to drink, so we'll just have milk."


 Nada felt a little funny when he thought of the fact that David had been supervising his milk drinking for the past two months, he answered and was about to take the milk from the waiter when David took it one step ahead of him and said, "Why is it cold? We want it lukewarm, please sister help us change it to lukewarm, thank you."


 The waiter looked at David's handsome face and answered with a red face, and in less than a minute, he replaced David with warm milk, turning back to look at David frequently as he walked away.


 Nada felt David's charms once again, but looking over at David, he paid no attention to the girl at all, took the milk and pried the lid off with full concentration, poured the milk into a glass and pushed it carefully in front of him.


 Nada: "..."


 It seemed so pleasurable, but the reason behind that pleasure Nada didn't think about as he picked up the glass of warm milk and took a sip.


 Mmm, sweet, Nada thought to herself.


 Denqi came over and saw them drinking milk, her eyes widened in surprise, "You guys aren't weaned at your age?"


 David glanced at him and said in his old voice, "Didn't you ask me before how I grew so tall? I'll tell you the answer now."


 Denqi: "... You don't want to say it's from drinking milk, do you?"


 David said, "No, it's my family that's high."


 Denqi: "..."


 Denqi rolled her eyes big time, "So say shit."


 David said, "You're the one who told me shit first."


 Denqi: "..."


 Denqi grayed out and, not a moment later, came back and said to David, "Brother, do me a favor."


 David was busy peeling peanuts for Nada when he heard Denqi's words and said without looking up, "Go ahead."


 Denqi says, "I've got an online crush on a girl and I'm going to face off in a few days, heh heh heh heh."


 David said, "So?"


 Denqi: "I'm not good looking, so go meet her for me."


 Without hesitation, David said, "Don't."


 Denqi pleads, "Promise me brother! You are so good looking she will love you."


 David raised his eyes to his, "It's me you like, not you, so you can be happy?"


 He said at length: "Internet dating on Internet dating, you do not whole set of deception, if like you, you what kind of she like, can not be allowed to she has been ready to you are the uncle of the preparation? If she does not like you, will not meet with a male netizen, you have to believe, she must be very very like you."


 "Men, it's all about confidence!" David also made a powerful summation.


 Denqi was convinced by him and said shamefully, "Brother, you're right! I think I'm good looking too, there's no way she won't like it! I'll go and meet her myself!"


 After Denqi left, David put the peeled peanuts on a small plate and pushed it to Nada, complaining, "This hotel doesn't send up all the peanuts peeled either, and the guests have to peel them themselves, excessive."


 Nada twisted up a peanut and put it in her mouth and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."


 David nodded and asked, "Want me to go with you?"


 Nada: "... No need."


 David said regretfully, "Okay."


 After Nada left, David boredly continued peeling peanuts, peeling a few and then turning his head back to the melon, stacking the peeled flesh onto a small plate.


 It's a little slow. Nada doesn't pee too often, does she?


 The doctor didn't say.


 David looked up at this time, right into the flash of a photo shoot, and he paused for a moment as a girl's face was finally reflected in his eyes.


 I think his name was Hillary and he was the class literature committee member, and he was asked to help erase the blackboard because he was tall when we did the blackboard.


 David got up and walked over to her and asked, "So was that just a sneak peek at me?"


 Hillary panicked and denied, "No, you're looking at it wrong."


 David said seriously, "Do you realize that it's against the law to steal a picture?"


 Hillary said stubbornly, "I really didn't ..."


 David: "Give me the cell phone."


 He took Hillary's cell phone as soon as he could, ignoring Hillary's struggles on account of his height, and darted to find the photo album, tapping on it.


 David's eyes widened, "I can't believe you took a picture of Nada!"


 Hillary blanched and could barely lift her head.


 David skimmed through it quickly, then sat down next to her and in a consultative tone, "Come on friend me and send me all of Nada's pictures."


 Hillary: "..."