
ChiZul Wedding Chapter one: The meeting

It was a warm day and Jin Chi slowly walked through the pathway across to his lecture room. The wind was mild and cold, but it gave a breeze that spelt a new day, a new dawn. It was an autumn breeze, a little chilly, but a little warm. He was excited to start his new year at the University of Kwazulu Natal, as an honours student in chemical engineering. This was going to be his first day back on campus and he was excited to be back and see his lecturers again. Jin had no close friends on campus, but had acquaintances from his classes. He had arrived a few years ago, with his family to South Africa from China and had to adapt to a new environment. Not knowing anybody at all, his family started a business and lived in the northern suburbs of Durban, where his parents had a shop and a Chinese restaurant. His parents spoke very little English, but he had learned English whilst in China, so was able to adapt faster to the changes in language, but the culture was so different. The university bustled with lots of energy from people from different walks of life. There were rich kids, there were poor kids, there were middle class kids. There were Chinese that had lived there, their whole lives. There were Indians, Americans , Germans, Australian and English people. There were indigenous tribes to Africa from Nigeria, Namibia, Botswana, Ghana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. There were Afrikaners, Sotho, Ndebele, Xhosa, pedi, Tswana and Zulus. Everybody was there, and they made friends and interacted with each other on a level of diversity unknown anywhere else in the world, and today was his day back.

 He hurried across the hallways so he can be able to get to his dorm room and then go to the administrative department and get his timetables.

 Thandi Zulu smiled as she entered the gates of the University of Kwazulu Natal, Durban campus and heaved a sigh of relief. She had made it through to the honors degree in Psychology. She was going to start the year with the hope that she will eventually complete her Masters in Clinical Psychology. With this university, she was looking forward to everything she was going to experience that she had experienced while doing her bachelor's degree. The nightlife, the friends, the travels, the talk shows, the lectures, the time out. It felt good to still be young and be able to enjoy all of this.

 She came from a place in the northern parts of Kwazulu Natal. This place was called Nkandla. Her parents worked in the municipality offices as municipal administrators. She was from a middle class income family but had managed to be funded for her university degree and now her honours degree in psychology. She was going to be the first in her family to have more than a diploma, but an actual degree. She smiled and checked her makeup, then picked up her luggage and moved slowly through the crowds of young men and women making their way to their dorms. She picked up her cell phone and looked to check if she had received any messages from her friends. Not all of them had made it to honors. Some could not afford, and some didn't receive the funding and some didn't have sufficient marks to make it through. But it didn't worry her. She was there to carry on with those that carried on.

She walked towards her dorm, and she eventually found it. She would be sharing again, which is OK. It's what her funding could only allow and she would be eating on campus, so her parents didn't have to spend much on anything. When she walked through the dorm, she found her dorm mate already there, sitting calmly on the bed. They had two single beds, shared a little kitchenette, and each side of each bed had a small study table and lamp. They had to use the communal showers and toilets, but otherwise each had their own little space within that bigger space.

"Hi, I'm Thandi Zulu, honors student in psychology." She introduced herself. "Oh, hi, I am Babangiwe Malithandwe Madi Sibiya, honours student in education. It is nice to meet you." The other girl responded. " Nice to meet you too", Thandi said. "OK, let me let you unpack. I have to go and get my registration paperwork. I will see you later, Thandi". "OK. I'll see you later. Can I have your number?" Thandi asked. "So that we can communicate to check up on each other and maybe we can meet later for for supper in the main hall?" she continued after a brief sigh. " Oh yes," says Babangiwe. "That would be great. OK, here is my number". They quickly exchanged numbers and she hurried off in her way while Thandi was left to unpack, and then she herself was to make her way through the bustle of the university to get her registration details from the administration department.

 The University of Kwazulu Natal, also known as UKZN, is a home to various student organisations such as debating unions, film clubs, poetry societies and sports teams. They have a very good rugby team that competes locally and internationally. They have a Creative Arts Centre which is a multi disciplinary arts organization based in the School of Arts, IT. It provides students with respected annual festivals, access to creative platforms and other interesting opportunities aimed at developing their artistic talents. The main ones being Time of the Writer, Durban International Film Festival, Contemporary Dance Experience and Poetry Africa You KZN was ranked fourth out of the universities in South Africa by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and 6th by the QS World University Rankings. UKZN has historically held a very strong reputation in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and mathematics and it runs first in the country for Physical Sciences and Engineering, 2nd for Computer Science and 3rd for Mathematics. The university has also produced a number of entrepreneurs and innovators. So this is a world ranking university in terms of education and life experiences. It was formed by the merger of the University of Natal and University of Durban Westville in 2004. The historical grounds of the university boast of architectural monuments and historical buildings that were built to last forever by the British. These huge buildings are are a symbol of the nature of the history that surrounds this university. The university also has a public restaurant area and a bar right in the centre of the university, so that the young students do not have to trevel out of the university in search of entertainment and cultural experiences. It can all be found within the walls of this huge university.

Jin made his way to the library after collecting his information package and registration information and his timetable from the administration department. He was determined to be there first and to be able to find all the journals and the books that he will need for extra learning during the year, as they will all be booked out by the time the first week of the calendar has started on campus. He checked Into the library and surfed through the books. He loved doing this as reading and research was his best subject and this semester he really wanted it to be his top subject so he can make it to the master's level. At the same time, across campus, Thandi Zulu was making her way from the administration department after also collecting her itinerary for the year. She also decided she needed to go start with her research paper early and go check on the journals that she can find and do her research. Her friends were not here on campus so she could call them later and plan to meet up for a drink after dinner. Since she had already booked her new roommate for dinner in the main hall and they didn't know her, so she could hang out with them after the dinner and introduce them.

Jin found a corner, a little space at the end of the library where the big window gave him a spectacular view of the gardens of the library. The beautiful green grass and trees with the autumn colors of orange, green, and yellow, and leaves flying while old friends greeted each other after the long holiday, with hugs and kisses, and couples held hands or sat on the grass for a picnic. He smiled and his pink lips went into a small smirk at the thought of one day he will be able to enjoy this view with his special one. He blushed at the thought, with his pale skin turning slightly pink.

Thandi walked into the library and knew exactly where to go to look for what she needed for her research. She went straight for the journal fof mental health so that she could choose her topic for her research. She took the journal and looked for a spot where it would be quiet with no distractions right at the end of the library. She saw a young man sitting alone at the last table facing a large window which was facing the gardens. She decided she would take the spot. As she sat down, she noticed that he was very good looking. He seemed a bit taller than her and Chinese, and Chinese men are not very tall. She thought to herself, and he was not wearing glasses, and she smiled at the thought as she was used to Chinese men in glasses. He had a very pale skin and was deep in concentration with his pink lips perked. She sat down across from him as he lifted his head, looked at her, and said hello in a whisper. He noticed her shiny black skin with just a little bit of makeup, a little mascara, a little lip color, and a perfectly glossy face that was very dark. Her lean body showed that she was quite athletic and strong in her plain white t-shirts, tight denim jeans, and sneakers. Her hair was in braids that had colorful beads in them. She looked stunning, like a little African princess.

Jin and Thandi sat together for two hours, reading and taking notes, and at about the same time, they both stopped, deciding it was almost time for the library to close and for they themselves to get out and get ready for supper. Thandi quickly took out her phone and sent a text message to her roommate to meet her at the hall in an hour. It was almost five o'clock, and six o'clock would be a good time to have supper. As they both stood up at the same time, they looked at each other and both smiled at each other and nodded. Thandi walked out first, with Jin following closely behind her. Thandi turned around as they walked and said, "hello, my name is Thandi, I am a psychology honors student. I just came to book my journal for the year so I can start with my research." " Oh wow!" Jin exclaimed. "I am also booking my journal for my research for the year, but I am a chemical engineer student and I really want to get into the master's program". Thandi smiled and said," yeah, me too. Actually, I have to because I cannot be a psychologist without a master's degree. So I have to get in. I have to do that. It was good to meet you. My friends are not here yet, so I am kind of like meeting my new roommate, getting to know each other over supper. If you don't have any other plans with anybody, you can join us." " Oh, thank you. Actually, I don't have any other plans. I would love to" Jin said. "Okay." Thandi responded and then they were quietly walking together. There was a feeling of curiosity and shyness between them. " Are you originally from here? You sound like you have an accent". Thandi asked just to start communication. "No, I am not. I only started living here in Durban, in South Africa actually, moving from China after I was accepted at the university. My whole family has moved with me. I live in Durban North." Jin responded excitedly. "Oh, wow. I am from Nkandla, but I am staying in res. So, yeah, maybe once in a while we could hook up and just study together." She replied. Jim smelled shyly and said, "yeah, I like making new friends."

Jin and Thandi walked silently together, side by side, into the cafeteria and ordered their dinner. They both had a plate of mash potatoes , roast chicken and green peas with a side dish of custard and jelly and a cup of rooibos tea. Thandi looked around to see where her roommate was sitting and quickly spotted her in a corner, sitting by herself. She quickly nudged Jean and pointed to her friend and they together started walking towards the table.

They approached the table and sat down on either side, facing each other. "Finally, you made it." Babangiwe exclaimed. " Sorry, I am late. I was just making sure my library books are booked for the year." Thandi responded. " This is Jin Chi I met in the library, Jin this is Babangiwe Malithandwe Madi Sibiya, my room mate and an honours in education student. Jin is doing his honours in chemical engineering." Babangiwe looked at their plates and giggled, "so you too love English food. I am a big girl, I can't eat that little" she smirked. Babangiwe was a bit bigger and sturdier than Thandi. They sat and chatted about campus life in the previous year for a while , until they each had finished eating.

"Please call me Madi" Babangiwe said. "It's much easier than having to remember that long name of mine, just Madi. And you can't call me Thandi neither, because then Thandi and Thandi will be confusing. Some people like to call me Thandi, because that's the middle abbreviation of my name. Malithandiwe, see, Thandi." Both Jin and Thandi laughed and nodded simultaneously. "OK, Madi" Thandi responded with a giggle, " I guess we can call this a night? You want to go to the bar for a drink?" She further asked. "Oh yes. " reponded Madi. "And you, Jin?" , Thandi asked. " Oh yes, but only just one. I still have to drive home, you know. But at least it's still autumn and it's not very dark yet. All right then, let's take a walk." Jin said. All three of them made their way to the bar and they each ordered one glass of wine before saying their goodnights, after a little chat about campus life and culture, Jin invited them for dinner at his family restaurant. His parents will be surprised he invited campus friends over, it would be the first in 3 years. "Good night then, see you tomorrow," Jin said. "Jin, man I please have your number? I almost forgot. So that you can send ur directions to me?" Thandi asked, "oh yes," Jin responded, "I almost forgot. Phew, that was going to be a hassle to have to find you again. OK, and we can talk later when you get to your dorm and everything." " Oh, thank you, OK. Here's my number, 082-761-3421" Thandi gave him her number. . Jin dialed the number into his phone and Thandi's phone rang. And then they both saved each other's numbers on their phones. Madi also saved Jin's number but did not give hers to Jin. At that moment, Jin walked towards the car park and prepared to drive home to his family while Thandi and Mali walked to their room together. On getting to their dorm room, they each just changed into pyjamas, switched on the TV and decided to just watch the news channel before they both fell asleep. When Jin got home, he sent directions to his family restaurant to Thandi and the location, letting her know he will send an uber at 5pm, and he will Uber her back to the university before 10pm the next night. As they fell asleep, they both thought about what a coincidence it was meeting each other like this and were curious about each other's lives and how this friendship would materialize.