
The Charming Mage is a K-Pop Idol!

Kim Min Soo is the most popular K-pop Idol in the Mystica boyband group. However, behind his perfect facade as an idol; the young man suffers a hair-pulling disorder due to his stress and depression as a public figure. One day, he had a dream of an unknown handsome man with a charming face, his navy eyes are as blue as the ocean. Min Soo's curiosity is piqued, the appearance of the dashing man in a strange magical world in his dream certainly surprises him. Even though, the man had a successful debut he had a problem with his overworking habit. The man fainted after over-exhausted himself in a studio. He was rushed into the hospital, but then strange things happen when he passed out. The next thing he knew, the K-pop Idol is transported to an unknown magical world in his dream!?

Josev_Quadra · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
184 Chs

Diary 6: David King

Min Soo is surrounded by unknown men, as they praise his arrival at the scene. The blonde man David, shakes his hand as if Min Soo did something courageous. He's still in his hospital robe, almost naked. Seeing how the crowd's eyes latched on his exposed body, Min Soo tries his best to cover himself.

The blonde-haired gentleman is kind enough to lend his coat to Min Soo who then skives away his hands as he put on the coat. He runs through the crowds, the Idol then arrives on a cliff, thankfully he stopped on his tracks, otherwise, he would fall to his death.

Ignoring what the gentleman is saying Min Soo could only ponder about the sight he sees.

He no longer sees the city lights nor the metropolitan city before him, now it's just nothing more than a land of greenery before him. Large trees, fresh grasses, and roaming small animals such as rabbits govern the land. Not only that not quite far away from his place seems to be a village of some sort, surrounded by bridges.

David taps Min Soo's shoulder who seems to be impressed and yet also horrified with the sight of an unknown land. His career fate is unknown and now he stumbles in a new world that is foreign to him.

David notices his anxiety and confusion, the man decides to offer him shelter in his place, Min Soo still notices the lewd gazes some old geezers give him.

Min Soo had no choice but to accept the blonde-haired man's offer, David safeguards the insecure Min Soo from behind as his deep blue eyes glazed sharply on the geezers who squinted their eyes at the Idol.

"Clean the mess, gather the horses" David orders his maids.

His eyes are cold and his face is expressionless, the kind of man that Min Soo is afraid of since they're hard to read.

"Yes, sir David" the maids who were summoned nods.

The crowds in front of the horse shed dispersed, something seems to happen here but not even Min Soo knows about what happened. The maids and butlers send the crowds away from the destroyed horse shed, the blonde-haired man leads him to an unknown mansion next to the horse sheds.

As soon as Min Soo steps inside the mansion, a distinct bear statue is displayed the moment he enters the living room. The large bear statue made the idol wonder about the price, it seems to be well-made despite the strange design.

David then shows him around his house, he tells Min Soo to relax since the Korean man has been feeling on edge lately.

Min Soo enters a chamber, a bed-chamber to be more precise. The navy-colored blanket and pillows attract the K-pop Idol's attention. Seeing the bed can only mean one thing, he's scared of knowing what will happen next. His expression turns grim as he remembers the time he spent with Tae Min in a love hotel.

Min Soo's negative mind strikes once more, he's thinking of useless stuff that might not even occur.

"Here" David throws him a piece of clothing.

It appears to be a khaki shirt with a long black trouser, the puzzled Idol thanks him as he hurriedly put on the clothes. David shifts his eyes away from Min Soo who is in the middle of changing. After he finishes putting on the shirt David gave him, the Idol notice how much he loses some weight.

He was quite well-build back then, but now he lost some weight due to stress. The trouser he puts on is also loose. David lends him his belt as soon as the man notice how loose his trouser is. Min Soo bows his head deeply, thanking the mysterious handsome man that helps him in his confusion.

Considering the mansion he's in, likely, he's no longer in Seoul. It smells like the European mansion model. Not to mention David's body just screams the word foreigners, perhaps Westerners would be the perfect fit. As Korean men, some of them lack in the height department.

Min Soo can't help but envy David's good looks and his tall stature, plus his fit body. David then tells the Idol to follow him behind. The navy-eyed man sits on the sofa near the bear statue, Min Soo sits across him still puzzled of course. David smiles as he looks at Min Soo, his cold expression from before turn warm in a blink of an eye.

"I'm thankful for your arrival, although I don't understand where do you come from" David smiles. "You fell on my horse shed from the sky like a meteor".

His explanation sounds like it comes out from a storybook, Min Soo is also quite baffled why he's able to understand the man's language even though he's Korean. Lots of things don't make any sense for him.

David explained the earlier situation before Min Soo arrives, the man said that he was almost attacked by an assailant when suddenly a person crashed down next to the assailant, distracting him. He was in the middle of promoting his new business and suddenly the assailant was about to strike him.

"Are you unharmed?" Min Soo asks out of the blue.

David widens his eyes at his question, then all of the sudden he chuckles lightly as the man focuses his deep blue eyes on Min Soo bronze ones.

"You should be asking yourself for that, stranger" he chuckles lightly. "You fell from the sky and you're unharmed".

Now that he mentions it, the man was right about him being unharmed when he fell. He made a scene in front of lots of people, possibly embarrassed himself in a hospital robe. His face reddens when he remembers their lecherous and puzzled gazes on him. If Min Soo remembers correctly, there are lots of men and people around him when he arrives.

David admits that his arrival was out of nowhere, surely the Idol arrival shocks everyone around him. Min Soo covers his face in embarrassment, David lets out a small smile when he sees Min Soo's shy expression. The blonde-haired man then leans closer to Min Soo who is still embarrassed.

"So tell me where do you come from? Pardon for my rudeness, I haven't ask your name" David smiles bitterly.

"Kim Min Soo, from Seoul" the idol replies nervously. "Call me Min Soo".

"What a strange name, and a strange country indeed" David widens his eyes. "It is as if you're not from here".

David is probably right, Kim Min Soo is indeed not from this world. Kim Min Soo explains his situation and the fact that he was in a hospital before ending up in this foreign world. His fate changes because he encountered a beautiful purple butterfly.

David was quite surprised when he listened to Min Soo tales, he sharpened his brows when Min Soo describes the butterfly.

"That butterfly must be" he trails off. "Hmm, it is possible that you encountered a divine being".

Min Soo raises his brows when the man speaks of a divine being, still, it's none of his concern. The Idol wants to return to his previous world, his career is at stake now that he's stranded in an unknown world. He glances at David silently, thinking that the man might provide him with a way out.

However, his foreign statures make him feel self-conscious of himself. David glances at Min Soo, seeing how he's puzzled with his ordeal. Moreover, Min Soo seems to be exhausted more than hyped about the fact he's transported to another realm. David suggests him to take a break in his spare room.

Min Soo is suspicious but his fatigue can't lie, the man needs plenty of rest. Especially, now that he mentions landing on his horse shed and destroyed it to smithereens. His butt feels rather sore now that David says it, and he's quite exhausted. The blonde-haired man prepares a spare room for him.

He said it was his thanks for Min Soo, even though even the idol doesn't feel that useful enough to be considered as his savior. However, considering that he doesn't even have the energy to object, he decides to follow his advice nevertheless. The blonde-haired man walks in front of him with a confident step.

Wearing a black shirt, his wide back somehow mesmerizes the Idol behinds him. On the second floor, there's a spare room at the end of the corridor. Inside the room is a single-sized light blue bed with a wardrobe.

There doesn't seem to be a bathroom in the room, so the man advises Min Soo to use the outer bathroom on the second floor. Compare to Min Soo's condominium, the bedroom he stays in now is smaller and yet it feels so homey for the exhausted Idol. Min Soo bows his head as he looks at the bed, wanting to sleep as soon as he can.

Min Soo sits on the bed and strangely enough, it's not as hard as he thought. Rather it's more comfortable than he thought.

"I hope the bed is okay with you" David shows his charming smile, but somehow it doesn't feel like it's a sincere one. "Think of this as my thanks, I'll show you around the country tomorrow".

"Country?" Min Soo raises his brow.