
THE CHANGES (temporary title)

I don't know what kind of synopsis this one will have but the plot will have fantasy-like characters, such as system and monsters. It's best to read it....

Raven_LIV8 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


Inside a very modern house. Three people sat in a very modern living room.

Alisha was silent as her face unreadable. Elena was casually sipping her tea. While the girl from the Whyte family was fidgeting. The two can see that she is very nervous. So Alisha decided that it's time to talk.

Leaning a bit forward. Her elbow placed on her knees. Palm under her chin. Alisha looked at the girl. Spoke softly; " What is it that you need help with? "

The girl was shocked at hearing Alisha's voice. Rumors were that she became a cold, evil person after the accident. But she was skeptical. Sure, the person just lost her parents. Who wouldn't be cold towards others. Maybe she just needed space? Have they ever thought of that? Of course not. People were- are judgemental. They believe what their own selfish beliefs are. That is what makes Humans sometimes worse than the devil itself. Getting out of her shock state. She spoke with resolute;

" I need your help regarding my brother "

She pursed her lips and continued; " As you know, the announcement that happened yesterday caused chaos among governments and companies. Things escalated. They started hurting each other. My brother was caught in between. He was defending an innocent child. Because of it he was gravely injured- "

" And how does that relate to us? "

She was interrupted by Elena whose voice was cold making her flinch. Alisha who noticed Elena's behaviour, frowned.

With a sigh, she raised her hand and stopped Elena from saying more unecessary words. Elena humped and slumped back to the couch and looked away. Alisha looked at the girl and spoke; " Although Elena's words are harsh but she is right, what does it have to do with us? " in a more gentle tone. So as to not scare the girl anymore.

The girl took a deep breath; " The bear " and muttered. But the two heard it. Both had wide eyes. Elena who who was looking away. Abruptly turned to look at the girl. She was shock. Heck, even Alisha was shocked. They thought everyone evacuated at that time. Must be too focused on the fight they did not notice one person watching them. Smart as they are. They did not think of such possibilities. Slipping on their minds.

Alisha and Elena looked at each other. Then at the girl. Elena was the first one to talk;

" Was it just you? "

The girl, though confused by the question. Still nodded in fear of getting shouted again. Elena's voice last time scared her deep.

Elena sighed. Holding her forehead and rubbing it with her fingers. Alisha can tell that she's in stress. Alisha again looked at the girl and spoke in a firm tone; " Did you tell anyone what you've seen? "

The girl shakes her head. Surprised at the change of tone. She wondered why it was bad that others know. Well, she was shock at first. A person confronting a scary evil looking bear. She can tell it was not a normal bear. Getting punched back into a wall, creating cracks on it too. Then comes out fine and punching a hole to the bear's stomach. Who would believe her? But now that she thinks about it. Considering the announcement and the government panicking. Then it must be real. So others will consider that possibility. And when they find out. Experiments. The girl pales at the realisation. Now she knows why it's bad.

Alisha and Elena who sees her face became paler. Nodded. Now that she knows the consequences. They must ensure that no one else must know. Alisha stood up followed by Elena.

" We'll have to go inform Uncle and Aunt "

Elena nodded and went upstairs to prepare what they need. They probably won't be here for a while.

Alisha looked at the girl who wore a confused look.

" You'll be coming with us "

The girl stood up at the words and exclaimed; " But what about my brother?! "

Alisha looked at her through the eyes and said; " We will save him. For now, you come with us "

The girl looked down. She knows that she can trust her words. There were no lies to it. But still. Clenching her hands to the point her nails scratched her palm. If she wants to save her brother, then she has no choice but follow. Taking a deep breath. She looked at Alisha in the eyes. " Alright, I'll follow " and said in firm tone.

Alisha who sees the determination of the girl, smiles. Then motioned for her to follow. Arriving st the front door. There they see Elena standing with bags full of things they need. Elena sees them coming. Waves the phone in her hand, then says; " Already called them "

Alisha nodded towards her and went to the car. Their next destination; The House of Pendragon Family.

The ride was quiet. No one uttered a word. Arriving at the destination. A butler came from the door and bowed.

" Welcome back My Lady "

" Richard, Hello. Father and Mother? "

" They are waiting at the living room "

" Alright "

Elena went front and led the way. Alisha did a small nod to Richard, who in return smiled warmly. He may not often see the Young Miss of the Nightingale Family. But he knows that she is the reason her Lady is cheerful in personality. Thus having Alisha welcomed warmly.

In the living room. Five people sat in silence. At some point, Richard came with a tray full of treats as well as tea. Bowing, he left as soon as he finished. Alisha decided to eat some treats as it's been a while since she's eaten the food the Pendragon Family gives. She must say though, it is delicious as always. Four people stared at her as she ate. Elena smiled warmly at her. While the other three just watched the scene unfold. It was quite amusing. Seeing the heiress of the Nightingale moves out of character.


" So, I assume this visit is for something you need? "

The head or father of Elena, Arthur said.

Hearing her father. Elena nodded and motioned for Alisha to talk.

" We are currently in need of some resource "

Her speech was very blunt making everyone sweatdropped.

" What kind of resource do you need? "

The mother or Felicia says. Wondering what happened as to why Alisha said it so bluntly.

The Pendragon family has known Alisha longer than she was born. So they knew of her way of talking. The way how she speaks politely means that she is in need of something. Her bluntness to either irritate someone or provoke them. That is what others also thinks. But right now, with the things happening on the background. They knew that it was something urgent.

The others silently watched her as she sipped her tea. Not long before she spoke again.

" Preferebly safety ones "

One would not think too hard at her words. For they all knew what she was talking about.

Elena abruptly stood up and exclaimed at her;

" You want to go to the dungeon?! "

She shook Alisha's shoulder as worry washes over her; " Are you crazy?! We don't even know what's inside that place! "

" We do- well I do "

Alisha says after getting out of Elena's grasp. Elena looked at her confused. Making Alisha chuckle at her expression.

Taking Elena's hands into hers. She spike softly; " Do not worry about me being in danger. I promise you nothing will happen to me "

Elena was still skeptical. She hesitantly agreed. She knew that once Alisha promises she would never break them. With a defeated sigh she sat back down and silently listened to their conversation.