
The Champion of Gaia

A peaceful, yet unhappy life was lived by an ordinary guy, who worked at zoo. Even though he loved animals wholeheartedly, they became the cause of his sudden death, after which he got reincarnated into the world of magic, where he tries his best, to become the greatest wizard of all. *** Sounds pretty basic eh? Well let me tell you then, it will be more than good, and just as the main protagonist, I'll try my best to make this story into something great! (I won't die tho) I wish you a good reading and have fun!

KSt · Fantasi
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8 Chs

5. Alone once again

All of them kept silent, motionless.

Wide open eyes of Alexander and Olivia were staring at Byron, and Byron stared back at them. His heart sped up, and he could hear in his head every beat it made. His hand, a bloody and ragged fist from furious blows, shivered, as well as his legs, when slowly he started to realise what have he done. His mouth opened slightly, but his throat was clenched so tight, that he barely could give any sound.

Byron managed to force a confused and uncertain mutter, he wanted to apologize, but as soon as anything close to words came out of his mouth, Alexander frowned, first revealing his teeth in anger, and then breaking down that awkward silence with his clearly enraged voice, yet unsettlingly calm.

"Go. Away." said the angelic boy warningly, hugging hurt Olivia to his chest and comforting her, but Byron wouldn't listen. He was too confused, too scared and too shocked to understand his warning. He lifted his arm and took a step closer to them, again opening his mouth. "But I... I didn't..." stuttered, when two tears fell down his cheecks, he really wanted to apologize, but Alexander gave him only one warning, and he ignored it.

Now his temper was drastically short, and that one ignored warning was enough to set his mind on fire. His face got an even angrier expression than before, and some blood was spilled out of his small wounds, just like if he had squeezed them.

"I said go away!" shouted Alexander, when his eyes glew with golden light and a warm, pleasant aura surrounded him.

That same feeling touched Byron's chest, he felt warm, then stopped moving, then felt a choking pain in his chest and flew few meters back, and it all happened in a split second. In front of Alexander was the cause of his sudded pain - a golden hand, much bigger than the one he used earlier, for then it was the size of Alexander's hand, and now, almost as big as Byron's torso. It was clear, with no transparency, solid, and floating over ground calmly, like if it was waiting for his order.

Alexander was observing that floating golden hand, speechless and with disbelief, while Byron was lying on ground, trying to catch a breath.

Once again, unbearable silence surrounded them, and once again, it was broken by a shout, however this time it belonged neither to Alexander, nor Olivia or Byron. It was someone from the crowd, who saw what blonde boy summoned and shouted with excitement.

"Look! Our young prodigy awakened something!"

He didn't gave too many details, but that was enough for everyone to gather in a big circle around Alexander and admire his skill. They didn't care about boys fighting just a moment ago, and now Alexander with eyes still glowing in gold was the center of attention.

Byron was ignored by everyone and left on the ground. He was looking his friend straight in the eyes, and vice versa, until the moment when crowd cut out their sight of each other. With a grim face he slowly stood up, swaying on his feet, holding one hand on still hurting chest. Byron left celebration with head full of sadness and anger, blaming himself for everything that just happened, knowing that because of his jealousy his last friendship was destroyed.

Since that day Byron came back to his loneliness, spending every day at learning and training. His sorrow was too overwhelming for his tired heart, which day after day caused him to lose more and more motivation. What was the point of learning arcane magic after all? He was far behind his peers in wizardry, actually even more than far behind - his wizardry was nonexistent. The only thing Byron obtained by learning it, was the ability to lose friends.


Byron's parents were grieving seeing their son in such pain and loneliness. Remembering how interested he always was in nature and happy while having contact with animals, they got the idea to give him some rest at a bivouac. After all his exams were close, and he was nowhere near the state to pass any exam, let alone one that is so hard for him.

Without asking him, they packed some food, tent and tools, changed their clothes and jumped inside his room early at morning, with smiles on their faces.

A hoarse, cheerful voice echoed loudly, waking up Byron, and probably some nearby birds.

"Wake up young man! We're setting off on a manly adventure! Hahah"

"Manly? Have you forgot that I'm going too?" added a kind, soothing voice of his mother.

Seeing his parents so cheered in front of him, he smiled, then with no objections raised his tired body from bed and directed it to his closet, looking for clothes and listening to his parents and their cheerful in its own way discussion.

Aaaaaaand with this chapter, the story of Byron exceeds 4k words, which means that now qualifies to be rated and gifted and stuff.

So I'm asking you all my dear readers, review, comment, rate, and help me grow in any way you want.

Let's take this story to a high place together!

KStcreators' thoughts