
The CEO System

I'm a new writer and have been reading novels and comics for a long long long time. So I decided to try my hand in writing one a Cliche system novel.

LovesSystemNovels · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


Daniel started running with all his might looking back they were right on his tail.

As Daniel was running he thought he could lose them in an alleyway.

The moment he turned the alleyway it was a dead end as he turned around, the three thugs faced him as they walked towards him, they pulled out weapons like knives.

He thought he was a goner for sure, but then he heard,


[ System: Host is in danger, special requirement for early access to the system met do you accept?]


Daniel quickly thought "Yes".


[Host has excepted requirements starter packs can be selected]

[Host can select one of the accumulated starter packs]

[Beginner starter pack]

[Summon starter pack]

[Skill starter pack]

[Weapon starter pack]

[Armor starter pack]

As Daniel looked at the starter packs he thought Beginner pack probably won't help me in this situation not knowing what it is, summon could help but he wanted to check the others first to make sure he doesn't miss anything, skill "hmm" maybe not what if I get something useless like farming, and what's the point of a weapon if I don't know how to use it, and armor oh the armor for all I know I could get iron boots what am I gonna do kick them to death.

"System I choose Summon starter pack" Daniel said to the system.


[Host has received a rank 3 bodyguard]

[Does host except?]


"Yes," Daniel thought.

[Would the host like to summon?]

"Yes," Daniel screamed in his head.

After confirming a weird thick mist stood in between the three thugs and Daniel.

As the mist slowly dispersed a tall man about 6" ft 3" in a black suit, a gun strapped to his waist, an earpiece, and cool looking glasses.

The three thugs upon seeing this were confused and looked at each other not knowing what to do they charged at the bodyguard.

As they charged Daniel, still a bit astonished at what he had just witnessed came back to his senses at the sight of the thugs charging, he ordered the guard to disarm and detain them.

After knocking them out he left them there since there's no need to interrogate them because he already knows Leslie's thugs.

Daniel wanting to learn more about the system and finds a hotel and rents it for 2 days.

As he's thinking about the system he's about to ask, the system interrupts him as if reading his mind.


[System would like to introduce to host what the system is, does host except?]


Daniel clicked yes on the panel in front of him.

[Host has excepted introduction of the system]

[Introduction to host initializing]

[Introduction now starting]

[The system is The CEO system to be precise, I'm here to help you get to the peak of life in the money world, black market, underground, and the underworld and all places that give you extreme power but let's start small first]

[System has system points or sp and Exp, with sp you can get things like the beginner packs, intermediate packs, advanced packs version of the starter packs, Exp can upgrade system, 10,000 Exp can transfer to 100 sp, Exp can most importantly upgrade skills, weapons, armor, and stats]

"Stats what's that?" asked Daniel

[Responding to host, just say status]

Status? Daniel said confusedly

As Daniel said, the status of a small screen the size of a computer screen showing.

[Daniel Archer]

[Age: 14]

[Sex: Male]

[Level: 0]

[Exp 0/100]


Strength: 5

(Strength above the average male adult result of system/summons makes you stronger)

Stamina: 4

(Stamina better than the average male)

Agility: 3

(Agility normal for the average male)

Intelligence: 4

(Pretty smart kid)

Wisdom: 3

(Not bad but average)

Charm: 2

(System can help host have better charm)

[Status: healthy]

[Skills: None]

[sp: none]

"Level 0 how do I level up then" Daniel asked the system

[Responding to host, Exp can level host up]

How do I get Exp?

[Host has many ways to get Exp]

[First is to complete missions say, open missions got to go to missions]

"Open mission"

[Host is not high enough level mission status locked]

"Then how do I get Exp"

[Host can buy Exp with money with 100 dollars for 100 Exp does host wish to transfer]


"Sigh" yes" Daniel said

[Host now level 1]

[Host unlocked missions and System shop]

"System shop"? Daniel opened the system shop and checked it out

"So this is where I buy packs" he thought to himself

"Open Mission status"

[Mission status]

[Mission complete]

(defeat the thugs following you)

[Reward 10 Exp, do you accept the reward?]



Daniel: Hey system

System: Yes host

Daniel: What's with the rankings like with my summon bodyguard

System: It's the ranking of strength for more information you need to upgrade system

Daniel: Hey system

System: Yes host

Daniel: Does the bodyguard have a name the bodyguard it's getting annoying calling him bodyguard

System: You can name your summons

Daniel: Hey system

System: Yes host

Daniel: Can I name you

[If hosts chooses to]

"How about Luhan"


[Host has successfully named system Luhan]


[Hidden mission: Name the system]

(completed accept reward)



[received 1 sp, 10 exp, intermediate skill pack]

"System I would like to name my bodyguard Chief"

[Successfully named summon]

"System open skill pack"

[skill pack successfully opened]

[would host like to receive skill]


"Isn't obvious yes"


[Host have received the skill to command or talk to summons through their mind]

"Wait, I can talk to summons?"

[Update the system for further access to information, information is currently restricted from host]

" Sigh" It's nothing but upgrade this and upgrade that with you. Why do you want to upgrade so badly?"


"No answer huh let me guess update system for further information right"


"Thought so"

"Well at least now I know there's no chance of me getting the farming skill since you're a CEO system,... right?"

[Negative, the chance of getting farming skills is still possible. You could buy a small village full of farmers and have the system but the skill in a book for you to give to the farmers for better quality material but that's for a later time host right now just focus on getting a company up and running.]


[Hidden mission activated: Defeat The Assassins]

"Chief get ready" Daniel urgently ordered through his new skill.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

would help a lot thx it pretty exhausting for us first-timers

LovesSystemNovelscreators' thoughts