
The CEO System

I'm a new writer and have been reading novels and comics for a long long long time. So I decided to try my hand in writing one a Cliche system novel.

LovesSystemNovels · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Auction House


[Hidden mission activated: Defeat The Assassins]

"Chief get ready" Daniel urgently ordered through his new skill.

Chief taking his order took two knives out.

Daniel was shocked as he didn't notice the knives behind his back, where two sheaths resided that are attached to his back in a crossed position for easy access.


Snapping Daniel out of his shock he saw the three assassins break through the window

"Chief give me your gun" Daniel ordered.

"Chief you take the two one the right I got the one on the left"

As Chief ran at the two on the right the one on the left ran at Chief, but Daniel shot in-between the assassin and Chief drawing his attention towards Daniel. As the assassin ran at daniel he started firing at the assassin.

Daniel's first shot had missed but the second shot hit the assassin right in the knee making him trip and fo flying into the wall knocking the assassin unconscious.

'Meanwhile' Chief ran at the two assassins. When the one assassins lifted his long knife and swung it downwards towards Chief, Chief had used his knife to block the assassin that was to his left, while the one to his right tried to kick him in his rib cage.


Daniel shot the assassin that was about to kick Chief

When Daniel had shot the assassin it had punctured his lungs which had killed the assassin by drowning him in his blood slowly.

While the assassin had drowned in his blood Cheif had an opportunity to attack the other assassin and pushed his knife overpowering the assassin make him lose his footing, as the assassin fell backward Chief had already swung his knife and it had slit the assassin's throat.


[Host has completed the hidden mission: defeat the assassins]

[Would host like to redeem the reward for completing the mission]

Yes, Let's see what I got, said Daniel

12 sp, 500 exp, and 1 uncommon spin gained

"An uncommon spin? Use it on the skill's, system"

"What argh"

A loud screech could be heard it was giving off mass amounts of pressure that he could barely withstand.

[Error code 1101001001101]


[system incomplete can not continue]

[System protocol 3485 early access to the system, therefore, the system was not complete outdated system does not compute with current world system reboot commencing]

[System updating]-----------[Complete]

[System scanning present world]-----------[Complete]

[System scan of host capabilities]---------[Complete]

[Scanning systems current data]-----------[Complete]

[Systems scan complete assessing the current situation]----------[Complete]

[Sytem reboot complete]

'What the hell was that" Thought Daniel right before he passed out. After waking up he felt extreme pain throughout his body as if he had just been through a hard workout.

[Ding System notification]

After getting up he realized he was drenched in sweat, he got up and went into the bathroom he ignored the notification for now, but what he saw in the mirror puzzled him.

"HUUUUUUUUH w-what the hell this body is fucking handsome I got lucky in my past life I was ugly with dirty brown hair, but now I have beautiful white hair and fierce golden eyes damn someone up there must really like me, any girl would be jealous of my hair, and the previous owner could have easily gotten any girl"

"Well I can admire my face later I need a shower now" A few minutes later

"Phew what a nice shower now let's check what that notification was"

"Knock Knock"

"Who would come at this time" 'As I look around I can't find Chief anywhere he's gone what the hell when I need you, you disappear on me wait was he even here when I woke up' "Shit" 'I say as I walk towards the door and contemplate whether to run or open the door'

'I decided to look through the peephole first'

"Good thing they have one" 'I look through and ITS CHEIF'


"Chief: sorry master I went out to get food for you"

"It's fine, Wait what the fuck its not fine what did you say"

"Chief: I went out to get food for you master I'm sorry for leaving without permission please punish this lowly subordinate"

'WHAAAAAAAT THE FUCK, he couldn't speak before only nodding and taking orders he never even moved without being told to now he's practically a person what the hell happened"


Luhan: "The system has updated it used to be super out of date now things are fixed like summons, the system, the shop all of it"

"Fuck" "Status"

[Daniel Archer]

[Age: 14]

[Sex: Male]

[Level: 1]

[Exp 75/150]

[stats: 2(A normals persons stats are 10) ]






[Status: Healthy]

[Skills: None^]

[Money points: ]

[System Shop]

[System Gacha=cost 1000 money points for 1 spin]

"What the a gacha that's new and the stats changed a bunch and whats with money points"

Luhan: Money points are the systems point system or mechanism it's system currency you use to buy stuff from the system shop.

"Open System Shop" 'looking at the shop there are all kinds of things I can but like weapons, auras, cultivation methods, all kinds of things but no summons"

Luhan: "You can get the summons through the gacha"

Cheif: . . .

Chief: "Cough" "Master the assassins had this on them" 'chief hands Daniel two papers the first one was a V.I.P pass to an auction house and the second one was transfer papers to 4% of one of the biggest Bussiness in the U.S. (Ulysses Saksam)'

Chief: "The second one seems to have been the reason the assassins came here I found it in the floor while your were passed out as well as 2.2 million U.S.D"

Daniel: "Perfect timing should be enough for the auction

[Ding do you want to exchange money for money points]



Luhan: "How much would you like to exchange"

"Let's just exchange 1 mill for now"

[Ding you now have 100,000 money points]

"I would like to spin, please Luhan"

[After about 10 spins I've only got 5x water bottle, 1x kitchen knife, 1x beef jerky, 1x special necklace, 1x dirt, 1x skill eyes of truth]

'The spinning rate is trash, after ten spins I only got two things worth looking at whatever I'm tired I'll look at them tomorrow' "Chief for now we should just sleep"

Chief: "Yes master"

'Finally, I can relax what a day I say as I slowly fade to sleep thinking about the day'

By the way, readers when I do this ' Input sentence' it means he's thinking it in his head when it's this "Input sentence" he's talking out loud.

Eh hehe hey guys soo don't hate me but I obviously won't be able to do 1 chapter a day but I can at least now put some chapters in ill try to make up for all the missed chapters don't hate me sorry, also I have created a discord for my novel enjoy.


LovesSystemNovelscreators' thoughts