
Chapter three

(Cassandra's POV)

It's a beautiful exciting day, or well it would have been if I didn't have to attend this Spanish class.

It's like the woman was hired just to bore us to death. I mean half of the class was asleep and half of the other half weren't even trying to pay attention as they chatted among themselves or typed away on their phones.

The remainder of us doesn't want the introvertive teacher to feel useless so we keep nodding to everything she says.

Two girls seemed interested though, well good for them I guess.

The bell finally rings and I pack up my books and rush out of the class along with the other fleeing students.

"Loving Spanish class, eh Jonas?," Stephen, a regular classmate of mine says and I chuckled a little. "Absolutely," I answer and roll my eyes. We laugh and part ways since I have food microbiology next and he has....., well whatever.

Stephen is a cool dude, never really pushing for a conversation. We just went with the flow of whatever string of words we thought suited for the occasion which rarely happens.

He normally calls me by my surname which I'm okay with since we weren't personal or anything.

Now it would have been another whole scenario if he had called me by my middle name. They would have been blood I tell you.

I have tried and successfully hidden my middle name from everyone since high school but that big-mouthed hobo who happens to be my best friend keeps yelling my full name at random moments. Nevertheless, no one dared call me that unless they wanted to become the next Peter Jenkins.

"Cassandra Elizabeth Jonas, where have you been? We're almost late for biology," Michelle calls out from about ten feet behind me and I'm sure the whole hall heard her.

Seriously, she's the one that's actually behind me, well bitches be crazy and I'm used to it.

"I've told you innumerable times to not call my full name in school, in fact anywhere," I complained when she caught up to me and we walked out of the school's social science building and headed for the health science building which was at the other side of this bloody campus.

"I know and I always remember just before I do it. What are you going to do about it? Pete me up?" She says and starts laughing like a mad hyena in the middle of campus. "Get it? as in Pete for beat and Peter," she squeals as she settled down and wipes a tear that had slipped, "I'm too good."

I roll my eyes with a smile.

Peter Jenkins was an unfortunate jerk we met during our first year. On that fateful day that Michelle won't let me live down, she yelled my full name as usual and he laughed as we passed by him on our way to class.

I had let it slide since we were still new to college and shit but then after classes were over, the troll and his friends coincidentally or not, followed us to the cafe we normally hung out and when he saw me, he yelled out my middle name while waving at me with a mocking laugh.

His friends laughed and they started making jokes about it but I still let it slide.

I don't know why he did it or what I had done, maybe it was a bet. All of a sudden, he walked over and dumped warm coffee on my hair and it poured down my white T-shirt, effectively soaking it and revealing the outline of the brasserie I wore underneath.

"What are you gonna do Elizabeth?" he asked with a smirk and his friends were a few feet behind him, snickering with lustful heat in their eyes.

To cut the story short, I went berserk and used the training I was taught on self-defense. Peter ended up with a broken nose, a swollen right eye, and a colorful bruise on his stomach while two of his friends had a dislocated shoulder each.

"Ouch," I hear Michelle wince just as we enter the health science building. She had bumped into a man who seemed to be a teacher and the papers in his hands scattered on the floor.

"Sorry Sir," we both apologized and bent on our knees to pick up the papers. The man didn't reply and just stood there but I didn't mind since it was my fault for getting lost in thought and Michelle's for... well, being Michelle.

"Here are your....papers," I say the last part with a raised brow in amusement. My best friend and the teacher are having a heated staredown. He looks like he is struggling with something.

"Helloooo, here are your papers!" I say loudly, snapping my fingers in their faces.

They snap their heads toward me with scary glares and I reflexively step back with hands in the air.

"Whoa there, just giving you your papers Sir," I say and they seem to come back to their senses and the man manages to look sheepish and collects his papers from both of us while Michelle shyly toes the floor, looking like a tomato.

"Sorry and thank you. My name is Michael Reinhard, I'm a new teacher here," he says and stretches his hand towards me for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Reinhard," I say and before he can shake Michelle's hand and begin another lustful stare down, I drag her by her arm and start jogging to our class down the hall. "We're late but good luck," I yell out.

"What is your name?" He yells back and I have a feeling he wasn't talking to me. "Michelle," she says softly just as we enter our classroom with only seconds to spare.

"I'm not sure your new love interest heard you," I say as we take our seats at the edge of the second roll. She blushed again and her pale skin made it seem like her skin was burning.

"Yeah, I guess. Maybe I'll see him again," she says dreamily and I gag.

She laughs and slaps my arm, "Stop it. I feel like I've always known him and we were meant to meet you know," she says with a faraway look.

"Waw. I admit he's good looking and that's saying something coming from me, but that shouldn't be enough to make you start saying stupid shit. Wait, you already do that but this is over the top." I said and signaled her to shut up since the lecturer just walked in.

Mich sighs and pinches my side, causing me to wince and scowl at her. "You'll fall for someone one day and you'll see what I mean," she whispers before facing forward and we bring out our notes.

Whatever. I don't believe in love though. It didn't work for my mom so why should it work for me?

But I do love the scent of a certain tree and I'm starting to miss it, like crazily missing it. What a weird tree.