
The CEO is after me!

In a small café, tucked away at a corner of the city's business district, the neglected last son of the prestigious Li family, Li Jun works as a part-timer to pay for his studies and living expenses. Pressed down by his family who disregarded him after his mother died, and with the secret he carries on his back, he has developed an extremely cold and aloof demeanor as he plans his revenge. One morning, Iris Zhou, the CEO of the Seren conglomerate, known for her ruthlessness and sharp instinct in the business world, barges into the coffee shop and into Li Jun's life, forcing him to face his past trauma. Iris Zhou has come to take the business world by storm, stepping over whoever she needs to in order to achieve her goals, and these prestigious, old-fashioned families have never seen anyone like her. Li Jun has to fight his hardest not to be swept away by the stubborn woman, as Iris tries her best to unravel the scars that make him close off to her, but how is he supposed to survive if she smiles at him so sweetly? How come she is able to solve some of his life-long problems with a cheeky grin on her face? Wasn't she supposed to be a demon? ---- There she stood again, smack in the middle of the campus in a pristine business suit and black pumps, not giving a damn about the hundreds of gazes that fell on her. There were even some people recording her, but she didn't even bat an eye as she looked at her branded watch to check she had arrived at the right time. The moment she saw him, a bright smile parted her lips and she quickly strode to his side. "God, she really is back here again. What did you do in your past life to have Iris Zhou looking for you in this one?" Tian Yu couldn't keep his eyes away from the sway of her hips and the way the blazer hugged her figure. Li Jun felt extremely irritated at his friend's incessant gaze and was about to tell him off when Iris called out to him. "Li Jun! Are you done for today?" He nodded awkwardly. He didn't like how everyone in this part of the campus was listening into their conversation. Iris shot him an ever brighter smile and then turned to Tian Yu. Any trace of happiness immediately fell from her face. Her icy voice pierced his ears, making cold sweat fall down his spine. "If you keep staring like that I'll gouge your eyes out." "Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry, ma'am." Tian Yu quickly directed his gaze at the floor. Ignoring him, she looked back at Li Jun. "If you are free, how abut we go to that restaurant you told me you liked? You promised you would show it to me." "Well, I still have to go pick up my stuff at the workshop-" "Perfect! I will wait for you at the entrance then. My car is parked there. Don't take too long!" Without giving him a chance to reply, she quickly turned with her hair fluttering behind her, giving him a whiff of her flowery shampoo before disappearing behind the university's main gates. "So you're going on a date- Ow! What was that for?!" "Don't stare at people like that. It's disrespectful." Tian Yun rubbed his sore arm. "I know I learned my lesson. She's terrifying. But she's still hot- Ow!" With a new bruise, Tian Yun watched as Li Jun hurried off to the workshop with a scowl on his face. "Evil. They're both evil." ---- *The art in the cover is not mine. All rights go to their original authors.

Burgundy_ · perkotaan
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14 Chs

Chapter 8: Would you mind?

Inside, Li Jun and the rest of the guests had been waiting in their seats for Qin Junfeng to step up to the podium and begin his opening speech, but he refused to do it before Iris Zhou arrived.

"She has to be here before we start. People have to see her come in so that they know that she cannot discard us. We even got her to make a speech. She will have to thank us for inviting her in front of every important executive in Huisu."

He knew most of the attendees had not come because of him, but that became negligible if they saw that she treated their alliance with the Namgung's and the Gwan's as an equal.

"Sir, we have to begin soon, many of the guests have asked what is taking so long and-"

The doors to the ballroom opened to reveal a woman wearing a immaculate white pantsuit. The clacking of her heels echoed across the floor while her striking figure contrasted with the rest of the female silhouettes wrapped in gowns and dripping in jewelry. a Bold red lipstick framed her confident smile, while her eyes soaked in the different types of gazes she received.

Since she had decided to only wear the jacket and nothing underneath, some of the skin on her chest had been exposed. It was not enough to be called a cleavage, but it still gathered some scowls from the more conservative people.

"She's here!"

"I thought she wouldn't come."

"Isn't her jewelry too cheap though? I thought she was supposed to be crazy rich."

"You idiot, she's practically a walking fortune. That is the minimal trend going around nowadays."

"A young lady shouldn't show so much of her chest. Is she trying to get attention?"

"Her heels are too high."

A murmur spread through the tables, but Li Jun couldn't hear it. His eyes were glued to her face and his hand squeezed the wine glass he was holding. He had never seen her like this before. Her cheeky smile and sneakers barely fit with the strong gaze and the 'come at me if you dare' smile she was smacking the crowd with. Even her slow strides made her look like she owned the place while she walked in a straight path to the tables at the front of the stage without asking anyone, as if she knew she would be seated at the best spot.

Iris also took her time to look at the rest of the outfits in the room and couldn't help but feel bad for some of the women who had stones so big hanging from their ears that she wondered whether they would tear.

'Whoa, can she really walk with all that tulle? Wait. Is that a tiara-?'

Her roaming pupils froze on a familiar face, halting her steps.

Li Jun and Iris looked at each other for a couple of seconds. Her smile almost faltered trying to read his expression. Was that sadness? Guilt? Surprise? Or did he really have to go to the bathroom?

Prying her eyes away ,she regained her previous pace until she was received by Qin Junfeng and his idiotic smile.

"Miss Zhou, you made it! We were worried you would be unable to come."

"Hello. Where is my seat?"

Mr. Qin's amiable expression almost faltered. A vein swelled on his forehead, but he reigned in his displeasure, although just barely.

"Right this way, Miss Zhou. We have provided for you the best seat in the house."

Her table was right next to Li Jun's, but from her standpoint his body was covered by Li Wei, who was looking at her in interest. After a quick gesture from Qin Junfeng the master of ceremonies stood up to the podium, welcoming everyone and finally beginning the event.

Many relevant business people walked up the stage to give speak about the relevance of education for the youth, thanking the Qin family for giving them the opportunity to add in their grain of sand on this issue. This portion of the ball was being televised, with the camera crews eating up everything the magnates had to offer. When Iris' turn came, the ballroom fell into silence as her eyes surveyed the audience. She met Li Jun's familiar gaze for a couple of seconds before standing behind the podium.

"Goodnight everyone."

Her impassive face was accompanied by the serious tone of her voice. Since this was being broadcasted, she figured she might as well take this oportunity and truly discuss the subject.

"Tonight every big company in Huisu has gathered to help children achieve her dreams in an environment where a lack of opportunities nips the bud of many future talents that were only less fortunate. Having been born out of high society myself, I believe I understand the hardships of climbing up the ranks alone, but I had an advantage that not everyone had: a decent economic situation. Although we were not exactly well off, thanks to my parent's arduous effort and some of my own input I was able to afford a college education and gained the knowledge and the connections that have now become the pillar of Seren Corp."

"But not every parent is able to pay the high tuitions of the universities, meaning that the children that are not academically brilliant don't always get the oportunity of a higher education. I never had the best grades in school, or even in college, but grades are far too incomplete as a measurement of a person's potential, and I believe my success can attest to that. This is why it is relevant to provide scholarships for talented people at a scope larger than academics."

"As much as I appreciate the invitation to this ball, I would truly thank Mr. Qin if he could just accept our charity's donation without the requirement of presenting a speech. Words may be impactful, but actions are even more so. For all of you watching at home, please know that you don't have to be extremely wealthy to help. In all the years I have run de Dahlia Organization the bulk of our funds have come from small, monthly donations that some generous people subscribe to. Not even Seren Corp can compete with them in the amount of help they have provided."

"Also I would like to point out that there are many more pressing issues that need out attention and support, like malnutrition, sexual assault victims, human trafficking, drug rehabilitation, quality health and education are only some that I can name and are all project that Dahlia and many other non profit organizations are fighting against constantly, needing regular donations instead of big, one-time spurts. Finally, although a college education may be a huge advantage for a successful career, at the end of the day many people do perfectly fine without it. At Seren Corp. at least two of our main executives do not have a formal higher degree, instead, they rose through the ranks from machinery operators, proving that although it is difficult, it is not impossible. So, whatever your circumstance, do your best always. You won't regret it at the end of the road. Thank you."

Iris stepped down surrounded by the applause of the audience. Whether it was due to true admiration, courtesy or the pressure not to offend her she didn't know. The only tables who sat quietly were the Qin's and Li's, since Qin Junfeng's red face prevented them from clapping lest they attracted his ire. The speech was practically a slap to his face, as it implied this whole event was frivolous while at the same time airing out the fact that she had been practically forced to come. The speeches of the event were being televised, and they had paid special attention to Iris' appearance. She pulled her phone out of her pocket, sending a quick text before smiling for some of the attendees who stood up from their seats to speak to her.

Li Jun felt a vibration on his leg, reading the screen of his cellphone to find Iris' name at the top.

'Can you meet me in the hall to the right in ten minutes?'

His fingers hovered over the screen for a while as he pondered. He looked at her back as she spoke to a middle aged man who was praising her for her inspiring words. Iris listened to him talking while raising a wine glass to her lips while tuning out the man's rambling, waiting for a notification on her phone to pop up. Li Jun sighed and eventually gave up. It was true they had left things off in a bad note, and now that they would meet like this more regularly it would be better to be more amicable. He replied a quick 'Okay' before pocketing his phone and watching as she told her entourage she needed to use the restroom and excused herself from the ballroom. By his side, Mrs. Qin pulled on Qin Junfeng's sleeve.

"Honey, it is your turn to speak now, you have to-"

"Be quiet! Do you think I don't alreay know?!"

A few of the people standing close to their table intently watched the scene, forcing Mr. Qin to lower his voice.

"How dare she? Does she think she can disrespect us like that?"

"Honey, please calm down. People are staring."

He huffed before planting a calm expression back on his face, but his eyes looked murderous. He almost lost it again when he saw Iris' empty chair once the crowd had settled back into their places, but managed to maintain the lift in the corners of his mouth.

Li Jun barely registered anything Qin Junfeng said. He was too busy thinking of his impending conversation with Iris. She didn't seem as surprised as he expected her to be once she learned he was part of the Li conglomerate, making him wonder whether she had investigated him and knew all along. It wouldn't be difficult with the amount of resources at her disposal.

The speech passed by and when Qin Junfeng had finished speaking he was about to excuse himself when Li Wen beat him to it. 

"I need to go to the bathroom." 

He swiftly retreated before his mother could stop him, disappearing from the room in a flash. Li Jun stood up too, and with a quick 'I need to use the restroom as well' left, leaving his complaining aunt behind. The rest of the table didn't really take note of his words as they were too busy calming the now returning Qin Junfeng, who was still fuming at the prior humiliation. 

After turning a corner, Li Jun found himself with the scene of a clearly irritated Iris and Li Wen who was currently following her as she tried to make an escape to the ladies' room. 

"Miss Zhou, how have you been?"


"Ah, great! Um, I'm good too."


"So, how do you like the event so far?"


"Yes, yes. The organization has been splendid. Did you like the cocktails? I heard uncle Qin specifically brought a seasonal wine-"

Iris stopped on her tracks, turning to the annoying pest at her side. 

"Mr. Li, is there anything I can help you with?"

Li Wen raised his hands with widened eyes. 

"No, no! I was just-"

Iris' gaze turned cold. 

"No? Then please, do tell me, what can I do to have you leave me alone? I believe you are not ignorant enough not to notice I am not interested in having a conversation with you right now." 

The man stuttered after such a direct confrontation. He had thought he could maybe try to befriend Miss Zhou given both their statures as youths from big conglomerates. Being practically the same age, he never expected her to be so disregarding of his position even daring to call him ignorant. 

Li Wen's face contorted, as it lit up red in shame. His mouth bobbed while he tried to come up with the words to refute her, but his embarrassment had clouded his mind, leaving him in the air.

"Li Jun?"

A soft, delicate voice called out in the hallway, making the three people turn towards the entrance while at the same time revealing Li Jun's presence to the other two who had not noticed him standing there. 

Qin Hee looked at the scene with confusion and finally decided to walk towards her escort, trying to loop her arm in his only to be swiftly sidestepped. Her smile faltered for a second but it soon regained its brilliance. 

"Good evening, Miss Zhou. I really liked your speech. I see you are acquainted with the Li family."

Iris stared at her for a second before finally turning towards her and answering: 

"Good evening."

A silence ensued until Qin Hee finally realized she didn't intend to say anything else. 

"Oh, pardon my rudeness! My name is Qin Hee. I came to look for brother Li and Mr. Li."

Li Jun furrowed his brows at the close manner in which Qin Hee had addressed him. She had never called him brother before, and hearing her say it made him extremely uncomfortable. Hadn't he already told her he had no interest in a relationship? Was she doing this because Li Wen was here and she didn't want him to know of their agreement? Meanwhile, a flash of recognition passed trough Iris' eyes after hearing the surname Qin, but it was eventually gone as her brain went to other pressing matters. 

"Brother Li?"

Li Jun's ears perked at the drop in temperature in her tone, which apparently went unnoticed by the other two. 

"Yes. This is Li Jun, cousin of Mr. Li, who you already know." 

Iris glanced between the two men until finally settling her eyes on Li Jun. 

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Li." 

He kept his eyes on hers. 

"Nice to meet you, Miss Zhao." 

Another silence ensued where both parties just stared at each other. Li Jun could tell Iris was not happy, her gaze held a malicious glint when she looked at Qin Hee. Still, she didn't say anything. She could tell Li Jun was not comfortable around this girl either, so her wounded pride subtly recovered. Besides, maybe she was the one who was intruding in something they both had before hand. Hell, she didn't even know what relationship they had and she was already thinking so much. It seemed that the couple of weeks they had spent getting to know each other had left a stronger mark than she thought. 

At this thought she was again reminded of why she had come. Her blood red lips curled into a smile, showing the pearly sine of her peeking teeth. 

 "Mr. Li Jun, do you work at your family's conglomerate?" 

Li Jun was confused for a second. Why was she asking a question she already knew the answer to? Even if she hadn't been aware of his relation to the people in the Li and Qin groups, from their conversations and their time together she should be able to deduce by now that he had nothing to do with either of the conglomerates. 

"No. I do not." 

"Great! Then would you be so kind to escort me to the valet parking? I have already finished my attendance to this event and I don't want to talk about business anymore. I've had enough of people pestering me for collaborations"-she stopped and sent a pointed look at Li Wen who turned red once more- "so your company would suit me just fine." 

She then turned towards Qin Hee. 

"Would you mind if I steal your escort for a bit?" 

With such a straightforward question, and not expecting this situation at all, the girl could do nothing but nod her head. She couldn't refuse Iris Zhou anyway. If her father or uncle heard of it she would be scolded for sure. 

"Yeah, no problem."

Li Jun who had just been traded from one hand to another barely had time to react when Iris walked past him towards the exit. The smell of her perfume wafted by as the clacking of her heels grew further away. 

She then turned and flashed him another million watt smile. 

"So, are you coming or not?"

Not needing to be asked again he quickly followed, leaving behind the befuddled Qin Hee and Li Wen. 

Thank you for reading.

Burgundy_creators' thoughts