


"Can we make a promise today?"

Beth dropped it out all of a sudden and all this while, when

Tin was mute, she opened up her lips for the first time.

"And what that would be?"

"That we will not let our girls go through the same shits we went through!"

Beth said and poked into Tin's evergreen eyes. And waited for Tin to reply...say anything.

"If we let our girls go through it then we will be a joke of a mother!"

"I m scared..."

Beth let out and Tin could understand her in one go. Who was not to become a mother for the first time?

"I m terrified too!"

Tinsley joined in and both looked into the eyes of each other, afraid, clueless as they both headed towards this unknown journey of motherhood together.


"What do you mean??"

"They are having their first child in a month...in a MONTH!!! And you decided to keep that away from me...??? Why???"