

Kian was about to go out, opening the door when Tin came knocking. For the first time after that incident, they both came face to face.

Both looked into each other's eyes, not knowing what to say. Kian had no idea why she came to this part of the estate.

She knew that what she was going to ask next would make her husband annoyed but she was helpless.

"Is Ross here?"

And Kian felt that pang in his heart that she came here from all the way to ask about that man instead of her own husband.

Although he knew that what he did was unforgivable and was repenting the consequences of his own actions day by day.

"Go away..."

Came the reply of Ross, even before Kian could answer her. Tin looked at her husband.

"Why are you not answering your sister's call? She is worried about you."

"Kindly let me sleep, woman! Please, Kian help her out..."