

It was not long before, Madison picked Tinsley up from the park. She had been going around the street in search of her.

The woman bid her farewell, sitting lonely on the bench. Although Tinsley offered her to come with them, she rejected it and said she was fine.

"I have been looking up for you for about an hour now."

Madison murmured, driving forward, eyes on the road. Tinsley did not say a word and kept quiet. Ava was asleep on her lap.

No more words were exchanged after that. When the car parked in front of the mansion, Tinsley was hesitant to get off.

"You cannot possibly think that this is the end...he still is that little girl's legal father."

Madison said, pointing at Ava, sensing Tinsley's discomfort. She turned around her seat to look at her.

"Being civil with him is what is best for both of you for now...more for Ava!"