


"This...this is just so beautiful. "

She whispered, looking around. For her, it felt like living in a movie scene. A scene rolling with the cameras intact, her the heroine and him the hero.

"I m glad that you like it...I worked really hard for it."

"I love it!"

She said, raising her eyebrows, appreciating every bit of thing, the decoration, the food he had cooked for her.

"I had a hard time arranging it...I have never prepared a date myself."

Kian started, a little bit shy for admitting his immature moves if there were any while doing it all by himself.

"Following the internet was not my first choice...but with the limited budget, this is what I can offer, Tinsley...not a candlelight dinner in a five-star restaurant. "

He confessed, being honest and true about how he felt for the very first time in his life to a woman.