

Anastasia Morello had turned out to be a completely different person she couldn't even recognize herself anymore. She had built an empire. She had taken advantage of every opportunity that had come her way and giving her last name it helped her a lot. She was no longer the weak insecure woman she was when she met Vincenzo. She looked at him and wondered what he was thinking of at the moment. He considered her a rival and that was how she wanted it to be. She had tried to be his pay er but all he ever did was make her look like a fool. He had stomped on her and showed her the worst of disrespect and she was supposed to stay with him? She heard the elevator ding and knew that her lawyer had arrived. She wanted to finish this business once and for all. "Are you sure this is what you want ?", Vincenzo asked her. He was sure that was what she wanted him just hoping that he was wrong. He still wanted her. He couldn't believe how much of a fool he was. "The door to her office opened and she was a bit disappointed to see it can't be her lawyer. It was Dylan Harrington instead. "Hello ", he said as he went to where she was seated and kissed her on the cheek. "Hello ", she said as he sat down next to Vincenzo. "Isn't the lawyer still here?", Dylan asked her. "Not yet ", Anna said and immediately there was a knock on the door. "Come on in ", she said. The door opened and her lawyer came in. He smiled and chuckled once he saw the two men in the office. "I didn't know both your husbands were gonna be here ", he said chuckling. "I wanted to finalize both divorces on the same day being a busy woman ", Anna said as she sat upright. "Okay then let's get to it ", the lawyer said as he took a seat.

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Everyone stared at Anna as she walked into the office . She knew what they were all thinking but where's somehow afraid of asking her .

She had the same fears as her as she entered Vincenzo's work . She didn't know what to expect but somehow knew that she would do whatever she had to do to make herself be the winner .

She knew the board members didn't want her to lead the company . Her pink suit wants going to make things easier for her .

The fact that she was a woman didn't make things easier for her .She heard a knock on the door and she wondered who it was .

She wasn't prepared to see anyone yet given the meeting was in thirty minutes .

"Come on in ",she said and the door opening and in came a man she recognized . She didn't remember where she had seen him from.but he seemed familiar .

"Hello ",she said as she stood up and offered him her hand which he took .

"Hello ,I know you're wondering who i am ",he said as he set the suitcase he was carrying on the desk .

"Yes I am ",Anna said chuckling .

"Am Vincenzo's lawyer and he figured you would need help today so he asked me to come in ,my name is Joshua Ramirez ",he said and Anna remembered his name .

She had seen him in a magazine before but she wasn't going to tell him that . She didn't want to seem like a small girl .

She k ew how Vincenzo felt about her taking his position in the company . It wasn't something that he fully supported.

Yet again looking at the way things were the best option was Anna since she was his wife .

He knew if the company Weng to another person other than her it was going to be difficult to get it back .She had yet to tell him how things were in Mexico .

It was not something that she wanted to bother him with . She was the one who was going to take the reigns of the company do all she needed to do was make sure things went smoothly the way they were supposed to .

"Is there something that am supposed to know when we go to this meeting ?",Anna sked the lawyer .

"This people do not like you ,they are going to try anything they can to make you look like you're not perfect for this role which you aren't ",the lawyer said not hiding his dislike to Anna .

"Am sorry what you're his lawyer you're supposed to be on my side not theirs ",Anna said as she sat up in her chair .

She knew things were going to be bad but not this bad . The person who was supposed to be on her side didn't even think she was perfect for the position she was being offered .

"You're a woman who didn't work for any of this . This just happened because you're Vincenzo's wife . You're wearing a pink suit to a meeting ,you're girlish . How are you going to manage the business world like this ?",the lawyer asked her .

"You think I can't manage this because am a woman or what ?",Anna sked him ,he was getting on her nerves .

"Those people you're going to meet with have been in business for years ,you know nothing of this world . You're just the young spoiled wife that stays at home . If you want to survive this you have to think like a man",the lawyer said .

Anna didn't know how to feel about what he was saying .

He had said she was just a spoiled house wife . She hadn't asked for any of the things that were happening to her but she knew she they were all waiting for her to fail .

She wasn't going to give them the satisfaction.

The ringing of her phone started her and as she stared it she wondered what it was Vincenzo wanted . To remind her that she was not good enough to manage a company too ?

"Hello ",she said as she stood up and left the room.

"Have you met with the lawyer already ?",he asked her and her heavy sigh told him everything he needed to know .

"I was to call you and warn you ,he isn't really your fan ",he said chuckling and she wondered how that was funny .

"He just called me useless in forty different languages . Reminded me that am a woman and am only your wife ,I would say he hates me ",Anna said .

"Don't mind him you're more than my wife and you don't have to prove anything to him he just needs to be there and make sure that all the documents are the way they're supposed to be ",Vincenzo said and Anna could feel herself calming down .

The fear that Joshua and made her feel was leaving her body suddenly .

"Don't let them get in your head I'll always be here helping you with the things that you don't understand I need you to do this for us ",Vincenzo said and Anna smiled ,she was going to nail it .

She looked at her watch and it was twenty minutes to the start of the meeting . The jitters were still.there but she felt more confident in herself this time round .

"Are you doing okay ?",she asked Vincenzo who told her he was doing okay .

He didn't want to tell her that his body was painful and talking to her took so much energy from him that he did not have in the first place big he knew she needed the push .

"Okay I have to go get ready for the meeting ",Anna said as she took in a deep breath .

"Okay ,I love you ",Vincenzo said and there was silence on bothe ends of the phone .

She didn't know what to say ,she had wanted to hear it for such a long time and now that it had happened she did t know how to act .

"Goodbye ",Vincenzo said as he cut the call .