
Mr. CEO'S Secretary

coming soon..

Nyx_Shadowweaver · Urban
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14 Chs

The Trip

Chapter 9… The Trip


Jazmine nodded and shook his hand. How did he know her name? Except… She turned to face Austin who frowned and looked away.

"Nice to finally meet you, Jazmine," Alexander said and took a seat beside Austin. They looked almost identical when they sat beside each other. "I'll stay here, so I can chat with you. By the way, I've heard so much about you in the last week."

Jazmine forced a smile and glanced at Austin. She wished she could glare at him.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Alexander. Although, I don't know the multitude of what my 'boss' here has been telling you."

She had intentionally added a sarcastic tone on the 'boss' and earned herself a glare from Austin.

"Oh," Alexander chuckled. It seemed he was one who loved conversing with people. He glanced at his brother and then back to Jazmine. "It's nothing much. Just how diligent, hardworking and patient you are. You know he's a pain in the ass!"

"I could actually agree with that, sir," Jazmine replied without looking at Austin. She knew he'd be glaring at her now. "But, thank you for the compliments."

Alexander waved a hand.

"Don't thank me. Austin here wouldn't stop going on and on about you, you know. He also agrees you are beautiful. I agree too."

Jazmine was stunned.

Austin Sylvian thought she was hardworking, patient, diligent and also beautiful?

Woah! That's a good start, she thought with a small smile on her face.

Austin turned to his brother.

"I am right beside you, Alex."

"I know," Alex shrugged.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you talk too much?" Austin asked sarcastically.

Alex nodded. "That's me!"

He turned to face Jazmine who was very much interested in his company. She couldn't tell how silent the four hours flight would be with Austin. But, with Alexander, she had a better shot at enjoying the flight.

Austin stood up and headed for the cabin. "I'd be inside if you need me." He stopped to face Alexander with a stern look. "Don't flirt with my personal assistant, Alex."

Alex raised a hand up in surrender and chuckled. "I can't promise, bro. You should just take her with you."

Austin shot him a glare and walked into the room.

Inside the cabin, he could hear Jazmine's sincere laughter as she listened to Alexander's jokes and stories and somehow, he felt angry, even though he did not know why.

How he wished Alexander didn't have to come on this trip. Sadly, he couldn't miss it as the CEO of Lexicon, one of the shareholders of the Sylvian Co and their key to gaining a contract from ZerAnderson Group after the whole conference.

But, if he was to be honest to himself, he did enjoy Jazmine's company. She was simple and kind. Even when he overworked or flared up at her, she did not retort. Her smile was genuine and warm, bright enough to light his day up.

Even though he would never tell it, he always looked forward to seeing her every morning and to add to it, his views of her from the first day never changed. She was not needed on this trip, he just wanted to be able to see her everyday. It was also one of the reasons why she'd be staying in the penthouse with him and Alicia.

Austin let out a sigh and sat down beside the child on his bed. Her blond hair was scattered all over the pillow with a few stray strands on her face. His fingers tucked the hair strands behind her ear and he smiled.

She looked peaceful in her sleep. The small smile at the corner of her lips told him she was having a very wonderful dream.

Austin laid down beside her and placed a small peck that lingered on her forehead before closing his eyes to sleep.


Jazmine woke up with a start when she felt the ground beneath her was warm and soft. She looked around to find herself in a bed, under a warm blanket.

"That's strange," she mumbled and looked around the room again.

Its decorations weren't familiar in any way. The walls were brown, with patches of a darker shade of brown on them.

A knock on the door startled her and her heart skipped a beat. Mustering all the courage left in her, she got out of the bed and opened the door slowly.

"Hello!" Alexander greeted as soon as the door opened. "See you're finally awake."

Jazmine sighed in relief. She wasn't kidnapped. But…

"Where are we?"

"On the plane," Alexander answered, already walking away, "but, we are landing at twenty. Come on."

Jazmine grabbed her slippers and followed him.

"How did I get into the room?"

The question that had been bugging her since her eyes opened. Last she knew, she had closed her eyes to nap on her seat!

Alexander smiled.

"Oh, Austin did." He said it so casually, yet, Jazmine's eyes had stretched to the end.


"It's nothing. He said you weighed nothing."

'I weighed nothing?' Jazmine asked inwardly.

"Fuck! I weigh a full ninety!" She yelled and Alexander chuckled.

"That's nothing. I'll tell you."

Jazmine sat down and strapped in her seatbelt. She was just about to recline her seat when she saw the child Austin had been holding walk out of the room across from her.

The girl had blonde hair that shone and intense brown eyes, just like Austin's. She looked to be around three to four years of age.

Jazmine sat properly and watched the child come to stand beside Alexander who was sitting opposite her. She placed a hand on his thigh and tapped him gently.

"Uncle Alex?" Her voice was warm and tender, like milk. She looked swollen, maybe because she had just woken up from sleep.

Alexander smiled. "Yea, baby. Are you up already?"

The girl nodded. She glanced at Jazmine and cocked her head to the side.

Jazmine chuckled and waved a hand. "Hi, darling! How are you?"

Alexander pulled the child and placed her on his legs. "Alicia, this is Aunt Jazmine, Daddy's PA." He turned to Jazmine with a smile. "Jazmine, this is Alicia, Austin's three year old daughter."

"H-his married?" Jazmine only wondered why she asked after it was late.

Alexander chuckled and shook his head. "He was almost. Alicia, say hi"

"Hi, aunty Jazmine," Alicia waved her chubby hands, her blue eyes twinkling as she smiled.

Jazmine was instantly captivated by her enthralling beauty. She was flawless and there was doubt that she would grow into one fine young woman.

"Hi Alicia. You look beautiful"

"Thank you," Alicia replied and turned to Alexander. "Uncle, what's a PA?"

Alexander smiled.

"A PA means a personal assistant. They help daddy in the office so he doesn't come home tired."

"Oh, like a maid?" Alicia asked and Alexander shook his head.

"No baby," he smiled. "A personal assistant is a helper. An assistant is a helper. You'll understand when you grow up, okay?"

Alicia nodded and looked at Jazmine.

"Can I sit with you?"

Jazmine nodded and stretched her hand for the child to take. She helped Alicia up the seat and placed a hand around her shoulder. Only a few minutes later, she felt the child's steady breathing, indicating she had slept off. She smiled and pulled the girl closer and placed her head on her thighs.

Jazmine leaned in her own seat and didn't know when she slept off too.


Austin came out of the room when the plane landed. Alexander was already outside the plane and waiting for them to alight.

He was stunned to find Alicia wrapped in the arms of Jazmine as they both slept. His daughter was always wary of strangers but today, here she was, cuddled up in the arms of one.

Jazmine moved gently in her sleep and subconsciously wrapped her arms tighter around the child whose head was buried in her chest.

A smile crept its way up to his lips. He wished he could stand there and watch them sleep all day. But, they needed to get to the hotel.

He reached out a hand and tapped Jazmine lightly. "Miss Roosevelt? Wake up."

Jazmine opened her eyes slowly and saw Austin before her.

"Jazmine? We've landed," He whispered again. This time, she wiped her eyes with the back of her palm.

"Oh, okay sir."

Austin reached for the child but she clutched her arms tightly around Jazmine's waist with a small whimper. He frowned but Jazmine smiled and pulled the child up to her shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'll carry her."

"Are you sure?" Austin raised a brow.

Jazmine nodded and started to walk out of the plane. At the foot of the stairs, a black SUV was already parked and waiting.

With Alexander already in the front seat, Jazmine walked towards the car. Before she could reach an arm for the door handle, Austin opened it for her.

She mouthed a 'thank you' and got into the car carefully. She placed the girl on her thighs and ran a hand over her hair.

From his side, Austin watched her quietly as the car rode on to the busy roads.