
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

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45 Chs

Chapter 33: This Is Me

Upon hearing this, Chen Nan furrowed his brow slightly. He realized that with a murder case still pending, he might have been neglecting Qing Han, and so he nodded in agreement.

However, it was clear from Qin Qinghan's expression that she was reluctant to be handed over to Ye Fengwu, but she bit her lip and remained silent.

Ye Fengwu turned to Jiang Hao and instructed firmly, "Xiao Hao, make sure you fully cooperate with the police during the investigation, and ensure everything that needs addressing is handled properly."

Jiang Hao's expression hinted at understanding; he knew exactly what Ye Fengwu meant, especially concerning Principal Liu Fu.

Brother Wu always preferred to nip problems in the bud.

Suddenly, as if struck by a thought, Jiang Hao quickly handed a black briefcase and his Ferrari keys to Ye Fengwu, saying, "Brother Wu, take my car to drive sister-in-law."

As Ye Fengwu led Qin Qinghan out of the hotel, she forcefully pulled away from his grasp, tears in her eyes, and pleaded, "Please let me go. I can't be with a murderer. I don't even know you."

Ye Fengwu's heart was still heavy with anger, frustrated that Qinghan hadn't prioritized her safety and hadn't informed him of her troubles.

In anger, he grasped her hands again.

Qinghan winced and sharply said, "Let go of me, you're hurting me!"

Looking stern, Ye Fengwu responded, "You want to understand me? Fine."

"I was an orphan, found by my foster mother when I was just a month old, in the countryside near Haihua City."

"My foster mother had a daughter two years older than me. My sister disappeared when I was ten, and my foster mother passed away when I was twelve. After that, I was on my own, with no one to sympathize with me, only mockery and disdain for being a wild child. I lived in a world without security for a long time."

"I dropped out of school, got into fights, and even broke shop windows with bricks just to fill my stomach."

"I love famous knives and swords, I love firearms, especially sniper rifles. I also love novels, and I love you."

"I'm rough, domineering, and proud. What I set my mind to, I achieve. The woman I like, I pursue until I get her. That's who I am."

Ye Fengwu shared his life story and passions almost without taking a breath.

Hearing this, Qin Qinghan's previously cold expression softened. Listening to Ye Fengwu's story, she felt a pang of sympathy for him.

She imagined how different his life might have been if someone had shown him kindness, given him a warm meal, and made him see that the world wasn't all bad. It might have completely changed his life.

However, what she detested most about Ye Fengwu was his domineering attitude. She scoffed, "Do you know what I hate most about you? Your brutality, your violence, your cold-bloodedness. You scare me."

Ye Fengwu replied calmly, "You'll get used to it."

Then, he roughly led her to a silver Ferrari parked nearby.

Despite her gentle nature, Qinghan was stubborn and kept hitting his arm, which barely seemed to affect him.

Eventually, Qinghan was forcefully pushed into the passenger seat.

Ye Fengwu's anger was partly due to fear; had he not been there earlier, Qinghan's fate could have been much worse.

The engine roared as the Ferrari sped onto the highway, quickly reaching ninety miles per hour.

The city streets at night were nearly empty, allowing Ye Fengwu to drive swiftly, his face set in a grim expression.

Qinghan, gripping the door handle tightly, felt her fear rise as she sensed Ye Fengwu's mounting anger.

Suddenly, a blinding light flashed before them, causing Ye Fengwu a momentary disorientation.

A luxury car then swiftly cut in from the left, speeding ahead and aggressively weaving between lanes, seemingly just for fun.

This sudden maneuver forced Ye Fengwu to brake abruptly, his anger deepening.

"Do you know what I hate the most?" he glanced briefly at Qinghan before focusing back on the rapidly disappearing luxury car. "I hate people who change lanes without signaling."

With a flick of his wrist, he activated the turn signal nonchalantly. "Is it really that hard? Just a flick of the finger."

He then floored the accelerator, and the car's speed instantly soared to a hundred miles per hour.

Qinghan, clutching the safety handle, pleaded nervously, "Calm down, there's no need to compete with them."

Ye Fengwu attempted to overtake, but the luxury car continued to change lanes erratically, taunting him.

Forced to brake to avoid a collision, Ye Fengwu scoffed coldly, "You want me to be calm with such reckless people?"

As he spoke, he accelerated once more, his expression tightening. "These spoiled rich kids only know how to make money; they've become heartless and indifferent, never caring about how they affect others."

"Even while driving, they can't control their emotions. That's just their nature."

With that, Ye Fengwu pushed the accelerator to the floor, and the car's speed instantly surged to one hundred twenty miles per hour.

The force threw Qinghan back harshly against her seat, her body thrown backwards as the Ferrari's left headlight brushed past the taillight of the luxury car.

Though it was only a light collision, at such high speeds, even a minor touch caused the luxury car to lose balance.

The screeching sound of tires against the pavement filled their ears as the luxury car skidded, leaving a thick trail of black smoke on the road.

The car spun a full seven hundred twenty degrees, drifting over a hundred meters before crashing with a loud bang into a sturdy tree, the rear of the vehicle embedding itself into the trunk.

Ye Fengwu slowed down, shifting gears with a calm expression, maneuvering the Ferrari into a sleek 360-degree spin on the spacious road before accelerating away smoothly.

At this point, Qinghan was drenched in cold sweat, her fear palpable. She saw two bloodied young men emerge from the wrecked car, cursing loudly at the departing Ferrari.

In that moment, as she looked at Ye Fengwu, her eyes filled with terror and disbelief, she bit her lip and said, "You're crazy. How are you any different from them? You can't control your emotions either."

"I'm just venting, aren't I?" Ye Fengwu replied coolly.

He was protesting—protesting Qinghan's indifference towards him, her attempts to distance herself, and her foolish decision to attend the banquet without considering her own safety.

Emotions often reveal one's true nature during moments of intensity, and perhaps, Ye Fengwu's true nature was that of a madman.

Twenty minutes later, Ye Fengwu pulled the car up to Qinghan's apartment building. Before the vehicle had fully stopped, Qinghan had already opened the door.

However, just as she was about to step out, Ye Fengwu quickly pulled her back into the seat and locked the door.

Qinghan looked at him warily and asked, "What are you doing?"

Now calmer after his outburst, Ye Fengwu said earnestly, "I

know your life shouldn't be like this—if it weren't for that aggressor..."

"I don't want to hear this," Qinghan interrupted him sharply.

While some people might be able to move past such events, Qinghan couldn't. She was deeply conservative, and it seemed she would live in the shadow of that trauma for her entire life.

Feeling Qinghan's deep-seated resentment and the sadness in her eyes, Ye Fengwu felt a wave of guilt. He ventured cautiously, "If, just if, the person was forced into it, if he was framed, would you forgive him?"