
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

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45 Chs

Chapter 18: I Have Connections

The male officer typed on the keyboard, and all of Night Fengwu's records appeared on the screen.

However, the officer's face showed a peculiar expression. He pointed at the screen and said to Chen Nan, "Officer Chen, something's off. Look at this."

Chen Nan glanced at the screen, her eyebrows instantly furrowing. The screen displayed only a few lines: the year and month of Night Fengwu's imprisonment for rape and his release date, which was just a few days ago.

But the rest of the details were entirely blank, making Chen Nan's expression turn grim.

"What's going on? Did the system get a virus? How can someone's records be this minimal? Did he just pop out of nowhere?" Chen Nan glared at the male officer.

The officer was equally puzzled and said, "Officer Chen, there are only two possibilities: either he's a ghost with no records, or our system doesn't have the clearance to access his information."

Chen Nan snorted, "No clearance for a rapist's records? That's giving him too much credit. Forget it, no need to check further."

Chen Nan decided that Night Fengwu's records were likely missing due to him being a ghost, rather than assuming his records were highly classified.

Meanwhile, Night Fengwu still sat alone in the interrogation room when the door was abruptly flung open. The curvaceous policewoman stormed in.

"I've reviewed the case. While it doesn't constitute attempted murder, it is clearly a case of aggravated assault. You're looking at a minimum of five to six years in prison," Chen Nan said coldly as she sat across from him.

Although she didn't know Night Fengwu well, she knew he was a convicted rapist who was likely after Qin Qinghan's beauty. She believed that sooner or later, he would harm her.

Hearing this, Night Fengwu remained calm and said, "Decide what you want, but make it quick. My wife is waiting for me to have dinner with her."

Chen Nan's anger flared up. "You're delusional if you think you're going home."

She stared at him and asked, "Why did you, a recently released rapist, approach Qinghan? What's your real motive?"

Night Fengwu responded, "Officer, isn't that irrelevant to this case?"

"My name is Chen," she snapped.

Night Fengwu's gaze drifted to her chest, and he smirked, "I'm used to calling you Officer."

Chen Nan fumed and slapped the table, standing up. "How dare you! Answer my questions honestly, or I'll make sure you rot in prison for life."

Night Fengwu shrugged, "Am I being jailed for assault or for loving my wife?"

"You're facing charges from three victims for aggravated assault. You're not getting out without serving five or six years," she barked.

Night Fengwu sighed, "I have to go. I promised my wife we'd get our marriage certificate today."

Chen Nan was taken aback but then sneered, "Good thing you haven't yet. Now you won't need to worry about that."

As she turned to leave, Night Fengwu said, "I have connections."

Chen Nan scoffed, "No connections will help you here. Prepare for prison."

Despite Qin Qinghan's pleas, Chen Nan intended to remain impartial, believing she needed to protect her friend from making a terrible mistake.

At that moment, a police officer entered and said, "Officer Chen, someone has posted bail for him. The chief said to let him go."

Chen Nan's face tightened. This man really had connections?

She snapped, "I don't care who it is. No one can bail him out. Who posted bail?"

"Your father..." the officer replied.

"What did you say?" Chen Nan's eyes widened in anger.

The officer quickly clarified, "Officer Chen, it really was your father. He called in."

Chen Nan's expression darkened. The officer wouldn't dare joke about her father, the highest-ranking police officer in the city.

She immediately called her father.

"Nan'er, what brings you to call your dad?" came a deep, kind voice.

"Are you the one who posted bail for a suspect in my case?" she asked bluntly.

"If his name is Night Fengwu, then yes. Release him. Someone wants to meet him," her father replied.

Chen Nan was furious. "You're known for your integrity. Why would you bend the rules for a convicted rapist who's now targeting my friend? I can't let him go."

Her father's tone grew stern. "Nan'er, don't be stubborn. Release him. He has powerful connections."

She bit her lip. "Who could be so powerful that you'd intervene?"

"Your grandfather. Is that enough?" her father sighed.

Chen Nan was stunned. Her grandfather was involved?

"I'll release him," she said reluctantly, hanging up.

She was confused and angry. Who was this Night Fengwu that even her grandfather intervened?

Night Fengwu noticed her troubled expression and smirked, "Looks like you'll have to bend the rules for once, Officer."

She gritted her teeth, "I'll find out who you really are."

Turning to the officer, she ordered, "Release him."

The officer quickly complied, but before he could unlock the cuffs, Night Fengwu stood up, the cuffs already open.

"No need. I'm in a hurry. See you around."

He placed the cuffs on the table and walked past a stunned Chen Nan.

"Damn him," she muttered, pulling out her phone to make a call.

Meanwhile, Qin Qinghan sat on her bed, tears streaming down her face, with her young daughter clinging to her arm. She felt helpless and uncertain about the future.

She had lost her job, and her promises to her daughter seemed impossible to fulfill. The thought of Night Fengwu in prison only added to her despair.

Despite her initial distrust, she realized that without him, she felt vulnerable and insecure. She didn't understand why, but she felt a growing dependence on him.