
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

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45 Chs

Chapter 17: Arrested

Upon hearing this, the officers' expressions turned peculiar. They had seen the state of Liu Fu and the other two parents firsthand—their teeth nearly knocked out, jaws dislocated, and bones fractured.

One officer scoffed, "We know how hard a slap can be. The victims claim you used a metal rod, which matches their injuries."

Ye Fengwu responded coldly, "So, they reported that I attempted to murder them?"

The officer standing in front of Ye Fengwu barked, "The evidence is conclusive. I advise you to cooperate."

Seeing that the two officers struggling to pull Ye Fengwu's hands behind his back were turning red in the face, the lead officer's frustration grew. He moved his hand towards his weapon.

"This is your first warning. Comply with us."

Ye Fengwu's face darkened as he noticed the officer's hand on the weapon. He knew the drill: three warnings before the pepper spray and taser came out, regardless of who you were. That was their authority.

He said icily, "I advise you not to do that."

As he spoke, his eyes narrowed, causing a chill to run down the officers' spines, sensing the danger in the air.

The officer, ignoring protocol, pulled out his gun, pointing it at Ye Fengwu, and yelled, "Don't move! If you resist, I have the right to shoot you."

As the officer drew his gun, Ye Fengwu's expression grew colder.


A commanding voice called out from behind the armed officer. The car door opened, revealing a curvaceous female officer in uniform.

Ye Fengwu glanced over and was momentarily taken aback by her appearance. She had a neat bob haircut, stood around 5'7", and had long, shapely legs. Her uniform shirt, barely containing her figure, added to her striking presence.

She approached Ye Fengwu and said with a frown, "We are from the Haihua City Criminal Investigation Team. I am Captain Chen Nan. You are suspected of attempted murder. Please cooperate with our investigation."

Ye Fengwu's eyes lost their cold edge as he replied, "If it's just suspicion, there's no need to tie me up."

He glanced at the two officers struggling to restrain him.

Chen Nan looked at the officers and said, "It's unnecessary. Just handcuff him."

The officers sighed in relief, pulled out handcuffs, and secured Ye Fengwu, who didn't resist.

However, Ye Fengwu said, "Can I at least tell my wife? I won't be home for lunch. She needs to prepare dinner for me."

Chen Nan frowned and retorted, "Whether or not it's attempted murder, you'll be facing several years in prison. Forget about dinner."

As the officers began to lead Ye Fengwu to the police car, a modest Chevrolet pulled up, and a distressed Qin Qinghan hurried out.

Seeing her, Chen Nan's expression softened.

Qin Qinghan looked at the handcuffs on Ye Fengwu and quickly understood what was happening.

She approached Chen Nan and pleaded, "Chen Nan, can you... can you help him out?"

Chen Nan sighed and said, "Qinghan, he did assault those people. The victims have reported him for attempted murder."

Qin Qinghan's face turned pale, and she quickly argued, "How can it be attempted murder? He just lost his temper and hit them. At most, it's assault."

Chen Nan frowned, "Don't worry. I'll investigate thoroughly. Come with me, I need to ask you something."

She led Qin Qinghan away, seeming to want to speak privately.

Ye Fengwu watched with surprise and then turned to the officers, smirking, "See that? My wife knows your boss."

The officers looked uncomfortable, one of them muttering, "That doesn't change anything. Our captain is known for her integrity. She won't bend the rules for personal feelings."

What Ye Fengwu didn't know was that Chen Nan and Qin Qinghan were high school classmates. Chen Nan had always been the one friend who stood by Qin Qinghan, often helping her.

After pulling Qin Qinghan aside, Chen Nan eyed Ye Fengwu warily before saying, "Qinghan, when did you get married? Why didn't you tell me?"

Qin Qinghan looked bitter, "It's a long story. My grandfather arranged it."

Chen Nan's expression darkened, "The Qin family has never treated you like family. Do you even know anything about this man? What did he do before?"

Qin Qinghan's face grew more troubled. She knew little about Ye Fengwu and didn't want to. But she admitted, "I heard... he just got out of prison for assault."

Chen Nan's voice rose in disbelief, "An assaulter? You're ruining your life with another criminal. Why would you marry him?"

Qin Qinghan sighed, "Since I was sixteen, my life hasn't been my own. At least... he's good to Jing Si."

Chen Nan's frown deepened, "I'll look into his background. If he really is a criminal, you need to leave him. And he seriously injured those three people. Even if it's not attempted murder, it's enough for several years in prison."

Qin Qinghan's face filled with concern, "I know you're strict about the rules, but please, help him. He only hit them to protect Jing Si."

She explained how Jing Si was bullied and how Liu Fu had threatened her, suspecting Liu Fu had spread rumors.

"That scumbag! He should have been beaten to death," Chen Nan spat.

After a moment, Chen Nan shook her head and said, "Qinghan, I know you. You don't like this man. Your life was ruined by criminals. Even if he's good to you now, it's probably just because he wants you. Will he still treat you well after he gets what he wants?"

She walked back to the police car.

As the officers pushed Ye Fengwu towards the car, he called out, "Honey, I'll be back by dinner. Make something good."

Qin Qinghan watched his calm demeanor, feeling conflicted. She disliked him for his past but didn't want him to go to jail for defending Jing Si.

In the interrogation room, Ye Fengwu sat handcuffed to a table, with two empty chairs opposite him.

In her office, Chen Nan handed Ye Fengwu's file to a male officer, "Check all his records. I want everything from his ancestry to his current address."

The officer, intimidated by Chen Nan's fiery reputation, nodded quickly and set to work.