
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

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45 Chs

Chapter 14: Qin Qinghan's Heartache

This violent scene terrified all the parents and students around. Ye Fengwu's actions were so brutal; they had never encountered someone like him before.

"Your turn," Ye Fengwu said to the parents and students, his voice still icy and terrifying.

"Daddy, I'm scared, I'm scared... boohoo..."

"I want to go home... boohoo..."

In no time, the elementary school students who had been bullying Jing Si were all wailing, with some even convulsing from fear.

At this moment, their young minds realized that the Qin Jingsi they had been bullying, who never dared to say a word back, had a father who was like a demon.

"We'll apologize, we'll apologize," one parent hurriedly pulled their child towards Qin Qinghan.

Seeing this, the others didn't dare delay either, and they all pulled their children over to Qin Qinghan.

"Jingsi's mom... I... I'm sorry, I didn't discipline my child well. Please forgive us, don't let your husband hit us," one parent, on the verge of tears, continuously bowed and apologized to Qin Qinghan and her daughter.

One after another, five or six parents apologized to Qin Qinghan, begging for forgiveness, fearing that she might let her husband hit them again.

Qin Qinghan felt a mixture of emotions. She never expected these people to apologize to her one day, and it was all because of Ye Fengwu, a man who had forcefully entered her life.

Qin Qinghan, being soft-hearted, said with a blank expression, "You can leave. I hope you will truly educate your children from now on."

"Yes, we definitely will."

After saying this, the parents hurriedly left in a disheveled state.

"Jingsi's mom, I really apologize for my child..." The lecherous-looking parent, who had previously complained to Liu Fu, also approached Qin Qinghan.

But before he could finish his sentence, a large hand grabbed him by the collar.

"I said, hitting two is a loss, hitting three is a profit," Ye Fengwu's voice came from behind, tinged with a hint of cold amusement.

The lecherous man trembled violently, nearly wetting himself. Didn't he say earlier that hitting one was a loss and hitting two was a profit? How did it become hitting three now?

His son, seeing this, sat down on the ground in fear.

Despite the man's repulsiveness, his child was still young, so Qin Qinghan felt a bit of pity and advised, "Let it go, it will leave a shadow on the child."

The lecherous man didn't expect Qin Qinghan to plead for him, so he grimaced and said, "Big... big brother, yes, my son is young and... doesn't understand. If you hit me, it will leave a shadow on him."

Hearing this, Ye Fengwu snorted coldly, "A shadow? Did your son think about the shadow he was casting on my daughter when he was humiliating her?"

This single statement left both the lecherous man and Qin Qinghan speechless.

Jingsi was only seven years old, yet she had to endure everyone's mockery and humiliation daily. Ye Fengwu couldn't even imagine the psychological shadow it had cast on her.

And the real culprit behind all this wasn't just the people who mocked them, but... himself.

Then, Ye Fengwu looked down at the boy sitting on the ground and said, "Little brat, do you know why your father is getting hit? It's because... you did something wrong, and your father failed in his duty to guide you on the path of goodness."

With that, Ye Fengwu slapped the lecherous man, dislocating his jaw and knocking out half of his teeth.

Qin Qinghan covered Jingsi's eyes and turned her face away.

"Let's go before the police arrive," Ye Fengwu said calmly, patting Qin Qinghan's back.

The boy, struck by Ye Fengwu's words, stopped crying. It seemed he realized his father's punishment was due to his own mistakes.

After Ye Fengwu drove off with Qin Qinghan and her daughter, Liu Fu finally got up and called the police.

"Hello, I'm the principal of South City Elementary. Someone... assaulted people at our school."

"What? Speak clearly, who are you?"


"Of what?"


"Principal of what?"

"Damn it, I lost my teeth, I can't speak clearly. Just come and arrest them."

"How dare you swear..."

In the car, Ye Fengwu drove the Chevrolet with a grim expression, while Qin Qinghan and Jingsi huddled in the back seat.

Through the rearview mirror, Ye Fengwu saw the sorrow in Qin Qinghan's eyes, but to his surprise, young Jingsi was wiping her mother's tears.

"Don't cry, Mommy. I'm not sad," Jingsi said innocently.

Her words made Qin Qinghan break down. She covered her mouth, trying not to sob out loud, but the tears wouldn't stop.

For eight years, Qin Qinghan had endured everyone's mockery and humiliation, but what pained her most was that her daughter had to endure the same fate.

Ye Fengwu gripped the steering wheel tightly, his guilt intensifying. He swore to himself that from now on, anyone who dared to insult his woman and daughter, even for a moment, would face his wrath.

"Why did you send her to such a school? Just thinking about the bullying she faced makes me want to blow up that place," Ye Fengwu said through gritted teeth, clearly blaming Qin Qinghan.

Hearing Ye Fengwu's extreme suggestion, Qin Qinghan frowned, and even Jingsi looked at him timidly.

"Can you not say things like that in front of Jingsi?" Qin Qinghan said firmly for the first time.

Realizing his mistake, Ye Fengwu quickly fell silent.

Qin Qinghan then turned to Jingsi, "We won't go to that school anymore. I'll transfer you to Haihua Elementary, where no one knows us."

But Jingsi replied, "But the tuition there is very expensive. We can't afford it. It's okay, Mommy, I've gotten used to them."

Hearing such mature words from a child, Ye Fengwu felt even more heartbroken.

"Mommy just closed a big deal today, so we won't lack money anymore," Qin Qinghan said gently.

Jingsi's eyes lit up, and she exclaimed, "Really?"

Qin Qinghan forced a smile and nodded, though her eyes still held a trace of worry.

Ye Fengwu then understood that the reason Qin Qinghan hadn't sent Jingsi to a better school was due to financial constraints.

When the family of three returned to their 60-square-meter home, Ye Fengwu noticed that Qin Zhi and Yang Yu weren't there.

"Where are your parents? It's almost dinner time; are they out shopping?" he asked.

Qin Qinghan shook her head, "They must be playing mahjong. They won't be back for dinner."

Hearing this, Ye Fengwu frowned in displeasure, "The entire family relies on your income, and they still gamble?"

Out of concern for Qin Qinghan, Ye Fengwu didn't realize his words would upset her, as those were her parents.

But Qin Qinghan, being good-natured, replied, "They're just playing with neighbors, not losing much money."

However, she didn't tell Ye Fengwu that her parents usually lost, taking 3,000 yuan or more from her each month, adding to her financial strain, which was why she couldn't afford to send Jingsi to Haihua Elementary, a high-end private school with an annual tuition exceeding 100,000 yuan.

Since returning home, Qin Qinghan's worry hadn't faded. She looked at Ye Fengwu and said, "You hit someone today. They'll report it to the police, and soon, the officers might come here."

Ye Fengwu, sitting on the sofa, lit a cigarette and smiled, "It's a bit of trouble, but don't worry about it. Right now, I have more pressing concerns."

As he spoke, Ye Fengwu's expression grew serious.

Seeing this, Qin Qinghan's heart tightened, but then Ye Fengwu said with a pained expression, "What are we having for dinner? I'm starving; I didn't eat lunch."