
chapter 1(killing Andre Dawson)

Giana's pov

I sat on my bed staring at the information on my tablet. I was so surprised to discover that Andre Dawson( a world renown billionaire and one of the most eligible bachelor) was in town and he was attending a special event this evening.

"It's the best time to carry out my plan without getting caught" I thought to myself

"Tonight will be the end of you Andre Dawson, I'll kill you tonight for murdering my brother" I said with a slight grin on my face staring at the picture I received.

"I guess I'm going to end someone's life tonight" I added while taking a final glance at Andre's picture.

I quickly changed into a pair a black Jeans, a white polo and a pair of sneakers. I tied up my hair in a ponytail and I wore a black face cap. I didn't want to look too suspicious and I didn't want to get caught that's why I chose to wear something simple and cover my face with a hat.I walked into my gun room and took a glance at the different guns there. I picked the gun that will be perfect for tonight then I enclosed it in a black bag. I picked up the bag and my cellphone then I walked out of my house. I brought out my car keys, located the car I wanted to use and stepped inside. I put the bag at the back seat and drove out.I switched on the GPS in my car to find out the location of the event. I carefully followed the directions on the GPS till I finally reached my destination. Once I arrived I got off from my car and surveyed the environment. I discovered that it was rooftop party,which makes it easier for me to carry out my plan but the only problem was that the security was too tight. They were guards in every corner of the building and this makes it harder for me to get inside. I had to think of a plan quick because if I took a wrong move I might not come out of here alive. While I was busy thinking of a way to enter the building, someone bumped into me and quickly apologised.

"I'm sorry" the lady who bumped into me said.

"It's ok" I replied smiling slightly.

I observed lady looked like a waitress because she wore something similar to what waitresses wear.

"Uhm where are you heading to miss" I asked trying to start up a conversation with her.

"I'm going inside that building" the lady replied pointing towards the building.

"There's a big event there tonight and I think I'm needed in there" The lady said before she ran off into the building.

"Wait" I said trying to call her back. But she ran off without turning back.

"Great, Now she's gone how am I going to get in" I thought to myself while rubbing my forehead. Suddenly an idea popped into my head. I decided to check if there was any van or car that brought the service crew to the event. I searched the area for awhile and at last I finally saw the van. Luckily for me, the last waitress that came out of of the van left the van Open, which made it easier for me to enter. I entered the van and checked if there was any spare waiters or waitresses clothes I could change into which could serve as a good disguise. I searched round the van and I finally saw a bag which contains the waiters and waitresses uniforms.

"Bingo" I screeched in excitement as I opened the bag. When I opened the bag, I saw a pair of male and females uniforms. I stared at the two clothes before I finally picked the male waiters uniform then I closed the bag. I took the male uniform because I didn't want to get noticed or easily caught. That is why I choose to disguise as a Male. I quickly wore the uniform, wore a fake moustache and I wore a fake short wig. Once I was done, I stepped out of the van and took out the gun I prepared from my car. Before I left my car, I had to go back to the van and I took few plates and cups from the van to cover the gun in my bag. I quickly brought it out, put everything in my bag, covered the bag and walked towards the back entrance of the building. While I was about to take a step inside, I was stopped by one of the guards.

"Why do you have a bag with you"one of the guards asked pointing at the bag I was holding.

"It's just some plates and service utensils" I replied trying to convince the man with my fake manly voice.

"But I didn't see other waiters coming in here with any bags" the guard said staring at me in a very suspicious way.

"We have to search your bag sir" he added

"Ok" I replied handing my bag over to him.

Once I handed over the bag to the men they quickly opened it and saw the service utensils I talked about and they realized I wasn't lying about what was in the bag. They zipped up the bag and handed it over to me and apologised for the misunderstanding. Once I received the bag I told them not to worry about it with a smile on my face and I quickly entered the elevator. I breathed a sigh of relief immediately the doors of the elevator were closed because I was so worried that I could have been caught.

"Thank goodness I put those plates in here" I said to myself as I leaned on the wall with the bag in my hand.

I stayed in the elevator for some time then the doors finally opened. Immediately the doors were opened a waiter approached me and I walked out of the elevator.

"Hey, what took you so long" the waiter asked

"Oh, I got lost you know this place is quite large" I lied trying to cover up my nervousness.

"Yeah I know" the waiter said.

"Oh, you brought the bag" the waiter added staring at the bag I was holding.

"Yes I did" I replied smiling sheepishly

"what a coincidence, I guess he sent a waiter to get a bag" I thought to myself.

"I think you should drop the bag on the last floor at the third compartment of this building" the waiter said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uhm, where would that be" I asked looking a bit confused.

"Seriously, you don't know where I'm talking about" the waiter asked bursting into a little laughter.

"I don't I tend to forget when I'm in big buildings" I lied with a slight smile on my face.

"Ok, let me break it down, this building is divided into 3 compartments. The first one is the highest of the 3, the second is lower than the 1st while the second is a bit higher than the second. The second compartment is where the rooftop party is being held. It is covered by the 1st and 3rd compartment which helps to serve as a means of protection for the second compartment" the waiter said giving me a detailed explanation of the place.

"So this building is 100% secured and no one can enter without an invitation" I asked staring at the waiter.

"Yes it is" the waiter replied.

"Just drop the bag and come right back" The waiter said.

"Your attention is needed at the party so be quick" the waiter added

"Ok sir" I said

"Take the first elevator and press the 67th floor on the elevator" the waiter said

"Ok sir, thanks a lot" I said as I quickly stepped into the elevator.

"What a weird guy" the waiter said to himself as he stared at me.

I entered the elevator and I pressed the 67th button as instructed by the waiter and I waited for a while for the doors to open. After a few minutes the doors opened and I took a step out of the elevator and I was amazed with what I saw. I could view the entire event from where I was standing, I was just a few floors above the rooftop party and I could see everything from where I stood. I took a few steps forward standing at the balcony. I actually had a weird feeling about the waiter I met earlier and I wondered why he wanted me drop the plates here. I quickly brushed off the thought and I decided to take advantage of this opportunity. I brought out the sniper from my bag and I kept it at the edge of the balcony. No one could actually see me because they were too busy with exchanging pleasantries. Before I decided to take action I took out my binoculars to find out where Andre Dawson was. I used it to search for Andre and I caught a glance of Andre's figure

"I think that's him" I said to myself getting a side view of the man's face I saw. The man had his back turned at me, so I couldn't really decipher if this was Andre or not. I convinced myself that the person I seeing was Andre so I quickly set the gun ready to shoot

"I can't take any second chances this is my only chance to kill Andre" I said to myself with a slight grin on my face.

I didn't really care if Andre was going to die with this shot because I was shooting his back but there is a 50-50 chance he may die or survive. I aimed at the part of Andre's body I wanted to shoot and I quickly pulled the trigger. Immediately I shot him he fell to the ground and someone screamed miguel from the party. The whole party turned into chaos and people panicked loudly.

"Who's miguel" I thought to myself staring at the man I just shot.

"Wasn't it Andre I shot, why I'm I hearing miguel now" I asked myself.

I decided to look through my binoculars and I was a little bit shocked with what I saw I saw Andre Dawson running towards the body I just shot. Immediately Andre got hold of the person he turned the person around and I realized I had made a big mistake.

"That might be his brother, they look a lot alike" I thought to myself. I brought down my binoculars getting ready to run away but I noticed that Andre discovered I was there and he stared at me with a cold scary look which made me to feel very scared. I quickly packed up my gadgets and took the elevator to get away quickly because I didn't want to get caught and lose my life. I got into the elevator and I pressed the button which will take me to the entrance of the building but immediately the elevator doors were opened I saw 3 men standing right in front of me with the waiter I met earlier.

"I guess I'm trapped" I thought to myself.

I quickly acted fast and kicked one of the men in the groin and tried to run away. I succeeded in escaping from the men and I tried to escape from the building but I felt a tight grip against my neck. I struggled to get out of the man's grip and he suddenly brought out a white handkerchief and used it to cover my nose. I knew the handkerchief was drugged so I tried my best not to inhale the substance in it. I was running out of air and I mistakenly inhaled the substance from the handkerchief and before I knew it I suddenly fell unconscious.