
The CEO's Dumb Lover

Living on the streets and stealing to survive. Elena meets Darren Hamilton when she stole from him. After she sets her eyes on him, she finds herself wanting to live with him. Darren Hamilton, the CEO of Maple Inc took in the strange girl to live in his mansion. A dumb girl with no last name, family or friends. Despite her being unable to talk, he soon falls for her. Loving the strange girl, he gets to know that she has a family and also finds out why she lost her voice. Elena cling to Darren but soon, she learns how to fight and survive without him. Instagram: faithanna_j

faithanna_justin32 · perkotaan
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25 Chs

A Bunny For Her

Darren was busy with his computer when his assistant walk in with a file on her hand.

He didn't raise his head and waved at her to drop it on the desk. Kiara dropped the file and step back.

Darren have two assistants, Kiara and Miles. While Kiara help him with the company works, Miles deals with matters not related to the company.

"Ms Vivian is outside sir, should I send her in?" Kiara asked. She disliked the way this Vivian behaves in front of Darren. 'Acting all coquettish like a slut' she thought.

Darren contemplated for sometime before he nodded.

Kiara frowned. She thought Darren couldn't see the true colours of Vivian.

"Yes sir," she then left the office.

Vivian sat impatiently on the couch inside the assistant's office. When she heard Darren had returned a week ago, she couldn't sit calm.

Kiara appeared behind the door, "You can go in, Ms Vivian," she said with spite.

Vivian noticed the dislike in the assistant's voice, she scrutinize the girl and walk out of the office. 'Wait until you loose your job' Vivian said inwardly.

"Tsk, slutty," Kiara mouthed and sat on the swivel chair to continue her work.

Vivian got into Darren's office feeling too excited. He doesn't like others entering here except his assistant.

"Darren," she called his name sweetly, trying to hide her anger and jealousy.

"Mm," Darren didn't bother to raise his head.

Vivian sat on the executive swivel chair opposite him and placed her fair hands on the table. "Darren, the new movie I starred in is out and tonight is the finale celebration, I'd love it if you come," Vivian blabbered with dreamy eyes and waited for Darren to reply.

Darren raised his head and rest his back on his seat.

Vivian blush a little as Darren stare at her. Since they were children, she had always admire him.

Darren tilt his head as he was thinking about buying a beautiful bunny for Elena because the one with her belongs to Vivian. The little woman's face appeared in his mind and he smiled.

Vivian blushed and lowered her head. Was Darren smiling at her?

"Okay," Darren answered and watch the girl squeal in excitement.

Vivian was surprised and happy, she thought Darren would decline her invite.

"Thank you. Meet you there at 8pm. Evernight Royal Hotel, that's the venue," said Vivian.

"Okay. I'll be there, you should leave now," Darren said and lowered his head to his computer.

Vivian fidget, she wanted to tell him about his mother's plan for them but she shove the thought aside. She didn't want to make him angry so she stood up.

"I'm leaving now," Vivian said and waited for his reply, "Okay," said Darren without lifting his head.

Vivian walk out of the office with a little hope in her eyes. Seeing the assistant talking with another lady, she smiled and sashayed passed them.

Kiara looked at the retreating figure with a scoff, "imbecile," she muttered to herself.

After Vivian left his office, Darren called Miles.

"Hello," Darren said lazily.

"Boss, aye! you called me," Miles said excitedly.

When Miles heard what Darren said to him, he felt like a child. A big man like him going to buy a bunny for his boss, the thought felt sour in his heart.



At the Clark's mansion,

Vivian head happily towards the kitchen and poured for herself, a glass of milk. She downed it in one gulp and poured again.

Mrs Clark who was decending from the stair saw Vivian rush into the kitchen. She wasn't sad and angry like when she left the mansion.

Her expression darkened at the thought of her daughter fighting to get a man who doesn't want her. She disliked ladies who does this and what she's seeing now, Vivian had turned out to be like them.

"Why are you flushed?" Mrs Clark's clear voice filled the kitchen.

Vivian dropped the glass on the table and walked out on her mother without sparing her a glance. Her mother was against her being with Darren, she doesn't want her mother to pry in her matters with her sarcastic talks.

"Vivian! How dare you ignore me?" Mrs Clark was infuriated. She walked towards Vivian and turned her to face her.

"Stay out of my matters, mother," Vivian said coldly and went towards her room.

Mrs Clark was dumbfounded. She thought she was having imaginations. The nanny quickly patted her madame's back and helped her to the couch.

"Madame don't think much about it, she's just angry," The nanny eased Mrs Clark a little but she was still shocked. Vivian had never talked back at her.

She sat on the couch sadly, she knew Vivian went to meet Darren and whatever happened between them, she didn't want it to continue.

She rubbed her forehead impulsively and stood from the couch, she walk out of the mansion and towards the garage.



Miles sat on the couch as he watch his cold boss play with the meaty white bunny.

He had noticed his boss has changed in some ways but he couldn't pinpoint where.

Darren didn't care how his assistant felt, he rubbed the white rabbit gently. It was his first time petting a bunny. Though he gave that bunny at home to Vivian when they were children, he never liked petting it. Darren see's this act as girlish and a man like him would never do that.

"Boss, do you want to gift it to someone?" Miles was curious.

"Yes, someone special," Darren drawled and looked at Miles whose eyes were wide in surprise.

Miles flush awkwardly "Hehehe, someone special?" He asked again.

"I see you don't understand human language, how many times should I repeat 'someone special'?" Darren questioned his dollop head assistant.

"Is it Ms Vivian?" Miles made a mistake by calling that name because Darren shot him a deadly glare. Miles felt the glare pierced his humble soul and quickly, he apologized.

Darren wasn't happy that Miles thought Vivian was his girlfriend, he hated it and dismissed him coldly.

Miles walk out of the office with fallen shoulders. 'Did he say something wrong? Besides, Vivian and Darren being partners was what many people believed.

He wasn't the one who thought of the idea, it was all over the media. Vivian was an actress, model and entrepreneur and many knew Darren was her childhood friend.

Kiara saw Miles sitting on his desk while using his hand to support his chin.

"Miles, everything alright?" She saw Miles brought a bunny inside the boss's office. It was no doubt for Vivian.

"Yeah, I'm great," Miles smiled and patted her head before walking out towards the elevator.