

        Walking out of the bathroom after El had finished taking her bath, she walked Into her closet, making sure she avoided eye contact with Ethan now and then, even if she could see him staring at her. She had promised herself to stay away from him, that was the only way she could keep her heart and mind which were playing tricks on her in control.

        She walked to the door of the room hurriedly to leave after dressing up but stopped when she saw Ethan standing directly in front of her with a towel wrapped a little bit above his little monster on his waist, showing his full lower abdomen. Water dripped from his hair to his body, which he wiped with a smaller towel in his hand, smaller than the one he wrapped around his waist.

       As she stared at his muscular body, she started feeling a sensation in her stomach, which she hated, but she couldn't control the feeling. El sighed softly and tried to avert her gaze from his body but didn't know why her eyes suddenly went to his monster.

       F**k! She cursed as she stared at his face and saw the grin on it when he noticed she couldn't stop looking at his monster. Only now she stopped staring at it, did she realize she had been looking at it for a couple of seconds, long enough for him to notice. She blushed as she remembered everything that she did to Ethan moments ago. She had touched it and even measured it. From her measurement, it looked very big...

        God, Eleanor!!! Stop thinking about it, she yelled at her dirty mind as she tried to focus on his face without looking at it.

        "Where's the bracelet I gave to you?" Ethan asked sternly, pulling her attention to his question and when she looked at his face, she noticed the grin he once had on had disappeared. 

       She looked at her hand confused as she tried to remember where she had dropped it. It was on her wrist yesterday, even when she was talking to Adrian, so where could it possibly be? Her mind wandered back to everywhere she had visited last night, and she suddenly remembered where she had put it. She had left it on the sink in the bathroom.

       She looked up at Ethan to see his dark eyes on her, and she gulped, hoping he hadn't seen his gift in the bathroom,  even if he just left the place.

       "It's somewhere safe." She lied as she stared at his face which now had a slight frown on it.

      "I thought I personally ordered you not to take it off?"

     "Well, I had to take it off to take my bath."

      He narrowed his eyes at her face as if seeing through her lies. "Are you taking your bath now?" 

      "I wasn't supposed to let water touch it, Ethan, and I forgot to put it on afterward. It's somewhere safe, I promise." She lied, even more, hoping he would leave her so she could go look for it in the bathroom.

      "I want that bracelet on your wrist. It's an order." He stared at her face for a few more seconds, before walking into the closet.

      El moaned frustrated at the thought of what Ethan's problem was with the gift he gave to her. It was of her possession now, so why was he suddenly behaving this way with a mere diamond bracelet? He was a billionaire, so why was she not putting on the mere diamond bracelet he gifted her, making him react this way? If he wanted it back, he should just ask her, and she doesn't mind returning the gift, instead of throwing useless tantrums about it.

        She walked into the bathroom to look for it, and when she got to the sink, she couldn't find it. She searched around the corners of the sink, and floor for it, but still couldn't find it.

        Oh, God! What was she supposed to do now? Ethan was already furious with her for not wearing the bracelet, what was he going to do to her if he finds out it is missing? She ran her fingers through her hair as she thought of possible places where the bracelet could have fallen, and she searched those places.

        After searching for some minutes for the bracelet in those places she had hoped she will find it, without finding it, she grew tired and decided to rest for a while. She stared at herself in the mirror as she thought of the people who entered the bathroom after she left last night.

      Many questions ran through her head as she thought of who could have probably taken the bracelet. There was no way it could have moved from where she kept it on its own, and she had searched around to know that it didn't fall to the floor, so someone probably took it from here. The question now was who?

       Was it Ethan? She thought frustrated, but suddenly realized she was being delusional. She has lived with Ethan long enough to know that he was a straightforward person, and would have told her if he had taken it.

      She decided to ask the maids who had entered the bathroom before now.

      El walked out of the room to the elevator, which took her to the ground floor of the building. As she walked through the hallway, she met some maids who stopped whatever they were doing immediately after they saw her and bowed.

     "Good morning, Miss Eleanor," two girls greeted with their heads still bowed.

     "Morning," she said nonchalantly "tell all the maids who entered my room from last night to this morning to meet in the next room from here," she ordered before walking away from them, without waiting to hear their response. She was infuriated by the thought that her maids who were working for her would steal from her.

       "Yes, Miss." They bowed before leaving to do what was asked of them.

      El entered the room and sat on the sofa inside. She could feel anxiety build up inside her as she sat there waiting for the maids who were supposed to meet her in the next minute. As she sat there patiently waiting for them, she hoped that one of them had answers to her question because if none did, she didn't know what she was going to do.

        Ethan was suddenly up in her throat about the bracelet and had even ordered her to put it on. What was she going to do if she couldn't find the bracelet, and he decides to punish her? No! She has to find that bracelet today at any cost before Ethan knows it's missing.

       A few seconds later, eight maids walked into the room with all their hands folded to their front, and their heads bowed. They had worked for the Graysons for a long time to know that whenever they were called like this by anybody in the mansion, it only meant that something was missing from their rooms. The thought that they were going to be punished severely, even if they were victims, made them very afraid.

      "Good morning, Miss Eleanor," they all greeted in unison, with their heads still bowed. They couldn't afford to look at her face because she was new, and they hadn't worked for her long enough to know how she was when she was angry. So, it was better for them to be on guard and prepare for the worst.

       "You all entered my room yesterday evening and this morning?"

       "Yes, Miss Eleanor." They replied in unison.

      "My bracelet I left in my bathroom is missing, and I can't seem to find it. Who among you took it?"

       The room became dead silent to the point that a pin can be heard if dropped on the floor.

      El looked at everyone's faces as she tried to think of the possible reason why they were all quiet. Did this mean nobody took the bracelet from the bathroom? If no one took it, how was it suddenly missing? It can't be. There was something fishy about this whole situation, she could feel it. She just had to find out what exactly was fishy.

       "Everyone who stepped into my bathroom, step forward."

      Four maids fell to their knees, with their heads bowed. 

    "Miss Eleanor, I swear on my late mother's grave that I only went in there to make your bath. I didn't touch or see anything else." One of the maids pleaded with tears in her eyes.

     "We went inside together, Miss Eleanor. We wouldn't dare to steal from you because doing that is bringing death wish upon ourselves." Another said, already crying.

       The other two also denied touching anything in the bathroom.

      El looked at their faces confused. If they were all denying it, how was she going to find the bracelet? And what would Ethan do to her if he finds out it's missing?