
The Ceo's arrogant wife

Drowning in sorrows in her favorite bar, Li Xie looked at the bartender with her flushed cheeks and ordered for another drink. With her blurry eyes, she saw a man who made the whole bar whispher,she immediately went forward and held his firm shoulders seducing him and in the end she had a one night stand with a stranger.The next morning, she woke up with a terrible hangover,memories of yesterday flooded in.The man looked less bothered, looking so elegant and charismatic,he held his tea cup and moved his lips"i don't mind taking responsibility,be my wife since i took your first time".It seem so fast in her eyes that she didn't know how to reply"okay"she immediately gave in to him later realizing that he was the heir of the zhang corporation. Showering her with love and affection as he dealt with any enemy that comes his wife way. ----------- Zhang Linfen,an arrogant Ceo of the Zhang corporation,in need of a wife. He went to a bar and got seduced by a fiesty girl, being the one who took her first time,he offered to accept responsibility. Their marriage was very complicated,full with secrets and mysteries that neither of them are yet to unravel. Dealing with all their enemies,they had to deal with the biggest enemy which was themselves. Follow the trail of their love and hate relationship and how they go through it. ------------------ Their Love "Zhang Linfen, listen,i don't....."he interrupted her.       "Don't call me Zhang Linfen, we're married,so call me hubby. Ok"she looked at him in daze.        "Hubby?,why would i call you that?"she asked.        "Oh,you don't want to call me hubby, then you can call me sweet heart, honey,boo"she was surprised at his shamelessness, she didn't know that the multi billionaire Zhang Linfen could be so childish. --------------- Their Hate. She pushed him away and looked away"am really sorry for....."she shush him hiding her tears.       "Mr Zhang,you don't need to be sorry for anything,let bygones be bygones. And i assume we're both happy separately"she turned off the cooker and poured the water in bowl. Zhang Linfen heart hurts when he heard her call him with alienation.        "What about our children?"she stopped in her tracks with a frightened look.      "What about them?, they're mine not yours"she started walking again when he talked.       "They are also mine since they were created through me"she sigh, he hasn't changed one bit.       "What if i said they are not your children....uh... what will you say?"shewalked away from his sight as he smiled.

Purpleblack · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Bonus chapter.

AN: Hey guys, Happy children's day. This chapter is a bonus chapter, not part of the story so please don't get it mixed up. 


        A lady stood under the stormy rain with her two children,they were shivering with cold, sniffing and rubbing their body.

    They held their mom closely afraid of what's lurking in the streets when a car stopped in their front, the glass whined down and the face that Li Xie loathed the most showed to her. She froze in the spot as her eyes burned with rage, she held her twins tighter and started walking forward not wanting to have another moment with that monster but as she moved, he follows.

      "Mom,why is that car following us?"little lilac said with a scared face, she noticed her mom moving from a spot to another while the car followed, first she thought the car would move but the car continued following them.

     Li Xie looked at her twins with tenderness"The person must be drunk driving"she said.

     "But mom,in school,they said that drunk driving is not good. That man must be a bad man"she said with anger making her mom smile.

     "Yes, the person is bad"just then, the person in the car came down and walked towards the family,he held Li Xie wrist stopping her from moving.

     "Mr, please let go"she said with anger boiling inside her, she never thought she would see his face again, seeing him brings a lot of good and bad memories as tears filled her eyes to the brim. 

    She bit her lips softly"let go of mommy"little Aria said, she was little lilac twin sister, she looked at the handsome stranger with anger.

     "I know you're angry with me and i deserve everything but you can't let the children suffer, if you don't care about yourself atleast pity the children. Let me take you to a safe place"Li Xie contemplated but for her children she'll do anything, she started walking towards the car without another word.

     "Mommy are we going to follow the bad man?"little lilac said following her mom.

     "Yes,we don't want to get sick right?"little lilac and Aria nodded like the good kids they are, Li Xie strokes both their hairs entering the car.

      The man closed the door with much happiness,he finally had his wife back in his hands and he won't let her go never again. He turned and entered the driver seat driving off.

     He stopped at a mansion making Li Xie furrow her brows, she glared at the man in front with hatred and anger.

     "Why did you bring me here?, take us to an hotel or somewhere but not here"she said staring at the mansion she had grown to love and hate. Maybe coming back to this city was a bad idea but she was already here and no turning back.

       "Since we're already here,stay for the night"he tried pushing his luck, she looked at her children flushed faces and sigh. Does she have a choice?.

    She came down and squatted"my babies, we'll stay here for the night,ok"they nodded as they entered inside not noticing the glow in the man eyes. He has his wife and also children,he was actually a father,he curled up lips and followed them.

       "Zhang Linfen, we'll stay in a room and you'll stay in your room so we won't interfere into your personal space"she said with a mocking tone while walking away.

    The house hasn't changed all these years she had been gone, it looked like no one has been in here for years but it still looked cleaned and tidy, she walked upstairs and entered her old room.

     "Woah, mommy are we gonna be living here,this room is so big"little lilac twirled like a princess making little Aria scoffed,her sister was really dumb.

       "Stay here, I'll be right back"Li Xie said walking away not before kissing their heads, she head towards the kitchen and boiled water resting her back on the counter.

     "Am really sorry"she heard the familiar voice she dreaded, she turned and saw Zhang Linfen by the door step, he still look perfect as always.

      "Sorry for what"she asked focusing back on the water she was boiling, she felt a warm breath on her neck and turned to see Zhang Linfen face close to her, he gulped seeing her face up close, he badly wants to kiss her but it'll only make the hatred she has for him grow.

      She pushed him away and looked away"am really sorry for....."she shush him hiding her tears.

      "Mr Zhang,you don't need to be sorry for anything,let bygones be bygones. And i assume we're both happy separately"she turned off the cooker and poured the water in bowl. Zhang Linfen heart hurts when he heard her call him with alienation.

       "What about our children?"she stopped in her tracks with a frightened look.

     "What about them?, they're mine not yours"she started walking again when he talked.

      "They are also mine since they were created through me"she sigh, he hasn't changed one bit.

      "What if i said they are not your children....uh... what will you say?"she walked away from his sight as he smiled.

    "We're leaving early tomorrow morning"she walked away finally.


  Hey guys, it's your authoress here horeholuwah. Thanks for reading my story and reaching this point. Thanks a lot.

    Like i said,this chapter is just for fun and not part of the story but who knows if it's the future or not. Read and find out and also don't forget to comment, rate and review about the book.

    I accept criticism, it's a way for me to get better and improve in my writing skills. Don't give up on me that easily and tell me what you feel about it.

    Lots of love from horeholuwah.