
The CEO’s Bride

“His cold voice sends shivers down my spine but it has a way of keeping my heart warm”. Rose said. Rose a young lady who worked at Hiltons hotel accidentally ruined Andre’s wrist watch. She apologized but he won’t take an apology. He would let her be until she payed for the wrist watch. Rose who can’t afford such amount tried her possible best to avoid him. But unfortunately for her a new CEO was appointed in the hotel where she worked and he happened to be Andre the guy the owed. He gave her two options on how to pay him back. Rose picked the second option without knowing what it fully entailed. What will be her fate when she realized what she got herself into?.

Queen_Okonkwo1 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs


She jacked back to reality, the reality of her being in front of the CEO that said she would pay for his wrist watch, the reality of her fixing the door because she felt she must have destroyed the lock.

She walked towards him and stood right in front of him. She stood frozen as her heart raced as fast as it could, the office was dead silent that she could hear her blood pumping in her ears.

"Sit" He said.

It's sounded more like an order than a permission.

She wasn't sure if she heard him right because she never expected him to tell her to sit.

"Excuse me" She said.

"I said sit" He replied and this time he sounded cruel.

"Thanks" She said.

She sat down on the chair that was obviously made of  strong and durable material it had sufficient padding in the seat and the back, especially where the lower neck that make contact with the chair.

"What are your plans on how to pay  back my money, you do not think I will let that slide right?"

Her head seemingly felt dizzy for a second and her hands began to produce sweat.

She was so lost of words that she gulped in a very obvious way.

Since she was a child, she was known to be a very bold and courageous person but right now she didn't even know who she was anymore because she couldn't find her courage.

But she knew she had to be bold, she couldn't afford to be nervous right now.

"I eem, I was serious when I said I didn't have such amount of money, I have no means of paying back, besides i didn't ruin your watch intentionally".

She said as she looked him in the eyes, though she felt intimidated due to the way he looked at her, she had to let him know that she was a bold and courageous girl.

   All this while he kept his hand on his chin, he used his index finger to tap his beautiful hawk nose.

"Humm what do we do now?" He said sarcastically.

"I mean...you have a lot of money if you let this slide it won't take anything from you, I barely eat three times a day, I haven't even payed my rent can you please let this slide" She said almost tearing up.

Even with all she said, he showed no emotion on his face, not a single atom of emotion was visible, he maintained that face some minutes.

Rose didn't know what he was thinking, was he going to consider her?, she couldn't tell.

Silence filled the room but this time it was very, very silent, it was just as if there was not a single soul in there and it lasted for some minutes.

Andre broke the silence.

"I have two options for you" He said as he sat up and placed his two hands on the table.

"Okayyy?" She said with the highest amount of inquisitiveness.

"It's either you pay me my 2.2million dollars by the end of this month or". He paused.

"What?? By the end the month?, I can't even pay such amount even if I'm to pay by the end of next year"

She said with her eyes widened.

"Or work as my P.A and". She interrupted him

"Of course I will work as your P.A". she said with highest level of confidence.

"I didn't finish".

He said but she interrupted him again.

"I will do whatever it takes for me to get away without paying that money". She said.

He was tired of the fact that he kept on interrupting.

"Good, you have to sign an agreement form". He said as he began to type so fast on his keyboard, soon enough a piece of paper came out of a printer close to him, he picked it up and looked at it then he placed it on the table with a pen on it and passed it to Rose.

"Sign this, this contract means that you owe me nothing as long as you've agreed to work as my P.A and". She cuts him off again.

"Yeah yeah, cool that's fine" She picked up the pen and signed it.

She passed it to him, he kept it in his photocopying machine.

She was so excited but she tried her best not to show it on her face. To her it was a win win, she get to become the new CEO's P.A just because she broke his wrist watch. At a point she started seeing him as a person that is dense, because why on earth would he give her such opportunity.

He passed a copy of the contract to her, with excitement she collected it and folded it neatly.

Andre's phone rang, he picked it up.

"Ciao, è tempo?, Sto arrivando.

He hung up.

"That will be all for now every other information will be passed across through your Gmail, you are to start work by tomorrow. I have somewhere I have to be, you can leave". He said as he stood up to leave.


Rose stood up and walked out of the office. She spent almost 2hours in there, but to her it was worth it.

She was the happiest person on earth, she couldn't wait to share the good news with her friend Mia. She called her and they decided to meet at their favorite ice cream parlor.

When Mia got there, Rose gave Mia the brightest smile as she walked up to her.

"I can't wait to hear the news of yours, first let order" Mia said.

Mia ordered a Butter pecan flavor with extra toppings while Rose ordered just vanilla flavored. She doesn't like extra things and Mia is the exact opposite.

If possible Mia would want all the flavors that exist to be in her little cup of ice cream.

"So tell me what's the good news?" She said as she put a good amount of ice cream in her mouth.

"I kind of got promoted".

Mia never thought this would be the goodnews, she didn't know how to react, it sounded so funny to her. Mia is a kind of person that laughed even at the toughest times.

"You got promoted to what?, chief of waitress? Or director of waitress ". She laughed so loud that people around them had to look.

"You crazy ass, I got promoted by the new CEO of Hiltons hotel as his Personal assistant". She smiled so bright".

"Are you playing a prank on me, I mean I know you haven't forgiven me for what I did on April first.

Last two months, on the first of April, Mia pranked Rose telling her that she got her new phone, only for Rose to see a pad in the box.

"I still haven't forgiven you but do you remember that man I told you I broke his expensive wrist watch at the hotel, he turned out to be the new CEO of Hiltons hotel.

Mia had a confused look.

"What?". She asked.

"I'm damn serious, I am with the contract we signed, he said since I can't pay him then i have to work as his P.A."

"I don't understand" Mia said.

"I know right". She replied.

"Can I have a look at the contract". She asked

"Yeah sure". She stood up and brought the contract from the pocket of her trouser and passed it to Mia.

Mia opened it only for her eyes to widened in surprise.

"I know right, I'm so lucky".

"What?????". Mia screamed out loud.