
The CEO’s Bride

“His cold voice sends shivers down my spine but it has a way of keeping my heart warm”. Rose said. Rose a young lady who worked at Hiltons hotel accidentally ruined Andre’s wrist watch. She apologized but he won’t take an apology. He would let her be until she payed for the wrist watch. Rose who can’t afford such amount tried her possible best to avoid him. But unfortunately for her a new CEO was appointed in the hotel where she worked and he happened to be Andre the guy the owed. He gave her two options on how to pay him back. Rose picked the second option without knowing what it fully entailed. What will be her fate when she realized what she got herself into?.

Queen_Okonkwo1 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs


Hey, watch where you are heading, you have only one job here and that's to serve drinks and not to bath me with it".

A lady in the early 20s screamed at her.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" She said looking at her dress to make sure that there was no stain on it.

"You better be, you are so lucky that I can't find any stain on my dress" She hissed and walked out.

Rose looked at her with a pitiful smile and walked out of the conference hall.

The lady walked up to Andre and they hugged and pecked each other on the cheek.

"Congratulazioni" She said.

"Grazie" Andre responded.

"It's been ages since i last saw you when did you return" She said.

"Two to three weeks ago". Sounded like he wasn't interested in the conversation.

" Oh really?" She went closer to him."

"Sì". Kept his hands in his blazers pocket.

"You will make a good CEO, I'm sure and I'm glad you are back".

"Grazie, please excuse me" He said as he walked away.

"After 7years and  you still haven't changed" She said to herself as looked at him while he walked away.


The conference hall began to clear up as people started retiring to their abode. Rose was done with her shift and it was time for her to go home. She walked to the space in the hotel where staffs kept their belongings in a locker, she opened her locker and brought out her belongings. Just as she was about to leave she heard Andre's voice so she ran to a corner so he won't see her. Andre was on a call.

"Peter I think I'm done here, get the driver to come pick me, make it quick" He ended the call and walked down the hallway.

Rose took a deep breath knowing that she was safe from him for now, unfortunately for her she exhaled so loud and somehow Andre heard it.

Rose took her bag and began to walk out in the opposite direction that Andre went only for her to feel a strong, yet warm hand on her shoulder.

Rose gasped in fear, she was so scared to look back, who could it be?, what if it's the guy I broke his wrist watch. She thought of all this within a second or even less.

She turned back only for her to see Andre, She was literally looking up to him because unlike her he was very tall, she couldn't look at him in the eyes for some seconds, she felt intimidated because she was feeling his sharp gaze on her.

"I hope he doesn't remember me" She said to herself.

"Unfortunately for you i remember you" He said right after she thought to herself.

"What?" She was so surprised.

"He does not only intimidates me with his gaze he also reads my mind, who the hell is this man?"

She said to herself but this time she looked him in the eyes.

"I'm your new boss, your new CEO" He said.

At this point Rose was going crazy, how does he know my thoughts?.

"You are the girl I promised to give 2.2million dollars right?" He said.

Rose who still hasn't said a word looked astonished.

"Wow he thinks I'm some girl he promised money, he can't recognize me " She said to herself.

Chuckled in a not so funny way.

"I vividly remember who you are and you owe me a total of 2.2million dollars. And I'm sure you know that I don't joke with my money, you can't steal my money and get off scot free.

"Excuse me? I didn't steal from you, I accidentally bumped into you and in actual fact we bumped into each other and then your wrist watch broke it wasn't intentional and you are aware of that besides you can't tell me that thing worth 2.2million dollars."

She didn't know where she got the courage from she knew it was her only opportunity to let him know that she had nothing but an apology to give to him.

"That was Patek Philippe's most complex watch and it's worth 2.2million dollars"

He sighted her identification card around her neck, raised it up to checked her name, then his phone rang, still holding her identification card he picked up the call.

"Ho appena concluso, Sto arrivando" he hung up and looked at her Idenfication card

"Miss Rose Taylor, see me in my office tomorrow by 12 let talk about the payment methods"

Rose was going to say something but he walked out.

*Hi I'm Queen

This is my first book on web novel

I hope y'all are enjoying this book

Don't forget to follow, comment and like my book, it helps in motivating me .

Love you* ❤️