
Memories and Haki

(Third Person Pov)

Currently in a big house in a isolated room you can see a three year old boy waking up on his third birthday in a big bed with a bookshelf right next to him with hundreds of books on it

The young boy had a cute face and was quite skinny, he had blonde hair with Reddish tips that was messy, this boy was wearing some red Pajamas with Dragons circling around the torso part

This boy was Kokuza D. Ray the Son of Portgas D, Sanders the younger brother of Portgas D. Shanks and the son to Kokuza Lilith which is the Daughter of The elder Celestial Dragon Kokuza Ren.

The boys Mother and Father weren't in his life because the two of them Ran away From Marry Geoise and left him with Kokuza Lilith's Father Kokuza Ren which loved and adored his grandson.

(Kokuza Ray Pov)

I hav just woken up and it's my third birthday and I woke up to all my memories coming back to me, apparently in this life I am the Nephew of Shanks and the Grandson of Elder Ren, Elder Ren was the one that looked the youngest out of the five elders

Elder Ren was a tall man with a yellow beard and yellow hair and cared for me deeply but he knew I had the will of D in my blood so He kept me in the house at all times, to people it seems that he doesn't care about me but in reality he stays and plays with me all the time when he isn't busy with work

After going over my newly gained memories I got up from my bed and I walked towards my book stand and grabbed the Devil book encyclopedia and started flipping through the book until I saw the Yami Yami No Mi and I just kept looking at it until I began looking through the book After a few minutes of looking through the book I hear a voice in my head

[System Initializing]










[Hello Host system has finished installing into host's soul, system is now usable] the system says to me and I smile 'Wow thanks, can you show me all the functions of the system' I ask in my head as I hear the system speak again in a mechanical voice [Affirmative host] the system says to me and I nod as a screen appears in front of my face



[World Map]




[Love Meter]



'Wow' I say in my mind as I look at the screen in my head as I hear a knock come from the front door so I close the window in front of me and I go back to looking at the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia

I then hear the door open so I look over and I see my head butler Marvin "Hello young Master, Lord Kokuza wishes to speak to you in the dining hall "Marvin says to me as he bows and stand up "Thank you Marvin tell him i'll be there in a minute and that I am getting changed" I say to him as Marvin stands up properly and leaves

I then walk over to my dressure and I put on a nice button up shirt and a pair of shorts with Sunflowers on it, I then walk to my door and I walk to the dining hall where I see my father sitting at the table with a newspaper and a cup of coffee in hand

"Hello Jiji" I say as I walk in and take a seat in the chair in front of him since the table isn't that big since there are only a few of us that eat here which are Jiji-Abe, Jiji-Akeo, Jiji-hago and Jiji-Bane.

Jiji-Abe is an old man with a bald head that mostly wears a monk's robe and keeps a sod on him at all times. Jiji-Bane is another old man with a bald head with a scar on his forehead and has a white moustache and he mostly only wears suits

Jiji-Akeo is a tall old man that has a white moustache and a white beard with a bald head just like Jiji-Bane and Jiji-Abe. and Finally there is Jiji-Hago which is an old man with a full set of hair and always wears a hat along with a suit just like Jiji, Jiji-Bane, Jiji-Akeo and Jiji-Hago, he is also quite round like many people in the one piece world.

"Ahh hello my cute little Grandson, Happy birthday Ray you present is in that chest at the end of the table" Jiji Says and I look at the chest before I feel myself getting excited to see what is in the chest

I Then excitedly looked at the chest before I look at him and he is smiling "Jiji can I open it now" I ask excitingly praying to jesus that I can open the chest right away, I look at my Jiji and he chuckles

"Yes you may open your present now, By the way your other Jiji's will be coming over later today with there own presents fo you while I am gone" Jiji says and I nod my head, I then open the chest and I widened my eyes at what I saw

When I opened the chest I saw A pitch black fruit that had patterns that looked like the Mera Mera No Mi and my eyes are widened in shock and I start smiling I then ran around the table and I hug my Jiji while I smile happily and he chuckles

"Jiji, what Devil fruit is that, it doesn't look like any fruit I have seen in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia" I ask confused at what fruit that is and I tilt my head to the side "That my cute grandson is the Mera Mera No Mi: Model black flames, it is a Logia class devil fruit that I have had in our vault for quite a long time" Jiji Says and I smile at him before I hug him even more

"Thank you Jiji, I will treasure this forever" I say as I pick the fruit up and I look at it intently before I decide to consume this fruit, I then take a big bite of the fruit and it tasted horrible and I felt like dying but I held it back and I swallowed the fruit I then felt warm and I lifted up my left hand and it turned ito black fire

"Whoa, look at this Jiji" I say as I raised up my other hand and it turned into black fire and I tried poking it with a fork, but it keeps going through my arm and While I do this my grandfather watches me while recording on a den-den Mushi

After doing this for a while I look into the chest and I see three booklets and I see the name Observation Haki Training manual, Armament Haki Training Manual and Conquers Haki Training Manual.

"Haki?" I say questioningly faking confusion as I open the book and I start reading though the Manual which I dfinis in ten minutes, during that time Jiji finished his breakfast and left the room to go to work which was leading the Marines

Due to my skill instant MAstery I instantly gained Mastery over Observation Haki and can now look into the future for as long as I want, I then began reading the Armament Haki Training Manual which I finished in 17 minutes and Mastered almost instantly so Now my Armament haki is pitch back or I can change it to the color Red. After that my Breakfast was ready so I began eating before I learned Conquers Haki.