
The beginning

It was a hot and sunny day. Keith was in a car with her parents who were driving to a new place to live-a castle. Keith wasn't happy about it because when she saw a picture of the castle she found it was creepy and old. Of course her parents found it for the perfect place exactly for the reason that it's old. They tried to convince her that they'll be happy there and will start a new,better life. Keith of course didn't believe them and didn't want to move.As they approached the castle she felt something was off.

-This is it-said her father with a smile-we're finally here.

-Oh,it's so beautiful-commened her mother.

Keith on the other hand sighted with frustration and rolled her eyes.

-Can you be at least a bit happy Keith?-her mother asked her-this is our new beggining as a family.

-No if you mean a new beggining in an old and creepy castle.

-Stop it, Keith-commanded her father-you'll be staying here for a long time so one day you'll start to like it.

-Whatever-said Keith and with frustration got out of the car and closed the door.

When she turned to look at the creepy castle she saw something on one of the windows.There was standing a dark figure that disappeared the second she was looking at it. Her parents got out of the car and talked about how to renovate and put the things.Keith decided not to tell them because she knew they would think this is an excuse to go back.

They entered the castle and saw how big the place is.In front of the door there was a staircase and on they're left and right were corridors leading to the kitchen or the main hall.

-Wow,it's so big and beautiful-surprised said her mother.

-It will take time but it's going to be better.

Keith didn't say anything and took her baggage ready to go upstairs when somebody showed up.

-Hello,my name is Sam and I'm going to be you're butler-he introdused himself.

-Oh my I didn't know we were having a butler-said her mother

-I'm going with the contract, maybe the agent forgot to tell you

Keith looked at him.He was a tall boy around her age with brown hair and dark brown eyes.He was wearing a red uniform for a butler but something in him wasn't right.He was too young to be a butler.

-Aren't you too young to be a butler?-she asked skepticly.

-Keith-her father turned with an warning in his voice-don't ask rude questions


-It's fine-Sam stepped in-I'm a butler because I want to be an heir to our family legacy.They used to live here and that used to be they're job.

-Oh that's so nice,I wished my daughter to be so good to heir our legacy as an lawyer one day.

-Mom-Keith warned her mother

-What? Anyway I'm sorry about this,can you show us to our rooms please?-her mother asked

-Of course.

Sam lead them to they're rooms and then disappointed saying he was going to prepare a dinner and looked at Keith with a look she didn't recognize.

After entering her room she saw that she had a big bed,a table,big balcony,wardrobe and a mirror with a table and chair. Although she hated the castle she liked her room so the first thing she did was to trow her stuff at the floor and lay on the bed and after a few seconds she fell asleep.