
The Castaways: Chapter 1

An outbreak has started, and a family of five is stuck in an underground bunker awaiting help from the military. After 28 days, their supplies are running low and people are getting sick. Someone must make the journey into the now foreign world in order to provide for their people; will they make it back?

Deji_Choi · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Bunker

"Dad, we've been stuck in this bunker for the last 28 days; we have to go out."

"Adelaide, we can't. We have no means of protection from those sick people out there. Either way, it's a death sentence for us.

I tried to plead with this man, but he wasn't budging as far as I could tell. Even though my dad is one of those survival freaks and built this bunker in case of an emergency, even he wasn't prepared for what was happening here. It was me, my dad, my mom, my sister Leonie, and her husband Dixon. With all these people down here, it was overly crowded, and our supplies started dwindling more and more each day, even with rationing, and my mom was getting sick. Leonie said she wouldn't get better without medicine, and out of all the things my dad brought down here, there happened to be no medicine in sight.

"Adelaide, we can't. We have no means of protection from the sick out there. We don't stand a chance."

The sick. That's what my dad called them. If you were to ask me, they weren't just sick. They were dead men walking, literally. All decomposed but still somehow walking. They were extremely violent, too. I saw a few videos of them online when all of this first came about. They were like something you'd see in a movie, and I can't blame my dad for being scared of them.

"We have to at least try. I mean, look at mom; she's sick, dad. She needs medicine. There's barely any food here either, or like you said, we don't have any good weapons. Don't you think it would be a good idea to go get some? You can't expect this little bunker to keep us all safe forever."

I had tears in my eyes by that point. But something in his face changed, and I could tell that he was starting to get what I was going on about.

"Fine," he said. "We'll go out on one condition though." That's when he pulled me in really close and said, "You stay near me at all times, and you never leave my sight. You hear? We need to make it back in one piece. not even just for your mother or Leonie or whoever, but for me. You're my special girl, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let anything happen to you."

Hello, this is my first public writing piece, so if you could please be kind and leave some feedback from me, I would appreciate it! I just want to know if this novel is worth my time.

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