
The captive's heart

Revenge and betrayal is the theme of the day.... Will Sandra learn to love again? Will she discover her true potential as a leader? Trust is not an option....

Angel_Ilikah · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs


The ride home was quiet, everyone was occupied with their private thoughts. Gabriel cast a quick at them through the rare-view mirror. They usually didn't say much to each other, but this was different, the air in the car was so thick a knife could cut through it. He had to do something, the silence was eerie and disturbing. He thought of turning on the radio but decided against it. He didn't want to anger either of them.

"STOP THE CAR." Bruce ordered.

They were driving on a wide lonely road with no cctv around. Gabriel was confused but he stopped the car at the roadside, he knew better than to go against his boss's orders.

Bruce grabbed Sandra's neck, she didn't flinch. Her expression blank and her eyes dead.

Bruce was surprised, he enjoyed seeing fear in her eyes. Who did she think she was to start having thoughts of her own? she looked different, she gave out a different aura, had he pushed her to her limit?....

Gabriel watched as Bruce kissed Sandra, one hand on her neck and the other aggressively manhandling her breast. Gabriel looked away and opened his mouth to excuse himself when he heard Bruce cry out in pain. His lips were bleeding, Sandra bit him hard. She smirked and wiped the blood on her lower lip with her thumb then slowly licked the blood from her thumb.

Bruce watched her in horror. "What the hell?" his palm landed on Sandra's cheek. One, two, the third time she held his hand and slapped him back. She hit him hard on his jaw and a knee to his belly, his grip on her neck loosened. She grabbed him on the head and continuously slammed his head on the window.

Gabriel rushed out of the car, opened the passenger door and tried pulling out a feisty Sandra.

She held on to his hair, pulling, kicking, scratching, screaming. She no longer had any reason to endure him. She wanted to kill him, but Gabriel overpowered her. He pulled her out and held her tight until she calmed down.

Bruce looked like he was attacked by an angry mob. His hair was scattered, his shirt torn, his lips bleeding, there were scratches on his face and neck. He wrapped his hands around his tummy and rolled in pain.

"Get me to the hospital please." Bruce whined.

Sandra scoffed, this was just the beginning and he was already being a drama queen.

"Get him to the hospital," she instructed Gabriel. "I will go home myself."

"But boss won't..."

"Listen to the damn woman." Brice shouted, interrupting Gabriel.

Gabriel hurried back to the driver's seat, he nodded at her and she waved at him. She brought out her phone from her purse and dialled a number, as she listened to the phone ring, she watched the car move farther away from her.

"Hello." A voice said at the other end of the phone.

"It's time.." Sandra said.

A slow deadly smile crept up to her lips. There will be a lot of listening to be done when she is finished with him...