
The Burning Obsession Of A flame mate & Ash Prince : SHE

A Tale about Lady Minath , being the Soul Devourer reborn in a fragile human body has left her weak with no memories of the creature of the old soul she is. Minath is now haunted by a mysterious man in her dreams and visions ; His presence leaves undeniabale, irresistible mixed scents , she can't help but feel a strong connection with him . " The Fire Sign Is What Bond Us Together , My Mate " , his words echoed in her mind as he dissappeared into thin air , leaving her alone again . Their Bond takes her on a journey between life and death , Hell and Heaven , but is unbreakable as nothing can shake it . However, they are pursued by the Ash Prince , a powerful creature known to be the nature controller , who seeks to prevent them from being together in every lifetime and every changing scenario he creates for them . They call him the villain in their story , and looking for ways to overcome his strengths and be together for once and for all !! they unlock the dusty broken bare truths ....

Ranias_Heaven · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

I found it .

He stared at my teary eyes in petty and guilt then caressed my cheeks with his other hand and finally spoke :

_ I promise you he will pay for that .

I closed my eyes letting more tears to come out . I don't know why but right now the only one I feel safe with is KENNETH , unlike every time , I'm not annoyed by his presence at all , I'm pleased and I just want him to stay here by my side to protect me from that man .

He held my hand sending me warmth all over my body and then leaned closer from my face , he kissed my cheek deeply burning me and then moved back to face still close from my face and whispered :

_ You no longer have to worry . this time it's different ....YOU CHOSE ME over him so we won't fail again .

I stared at his sincere eyes and whispered as well since I couldn't even speak properly :

_ How ?!

he didn't seem to understand what I meant so I continued :

_ How do I know I chose the right man between you too ?

He then smiled gently and said :

_ You just feel it . the fire sign is what bond us together , and I can see that you already feel it too , that's why i' m the one who's still here and not him .

I knew he was right , I could feel it as well , but I was still curious so I asked :

_ Grandmother said the Evil man has manipulated me in the past , that means he is stronger ...how do we know he won't do that again to me .

He patted on my hair and said confidently :

_ I told you this time is different because I came first . And after you get well which is very soon I'll teach you how to use your powers.

I looked at him with tired and confused eyes and said :

_ What powers ?! I have powers too ??

he then gave me a genuine smile and said while still patting my hair :

_ You are so adorable when you are confused . But yeah , of course you have powers , and unlike Audra your powers are connected to all the nature which gives a lot of advantage while His powers are only connected with winter .

so the evil 's man name is Audra ! well that explains a lot , for why I got the flue which I never had , and why every time I saw him in my visions or nightmares he came looking so pale because of his very white skin , every time I was with him in my visions or nightmares I felt cold but thanks god KENNETH was always there to give warm even though I didn't recognize his face from all the visions and dreams at first , but now I can . so I said :

_ noble strength , storm .

he smiled looking at me amused and then said :

_ You seem to know a lot about names !!

then I whispered again :

_ I was always interested in name's meanings and more .

He laughed gently then said in a serious tone :

_ Mina ....

the was he said my name seriously made my heart race , then he continued in the same tone :

_ You know you are same with me , right ??

I stared at his excited worried eyes and said :

_ yeah , I do .

and I wasn't lying , because right now he felt the safest to be with but of course I couldn't say that out loud .

he stared at my swollen injured lips with dark eyes then he continued :

_ Then You Should trust me in this . I promise you that I won't let get near you again or hurt you , and if he did ...just whisper my name and I'll be right there .

then I said :

_ I did . I called your name but you didn't come .

He looked at me confused and said :

_ You did !!? then for sure he blocked the connection between us , or else ....

he seemed to be thinking so deeply and then a frightened look appeared on his face and said :

_ He stole your powers !! he kissed you right !?

I just nodded I'm shock , I never knew before I had powers but now that I know I can't just let anyone steal them from me especially that evil Audra , I needed to get them back .

then he held my face in between both his big hands and said :

_ look at me . if he comes again try not to listen to what he tells you , don't believe anything he says because this is how he manipulated you before . His strength is that he can convince others with whatever he wants , but if you are smart enough just don't .

Now you know who he really is .

I just nodded again feeling speechless . Then all of a sudden he took my body with his a deep long hug and said with worried eyes :

_ I don't want you to sleep alone from now on , so whether you sleep with your grandmother or Brother from now on Or sleep with me .

my eyes widened at his last words . how could he be so straightforward .

I hope you enjooooy .

Ranias_Heavencreators' thoughts