

"I watched as my family... burned," said Alex, crying.

"Oh, Alex, I'm so, sorry, I'll always be here for you," said Finnaire, lovingly.


"Are you planning on seeing Finnaire again, tonight Mr. Gordon?" Asked Bruce.

Alex and Bruce were sitting down at Alex's desk in his room.

"Hmmm? Oh, no, I left my coffee canister in her tree... I can't risk going back," said Alex.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yes, but I have a bigger problem."

"Oh?" Asked Bruce intrigued.

Alex sighs. "Yes, one of Finna's friends Heilda... no... Heira, yes, Heira, she's on to me... she's smart, she could possibly found out everything else about me that I've tried so hard to conceal. She also insulted me and said what I did was creepy! It's NOT!!!" Alex threw his homework on the floor and Bruce then quickly picked it up and put it back on the desk.

"What do you suppose we should do?"

"Get rid of her! She's a threat!!"

"But we only kill certain people, we can't kill her."

"Have you forgotten the promise you made to my father, already? Are you serious?!"

"No, of course not, I loved him like a son."

"Well, then! Found out more about this girl, work your magic Bruce, find out more about this Heira character and BRING HER TO ME!!"


"Goodmorning Mr. Gordon, excited that it's Saturday?" Asked Bruce.

Alex, Bruce, and Richard, who had a bandage over his sewn ear were sitting in Alex's garden house, the room was full of red roses, the room was made of clear glass and you could see right through it, to the garden which had a full range of all types of flowers.

"Yes, indeed," said Alex, sitting comfortably in a white cushion chair. He leaned down and plucked a red rose by the stem, which made his fingers bleed from the thorns, but Alex smiled and sucked his blood. 'Delicous.' He sniffed the rose then threw it on the ground. "Isn't it sad?"

"What is, Mr. Gordan?" Asked Bruce.

Alex sighed sadly. "How roses look so beautiful, but if they get thrown or their petals get plicked or start to wilt, they're not anymore, their beauty is so fragile, and they can become ugly in a instant..."

"Yes, I suppose that's true Mr. Gordan," said Bruce.

Alex pressed his fingers together. "Yes, indeed... that's what I want to do to Heira... take her beauty away in a instant." He picked up a thornless rose from the clear vase on the glass table and squeezed the rose, which made the petals fall off the stem.

"Umm... what now? Who's Heira, Mr. Gordan?" Asked Richard.

"Richard go get some more lemonade from the kitchen," said Alex.

"But you have a full pitcher of it," said Richard.

"Do you want me to hurt you again?" Asked Alex, giving Richard a menacing glare.

"Y-yes, Master," said Richard, leaving the garden house.

"Now, Bruce, what have you found out about Heira?" Asked Alex.

"Aw, well... not that much besides her last name and home address," said Bruce.

"Hmmm.... it'll have to do."

"Would you like to have more cucumber sanwiches?"

"Oh, no, I'm fine for now, I'm thinking about dinner now."

"What you would like to eat?"

"I'll give you a hint.... starts with a 'h' ends with a 'a'; I'm going to call a few friends over for dinner, I'm quite excited."


"Hmmm... she's still unconscious," said Alex.

Alex, Bruce, and a unconscious Heira tied to a chair were in Alex's basement, there were was light coming out of the windows in the back of the room, the white paint on the walls were chipping away revealing the wood underneath, the room was poorly lit, in each side of the room were shelves of preserved brains on one side and on the other hearts in jars.

"She should start coming around soon," said Bruce.

After a few moments Heira begans to stir and opens her eyes slowly admittedly jolting against her restraints, while looking around her surroundings widely.

"Wh-where am I?! Alex, is that you?" She asked.

"Oh, please, relax.... it'll all be over soon," said Alex.

"P-please don't kill me. What did I even do to you?!" Asked Heira, yelling.

"You outed me in front of everyone, you didn't think it was sweet about watching Finna sleep-" Said Alex.

"So you're going to kill me because of it?!" Asked Heira, enraged.

Alex slapped Heira. "I wasn't done talking!!" Yelled Alex. He takes a deep breath. "The last thing I was going to say before I was RUDELY interrupted, like ruuuuude...." He said, sarcastically. "It's okay, I forgive you... Moving on, the last thing I was going to say was... you're smart.... you would have found out the truth eventually... the law enforcement in this town are incompetent... so stupid... I can't beileve they haven't connected the dots to lead to me, about all the people that have gone missing, the man's body found in the woods; killed by me and Bruce."

"W-what? I don't beileve you," said Heira.

Alex walk over to the shelf and picks up a jar with a preserved brain inside marked 'William Mark Willson' and walked over to the second shelf and picks up a jar with a preserved heart in it marked the same thing. And showed them to Heira, while smiling evilly.

"These are from the man's body found in the woods," said Alex, leaning close to Heira's face.

"Please... don't do this... Aren't you overreacting?" Asked Heira.

"And soon, you'll be joining him," said Alex, leaning in even closer to Heira, ignoring her last comment.

"Here you are, Mr. Gordan," said Bruce, handing Alex a butcher's knife.

"Ah, thank you, dear Bruce," said Alex, taking the knife.

Alex walked behind one of the shelves and pulls out a fold up wooden small table with on of his hands, the other holding the knife, he sets the table in front of Heira, he uses the knife to cut the rope around her right hand and places it on the table.

"Don't try anything or your death will be a lot faster, and you won't have time to say your last prayers," said Alex.

Heira began crying.

Alex took the knife and traced Heira's fingers with it, then he pressed the knife against her thumb. He then began cutting her thumb off and Heira screamed out in pain and Bruce rushed over to put a white cloth over her mouth muffling her cries. Alex deliberately cut into her thumb slowly so Heira can feel the pain for as long as possible, the blood from the thumb got on the knife, half way through cutting into her thumb he pulled against the cut and began pulling out one of bones in the thumb, the remainder of her thumb still intact began wiggling around, still able to be in use. Alex did the same to the rest of her fingers then he cut the rope around her other hand and did the same thing.

Almost ready for the grand finale," said Alex, cheerfully waving his right hand around widely covered in blood.

"I must ask, Mr. Gordan.... why don't you use the snake?" Asked Bruce.

"Because, I've killed those people for different circumstances then this time, this gives me a chance to experiment." He raised the knife and stabbed into Heira's eye making a sickly splatter sound while he twirled around the knife while pushing the knife deeper in her eye and then he pulled out the knife while also pulling out Heira's eye including her optic nerve. "Such a beautiful eye, so beaitiful... I'll have it preserved... although it's very tempting to eat." He sadly shrugs and pulls the eye off the blade and hands the eye to Bruce. "Now... for the grand finale."

Alex stares at Heira's eyesocket, happy he had taken away her beauty in a instant.

Alex shoved away the table in front of Heira and straddled himself on Heira's legs. He pulled Heira's hair back with his right hand and slit her neck, the blood sprayed on his face. He looked up to see Heira's left eye staring at Alex in horror; blood began to

bleed through the cloth around Heira's mouth. Alex cut the knife deeper into her neck the blood around Heira's mouth began dripping down, she began choking on her own blood making her cough. Alex cut Heira's neck all the way through, making Heira die and making her head to detach from the rest of her body. Alex carried Heira's head by her hair and proudly smiled at Bruce, pulling up the head a bit more to show off to Bruce.


"Welcome, friends!" Shouted Alex in delight.

Alex, Ben, Bobby, Bruce and Finnaire, were standing Alex's doorway.

"Whoah, Short Stuff, I didn't know you had so much money. Your parents must work for the president or somethin'. Cool," said Bobby, gawking.

"My parents are DEAD," said Alex, coldly.

"Oh, Short Stuff, I-," said Bobby.

"ANYWAYS, let's go in the dining room!" Exclaimed Alex, making the rest of the group jump except for Bruce.

Bruce lead the teenagers into the dining room.

"Yo, this is cool, Short Stuff," said Bobby.

"Indeed," said Alex.

Bruce got the group situated in their seats and stands right next to Alex staring at nothing in particular, smiling.

"I thought my family was well off," said Ben in awe.

Alex pats Ben's hand. "I'm sure they are," said Alex, condescendingly, making Ben scowl at him.

"That was kind of rude," said Finnaire.

"Sorry, Ben, I didn't mean to sound like I had a superior complex," said Alex.

"It's okay..." Said Ben.

"It's too bad Heira isn't here after I got the text from Fin Fin-" Said Richard.

"Fin Fin???" Asked Alex.

"It's my special nickname for Finnaire... anyways I got the text from her saying you wanted me to come over to have dinner, so I texted H.... but she never texted me back... I hope she's okay... she always responds to my texts," said Bobby, sadly.

"Try not to worry too much about it, Bob; maybe she just got her phone taken away," said Ben.

"Hmmm.... I dunno, B," said Richard.

"Let me guess, H, is Heira?" Asked Alex.

"Yes... I wish she could've been here with us; she'd totally get a kick out of this place," said Bobby.

"I'm sure she'll have her own special way of joining us," said Alex, mischievously, causing Bobby to raise his eye suspiciously at Alex.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Asked Bobby, Alex just shrugged and sipped some of his clear glass cup of water.

Richard came out of the kitchen into the dining room with a platter of strange looking meat, surrounded by cherry tomatoes and lettuce.

"Here you are Mr. Gordan, the Filet Mignon," said Richard, he then sat the meat platter on the table.

"Oooo, rich people food", said Finnaire.

Bruce came over and set up everyone's plate with the meat, lettuce, and tomatoes.

"Did you know Jeffrey Dahmer said human meat taste like Filet Mignon?" Asked Alex.

"Gee, thanks for telling me that, Short Stuff, I DEFIENTLY want to be thinking about eating human meat, while eating this," said Bobby, sarcastically.

Alex put his hands over his mouth while giggling like a five year old and while kicking his legs. 'Oh, the irony.'

"It wasn't that funny," said Bobby. He cut into the meat and took a bite of it, a strange expression took over his face.

"What do you think?" Asked Alex, smiling.

"Ummm... well, despite it being beef, it taste like a mixture of pork and chicken... and something else; I'm sorry, but I can't eat anymore of it, I'll just eat the lettuce and tomatoes", said Bobby.

Alex shrugged and turned to Ben. "What do you think of the Felet Mignon?" He asked.

"Well... I've had Felet Mignon before... and this dosn't taste like it.... but it's good," said Ben, plastering a fake smile.

"Good!" Exclaimed Alex, excitedly.

"I can't beileve I'm about to eat Felet Mignon," said Finnaire, excitedly.

"Well, go on, eat it," said Alex.

Finnaire cut into the meat and put it in her mouth. "Mmm, this is SO good!" She exclaimed, happily.

Alex watched dreamily as Finnaire happily chowed down on the meat completely unaware that the meat was human, and that it was her friend, Heira. Alex happily cut into his Filet Mignon and began happily eating as well.

"Mr. Gordan, the blood sauce should be ready now," said Richard.

"Okay, go get it," said Alex, lazily, while waving his hand dismissively, while looking down at his dinner plate.

Richard walked into the kitchen.

"Uh, blood sauce?" Asked Bobby.

"Yeah, it can be quite good and nutritious," said Ben.

"Hmmm... okay, B," said Bobby.

"Yes, I made the blood sauce myself, I left it to boil, I hope you will all like it," said Alex.

"I'll like anything you make, Alex," said Ben, flirtatiously.

"Well... good," said Alex.

"Mmmm.... this meat, is SO good, doesn't need any sauce, but I'd be happy to try the sauce by it's self," said Finnaire.

Alex watched in astonishment as Finnaire scarfed down the meat, beaming.

"Delicious!" Exclaimed Finnaire, happily.

"You want the rest of my Felet Mignon? I just can't manage to eat it," said Bobby.

"Oooo, definitely," said Finnaire.

Bobby took his plate and scraped the rest of the meat onto Finnaire's dinner plate, and shook his head.

Richard came back into the dining room with a white sauce bowl.

"Oooo, the sauce is here!" Exclaimed Alex, happily clapping his hands excessively.

"I can't wait to try it...." Said Ben, sweetly.

"Thanks," said Alex.

"Here you go, Mr. Gordan," said Richard.

"Oh, dude, what happened to your ear, man?" Asked Bobby.

"Don't worry about it, enjoy the food," said Richard, emotionless.

"Well, the Felet Mignon didn't taste good, so dude, do you have anything else I can eat?" Asked Bobby.

"There's some leftover pork from two days ago, would you like that, sir?" Asked Richard.

"Mmm... sure," said Bobby.

Richard left the dining room. And Bruce took the sauce bowl and poured it over everyone's plates.

"Mmm... this sauce is pretty good," said Bobby.

"Ummm.... Alex, why did Richard not say what happened to his ear to Bobby?" Asked Finnaire.

"I don't know, he just didn't feel like explaining I guess," said Alex, casually.

"Mmm... hey, Bruce, can you serve some more Felet Mignon, please?" Asked Finnaire.

"Of course, Ms. Merril," said Bruce.

"Huh? How'd you know my last name?" Asked Finnaire.

"Uh, Finnaire, I told him, the teacher called out your name when he took attendance," said Alex.

"Oh, right, I'm so stupid sometimes," said Finnaire, making Alex roll his eyes.

"You mean all the time?" Asked Ben, making Finnaire scowl.

"Hey, Alex, is it okay if I take some of the Filet Mignon home? I want my family to try this, I'm sure they'd like it," said Finnaire, scarfing down the meat, she didn't even bother to eat the lettuce and tomatoes.

After Ben finished eating the Filet Mignon, which he didn't really like, he just ate it sense Alex likes it; Ben takes a bite of one of the cherry tomatoes, his face turning to delight. "Oh, wow, these tomatoes are the freshest sweetest tomatoes I've ever had! I didn't even know tomatoes could be sweet without sugar," said Ben.

"Ah, well.... I grow my own tomatoes.... and there's a..... SPECIAL ingredient I've recently been putting in the fertilizer... I'd tell what is.... but then I'd have to kill you," said Alex, completely serious.

Ben let's out a cute snorty laugh. "Nice one", he said, as he ate another cherry tomatoe.

'If only they knew what I put in the fertilizer,' thought Alex.

Richard came back in the dining room with one serving size of pork. Then he sat it down in front of Bobby.

"This has been a good dinner," said Finnaire.