
The Brothers (Book 1)

Three Royals fighting for their freedom to live and love freely without any barriers. Would they be able to overcome these barriers and find their peace. Idris, most senior and King of Akhana, dashing an handsome with a kingdom to rule. How would he overcome the stringent traditions to love his soul mate, Morgan?.

Agatha_Peters · Realistis
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4 Chs


"Your Highness, the budget for the Tourist museum has been met and constructions are to begin in a month but we will need a manager for the workers as the last one is on her honeymoon vacation and won't be back till next year", Aba, PA to the current Al-raj of Ahkana stated.

"I'll manage it myself, send the details to me and please do inform me if any of my brothers arrive, I'll be going round the town in the meantime inform me if anything urgent happens".

Idris walked out into the morning sun, stretching his fine limbs he jogged onto the track for his morning duties. Going round his city every morning was a chore Idris found most fulfilling, as King it was the time of the day he had the most time to himself, to think, and most importantly to enjoy the views.

Ahkana is a city made for tourists, and it can also be a place to heal oneself, as the place has the freshest oases and thick forests that grants it's visitors enough solitude.

"Good morning Abdul, where to this fine morning?",

"Your Highness, good morning to you and I need to see if Miss Killah is at home the tourists that arrived yesterday have no tour guide and I am about to see if she is available today".

"Well, no need to disturb the old lady, I'll see to the tourists myself, why don't you just take me to them,"

"No problem, your Highness",

"No need for formalities Abdul, just call be Big brother and that will be all".

"That won't be appropriate, Your Highness"

"We wouldn't want to cause a scene now, just call me Big Brother it doesn't change anything anyway, and I insist"

"Okay, Your High....Big brother ".


Morgan waited in the lounge of the hotel, Royals, which was meant for visitors, the other tourists have been trying to get to know each other but it seems noone wants to talk to her which is normal as she has always been invisible most of the time. Her long bangs and thick glasses were not doing any much good. She sat on a chair holding her lucky satchel which contained all basic necessities of a young lady, including sanitary pads as she always loses track of her period. Which isn't all that surprising as she loses almost everything.

As an orphan, it has been tough growing up. Through a mere fluke she was able to gain a scholar to Yale and graduated with honours in Management Sciences, not that it mattered since no one was there to celebrate with her, being the "ghost" of the class and all. Her current job was gotten through Danny, her ex, and working in Excels has been a bliss and for what it's worth a better working environment. Also, she had a friend there, Julia, who was calling her again for the 13th time this morning.

"M, have you met the tour guide, these people need to be sued you know. How could they waste the whole day, don't they know you guys came there for a reason. This is why I wanted you to come see my parents with me. They will love you I am sure if it. It's better than this vacation you insisted on taking, away from me no less"

"Julia, I don't mind the wait, really",

"Of course you don't, you are a sweet child, I bet you would never really get angry at anything, which is really bad if I might add, you barely have any emotions. Listen...."

And that's my friend, Julia, the mother hen. And I do love her.