

This is a story about love and family relationships build on deceitful and secretive foundation but when the secrets and the truth start to get revealed, the family and love ties get broken. The story evolves around a young woman whose dream was to become a personal assisant secretary to an important business man whilst living with an overbearing and protective mother, who hates males for some reason. The young woman's sheltered and controlled life makes a turn for the better or worse when she finally gets her dream job and also falls in love with her boss.

LEAH_VURAYAYI · perkotaan
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35 Chs

The conversation

Amya could not believe her eyes after seeing who it was. She thought maybe her mind was playing tricks on her but it was no mistake. She was really facing the bastard that ruined her mother's life and also made her life miserable by making her mother control her life. 'What is he doing here? And what does he want from me? And how dare he show up in front of me? No! It doesn't matter just pretend he doesn't exist and just get in the car and leave', these were Amya's thoughts after she saw that her father Felix was the one who was approaching her.

So after contemplating with her thoughts, she decided to ignore him and just enter the car and drive off. But before she even unlocked the door, Felix suddenly came closer and held her hand. Shocked and angered by the action, Amya yelled at him saying, 'what is wrong with you!! Leave my hand and leave me alone right now!! Leave me alone otherwise I am calling the security!!" "No! No! I am not letting go until you and I talk!!", yelled Felix back at her. " Talk! Talk! What do you want to talk to me about huh! Because I have no reason to talk to you or listen to whatever you say!! So let me go! Otherwise I will report you to the police for harassment!" Yelled Amya.

"Ok! Ok! Amya! Calm down please! I swear I have absolutely no intention to hurt you alright! Ok! See I am letting go of hand now ok! I just want us to talk! Please! Just give me five minutes of your time and then you can leave", said Felix whilst letting go of Amya's hand. "Look...I know that you hate me for what I did to your mother and I accept that. I was a real jerk and a bastard in the past. I treated your mother horribly that day. But I swear to you that if I could turn back time and fix my mistakes...I would. But I can't....but nothing hurts me the most than seeing you...my own flesh and blood rejecting me and pushing me away like this. I understand why you are doing it....but despite it all, I know that deep down you also have some questions for me that need answers. So I am telling you now. That I am willing to talk and answer every question that you have for me. So can we please just talk...please...", said Felix in a broken and pleading tone.

Amya could not help but feel that what Felix said was right, deep down she also had some questions for him like, 'why did he do such a horrible thing like that to her mother, did he know that she existed and if he did then why did he not show up all these years until now'. She knew these questions needed an answer, so she had no choice but to relent to her father's request.


"Here are your coffees and cakes. Please enjoy", said a waiter. "Thank you", said Felix. "Coffee and cake is also my favorite snack. I guess the favorite food runs in the family", Felix further stated whilst chuckling. Amya and Felix decided to have their conversation at a nearby cafe. Amya did not comment on her father's statement but just decided to get to the point. "Look...you brought me here to talk..so please let's talk because I have a lot to do and I must get on with it. Also besides I am even breaking my promise to mother right now for speaking to you. So please say what you want to say and let me leave!" Said Amya in an annoyed tone and then she took hold of her cup of coffee and sipped some before placing it back down on the table. Felix took in a deep breath and said, "first of all I am really grateful that you decided to talk to me. It's something that I really wanted to do for such a long time but did not have the courage to do so. Because I already assumed that your mother already told you about what I did to her and...she must have also warned you to stay away from me", said Felix and then he also took a sip from his coffee waiting to hear if Amya would say something but seeing that she was not interested in talking he went on saying,

"I really didn't mean to hurt her...your mother. I really loved Amber with all my heart. As a matter of fact I still do love her.." "Then why did you do it. Why did you hurt her...and in such a disgusting horrible way huh? Why did you hurt my mother if you loved her...then why!" Asked Amya in a slightly broken tone. "The thing is Amya, I got involved in some shady business during that time when I was still with your mother. What happened was....one of the companies that I was working for....was doing some illegal business. At first the money was rolling in great until....", paused Felix. " Until what....Speak!" Said Amya after she got irritated with her father's silence.

"Until the daughter of the boss of the company fell in love with me. I thought that it was just a crush that she had, which I also thought that in due time she was going to get over it. But damn was I wrong. I told her countless of times that I was in love with someone and it wasn't going to work out between us but she didn't listen. She didn't listen that it drove her to the extent of drugging and sleeping with me. And she made her father to find us in that compromsing position. So I had to be tied down to her. Uhh....I thought I could escape it all and marry Amber and run away...but on our wedding day. She came to my house and threatened me to break up my engagement with Amber or she would kill her. She even showed me a video of some of her father's men pointing a hidden gun at her at the dressing salon. So you see Amya... I had no choice but to do it. Because if I broke up with your mother just like that she would have insisted on being with me and would never have accepted the break up. So I had to do it in that horrible way...so that she would leave and not return", said Felix in a broken tone. "Wow...I thought mom was lying when she told me that you were such an actor Mr Peralta wow! And to think that I almost believed you! You truly are one lying and cunning man you know that! And you truly deserve an award for the best liar in world! Just wow..." Sneered Amya whilst clapping her hands.

"But its the truth Amya! Thats what happened! Its the truth! Why don't you believe me!" Exclaimed Felix in disbelief because his daughter did not believe him. Amya just stood up from her seat and said, " Mother already warned me about you being a con artist and a cunning liar! How can you expect me to believe such a story which is obviously made up! You know what, thank you Mr Peralta for wasting my time and showing me who you truly are! I don't ever want to see you near me or my mother again Ever!! Goodbye!!" Said Amya and she took hold of her purse and started stomping out of the café until her father's words stopped her in her tracks. "Her name is Linda Collins." said Felix who slowly approached Amya from behind. " The woman that ruined both me and your mother's lives". That name sounded so familiar that it made Amya turn around with eyes filled with disbelief. 'No it can't be. Because that woman was..' Thought Amya. " Yes Amya. The woman is Linda Collins. David's mother.."

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