
The disaster

'It' was something so terrifying that no mind could even imagine that such a thing could ever occur. 'It' had all happened so fast that by the time your body and mind would react it would be to late.

The men in light leather armor had shown no mercy to the small mountien village completely destroying it. Leaving no survivors except all the children under the age of 10. The men had snatched these children from their dead parents embrace and had put large chains around their necks, ankles and hands. The chains seemed to be custom made for children of their size.

Amongst these children bundled up in a corner a glint of silver hair could be seen which belonged to a young boy of about 5-6 years of age. His strange hair colour was considered strange in the small village and for exactly that reason he was thrown away by his parent at a young age and had no friends to even mention. So unlike all the other children that were traumatized form seeing there parents cold bodies he was rather mad at himself for being caught if he had just staid in the small little cave near the village ,which he called home, non of this would of happened.

As the men continued to slaughter the villagers and take in more children the sun slowly rose indicating that the nights slaughter had come to an end. More than half of the children had fainted due to shock

as so they where thrown on top of a wagon leaving the rest of the children to be pulled be hind it forced to walk the rough mountain terrain.The young boy with silver hair was in the later group, and so his journey began