
The Trio

It was around noon the next day and it so happened to fall on a weekend. Ryan had just got up from his sleep when he heard a lot of activity going on around the house. When he walked out of his room he met Rodriguez going on about how the workers should be doing the general cleaning of the house since they all knew how Ryan was a clean freak and weekend cleanings were a first priority. He greeted Rodriguez and went to the kitchen to grab himself something to drink and eat. He wasn't much surprised to find Christian already there making some waffles and scrambled eggs

"I almost forgot this is not my house" Ryan said as he paid special emphasis on the 'my' part. Despite being a billionaire, Ryan was a foodie and not just one who loved to eat, but to get in the kitchen and make his own meals. He had taken some classes and also spent some time with some of the best chefs he could find so that he could learn a thing or two from them. This was one thing that his workers never quite understood, he had the money to hire as many private chefs as he wanted but Ryan wanted to cook his own meals.

Due to this, his kitchen was one of the most furnished and stacked rooms in the whole mansion. Most of the essential foodstuffs were bought by his staff but Ryan did most of the shopping for all the other stuff, from cutlery to spices and so forth. Christian always loved coming to Ryan's house because it was like a heaven for any foodie. Once in a while he would stop by just because when he compared the kitchen back at his place and Ryan's, his was beaten hands down.

"Yeah yeah, as if I haven't heard that one before. I just dropped by and wanted something to eat" Christian responded

" Yeah right, mind adding a few more of those. I'm starving " Ryan said as he yawned and stretched out his hands.

"Easy now sleeping beauty, why do you look like you just woke up from a coma?" Christian asked him

" I feel like I have. It's probably because I was out yesterday till late in the night " Ryan said before Rodriguez walked into the room taking in the delicious smell that came from the kitchen

"It smells good in here. And I'm saying that because almost every other room in this house either smells like soap or disinfectant" Rodriguez said as he pulled a seat next to Ryan. Despite him being his personal assistant, Rodriguez had become good friends with Ryan, mostly because Ryan was one of the friendliest bosses around. So whenever Christian wasn't around, Rodriguez would be around as his personal assistant and also close friend who they would even have a laugh with.

"You're welcome. Don't tell me I'll have to keep adding the plates because at this rate I'm seeing myself cooking for the whole damn mansion" Christian said as he stood there looking at both of them who started laughing.

"Don't worry about that, I'm good and I'm sure the rest are. You only have to worry about the rest " Rodriguez answered

" And by the way, it's been quite a while since you've mentioned Justina " Christian poked just as Ryan was pouring himself a cup of coffee making him stop midway and give him a death stare. Christian got the impression that something had happened since when he looked at Rodriguez had his head bowed down like he was ashamed of something and Ryan seemed to be extra pissed off about that topic

"Oh boy" those were the only words that came out of Rodriguez's mouth

"I can't even have one day to just enjoy some peace and tranquility" Ryan said as he put the coffee jug down a bit too aggressively confirming Christian's assumption

"Wait a minute, something did happen" Christian finally said

" And I don't want to talk about it" Ryan told him firmly

" Well you might not talk about it but he will" Christian said as he pointed to Rodriguez who looked confused. He didn't know whether to talk or just shut up since he knew that it was his fault in the first place when he let Justina inside Ryan's compound . After a long silence and with Christian looking intensely at Rodriguez, he finally couldn't keep quiet.

"Justina might have visited a few days ago" Rodriguez final said

" Well that's news to me, tell me what happened " Christian said as he was serving up the food. When Rodriguez looked towards Ryan's direction for an indication whether to keep going or to stop Christian walked right in front of him standing between both of them.

"Come of Rodriguez, tell me" Christian pushed on with his curiosity

"Fine, she came wanting to talk to Ryan and things got heated up between them" Rodriguez filled him in

Christian turned and looked at Ryan with a raised brow like he wanted to say something but didn't. He looked at him for some seconds before Ryan ran out of patience waiting for him to say or ask whatever he wanted to ask.

"What?" Ryan asked him

"When he says things got heated between the two of you, does he mean that she tired to talk to you and you wouldn't hear none of it and things got heated up or?" Christian finally asked knowing full well that whenever Ryan was in the same room with Justina and she wanted to talk things out, Ryan would be the one to end that conversation

"I think you already know the answer to that question" Ryan said as he started digging into his food

"Why won't you listen to her?" Christian asked now in a more serious tone

"One chance Christian! She only had one chance! That's what you get and guess what she did with that chance? She blew it all over my face" Ryan answered him. His answer sounded more like a declaration than an answer and Christian knew that there was no way that Ryan would go back on this one rule.

"Besides, he is already occupied with some other girl called Diana" Rodriguez dropped the bomb catching both Christian and Ryan unaware