
High Scoring Student

When Kurokon was called, He was sent to the target with 10 levels, Flouren was at the side watching while the students were watching Curiously.

Flouren then Explained Performance level animatedly, When Flouren was done, She told Kurokon to start.

Kurokon Then Imbued his mana in his fist, He held back because he doesn't want the tragedy to happen again from the village, But That time, He wasn't sure and doubting that It won't be that bad.

But this time Kurokon was now sure the strength was increased, He then broke 6 Levels.


The loud Explosion Echoed throughout the room, Alena was shocked, Because a Average student can only crack or dent the 1st layer.

This was the first time She saw this Happen, She then thought, What is this childs real strength?, Because it feels like he held back.

The students were also Amazed, They never heard such situation, They only know that as long as they dealt a good amount of damage on the 1st layer, It is Considered You've passed the first test.

"No way, That's too strong" Tina said

"Who is this guy?, He doesn't have the strength of a Student" Alan added

"Yeah, He might have the strength of a first year academy student" Amy replied.


while the students were discussing animatedly, Kurokon was sent to the principals office to talk.

"Your strength may seem worthy but it seems like you can't control it, be careful when using it again, i saw you in my window getting nervous when you performed, i was prepared to stop you but you sure seem fine." Alena said.

"Yeah, But i wasn't expecting that kind of strength" Kurokon replied.

"Okay then, You're dismissed" Alena added.


Kurokon then walked out of the principals office.

When Kurokon went back to the Examining Room, The other students were being Examined, it was chaotic, But it also the students were having fun.

Kurokon was surprised, He saw some Awesome Magic spells, There were Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Poison, Metal and different kinds of elements.

Kurokon was Interested on the 2nd test, It was flying targets, Lightning and wind Were the best on flying targets, Especially long range, While Metal was best at smaller Objects.

There were also Metal bullets, It was fast, Almost fast as a Pistol ammo, While Poison was best at Enemies that are in groups.

Water Also has some advantages, It can slow down fast opponents, Earth is Also good for Defending and knocking back opponents.

Wind Can be used for flying, Scouting and making supernatural Spells like A Typhoon, Fire Is good at Burning down nearby enemy camps and trapping them.

For those who are confused, The test are divided into Different categories. The first one are Layers, The more layers the examiner breaks, the thicker it gets.

And the flying targets are the opposite, The more layers you break the smaller is gets.

And then Moving targets, The more the Examiner hits it, the faster it gets.

and lastly, All three categories are combined,

The opponent is actually A fast moving mechanical Animal, Its skin gets thicker and thicker if the Examiner hits it.

Its speed will also increase overtime, And it also jumps, If it Evades and jump, The Speed and height of The animal gets higher and faster.

Okay, Back to where Kurokon was learning, Before he could figure out what are the other uses if the Elements he just witnessed now, He was Called by Examiner Alena.

He resumed his Test, He is now in the Flying targets, He then Imagined A spear made of lightning with a trace of wind.

And When he did, He then threw it at the targets.

*Lightning crackling*



All 5 flying targets were Destroyed, The students were no longer shocked because they already Expected this, They already considered Kurokon Is one of the geniuses.

But Alena was shocked, Because that speed just now was too fast, It almost was like a speed of light.

"You're strength is too terrifying Kurokon, You will skip all of the test and you will fight the mechanical Animal" Alena Said.

"Alright, but isn't this unfair?" Kurokon Added.

"It isn't, you're too strong, You might break too much on the next test" Alena replied.


Kurokon was then sent to the last test, Kurokon then saw a Hybrid, It was a cheetah with similarities to a jaguar and tiger.

Before Kurokon could analyze the situation, The Hybrid pounced at Him without hesitation, Kurokon them somehow Evaded that with Teleportation Affinity, It wasn't a Element.

Alena was then Surprised, She didn't Expect this, Because Only high ranking Mages have this kind of ability, And There are only a few that have this.

When Kurokon Teleported He didn't have time to think, He then activated His Space domain, While activating, He only made it to cover the entire Room, Including the students and Alena.

All of them were surprised, Before they could comment anything, They were interrupted by Kurokon's match and watched.

Kurokon then Created a aerodynamic Spear followed by a barrage of Lightning Arrows, Kurokon then teleported in the air and made a artificial Meteor using earth magic.

The Hybrid was overwhelmed but it still hasn't given up and used some of it's trump cards, The hybrid used Magic enhancing and used Metal magic, it them imbued it to its claws.

It then Pounced at Kurokon but He Evaded and used Razor Sharp Wind scythe.

The Hybrid was then cut in half leaving the hybrid in a awkward position, It then fell.


The Hybrid then used Regeneration magic, When it Regenerated the other half was very creaky and has the sound of a Rusty metal, Why? Because it doesn't have magic Circle inside it, The magic circle Supports the hybrid.

Its speed decreased, And the other Half was then used by Kurokon And scrapped it, It then turned into Metal scythe.

It then flew to Kurokon, He then Imbued It with mana, It Became Fast and Sharp, It can slice 5 layers thick Tungsten sheet like butter.

Kurokon Then flew to the Hybrid at the speed of sound, The hybrid had no time to think, Before it could to anything, It was already sliced to pieces.

Alena was surprised, He was the 3rd person To ever Destroy that Magic hybrid beast.

Kurokon Then deactivated The domain, But to their surprise, The room was still good as new, They were confused.

Before they could React, Alena then Scored the performance of the 15 students, Kurokon was the 1st, Followed by Tina, Then Alan then Amy and so on.

Alena then Gave the students A student Card, She then told them that, starting Next week, They will go to Class - 1A.

She then Told them that their Teacher there will be Sir Saki.