
The Bride's Replacement

Skylar Izara Ishaani is a great journalist in Canada. She crosses path with the great Royal Maverick. She asks him bold questions that no journalist had deared to. Impressed by her boldness,Royal decides to marry her. Not for love but due to pressure from his parents. When she finds out why he wants to marry her,she disappears a day before her wedding. Her younger sister,Calista Serenity Ishaani suffers the price of her actions. Out of fear of her image in the public,Ishaani Kapoor,their mother,asks Calista to save her from embarrassment. She is to stand in the place of her elder sister. Since her sister ran away from home,away from her forced marriage,she is to pay the price. Calista agrees to marry Royals Maverick Atlas for her mother's image. She is the only person that can save her mother from the embarrassment that comes with her sister's disappearance the day before her wedding ceremony. She suffers in the hands of the young business lord,Royal. He has married her for his family's satisfaction but he is in love with a different woman all together. A woman that would bring her pain and unbearable life to leave. Let's begin together the journey between the great,famous and eligible young man,Royal Maverick Atlas and the most beautiful lady,Calista Serenity Ishaani. Will they fall in love and will their love grow there after or how is it going to be for them?

Linnah_Charles · perkotaan
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56 Chs

Getting to know Maverick

She rested her head against the headrest when she could not cry any longer.

Slowly she drifted in to a deep sleep.

At the master bedroom, Maverick kept on pacing and pacing.He could not wrap his finger around the reason as to why he could not bring himself to punish Calista.

He sat on the bed but then stood up before a minute could end.He was really mad that he was played that badly.

He actually wanted to punish Calista and her whole family but something was stopping him from doing so.

He finally decided to have a cold shower.Atleast that would calm his now tensed and confused muscles.He walked to the bathroom and got off the clothes he had been in.

Remaining with his pants that were clearly exposing his bulge,he unhurriedly walked closer to the bathtub.He then took it off and dipped himself in.

The water was cold and that's how he just wanted it to be.He wanted to calm his ragging mind.His boiling self...and the water would do him a great deal.

He tried as he could to relax his muscles as much as he could.He finally got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around his lower body.

He walked into his room while drying his hair with another towel.

Placing the towel on a hanger, Maverick laid on his king sized comfy bed and he drifted to sleep but it was uneasy sleep...a sleep that was far away from a peaceful one.

Just like all the other nights,he woke up with a start,his body covered with sweats.His heartbeat was as high as always and he was really struggling to catch his breathe.

He ran both his hands through his hair frustratedly and let out a bothered sigh.

For how long would these dreams always torture him?..

Actually Royal Maverick Atlas is the first born, now.He is a business tycoon and a famous business man.He is filthy rich...owns companies,cars and such a huge mansion..

His parents and siblings reside in New York while he is in Texas.

He has two sisters who he constantly fights with,Taylor and Sage.Taylor is a cardiologist while Sage is a Fashionista but not a model..

Then there is his joker brother...Jameson Aldo Atlas.He is actually a guy on his on...never behaving like an Atlas.

Jameson is actually the third born after Taylor.

Currently Maverick has been having migraines and these torturing nightmares.They began three years ago when his older brother Flavian died.He died in a car accident with his driver as well but Maverick believed that it was not just an accident.

There was no way that among his whole convoy,his car would just loose control and drive down to a cliff.He believed that someone had planned his death and the person did it perfectly that there was no evidence found by the police during the investigation.

Maverick had always looked up to his brother.He actually had always monitored and guided him in his business and he was a brother anyone would ask for.

He had brought the best out of him and he was where he was because of his brother's help.

When he died,everyone was shattered including Flavian's wife,Casey but as for Maverick...he lost his sanity and identity.He became harsh, unapproachable and very short tempered.Then these dreams and migraines followed and it was killing him.

His parents and siblings had always been there for him but it changed nothing.The dreams remained and the migraine persisted.

Therapists had done all they could but it seems he had locked all the doors to his healing.

It had been three years but Maverick still felt guilty for his brother's death.He had always protected him but he could not protect him for that one day...and now he had lost his pillar...his brother.

Sitting on the bed,the thought of Flavian brought tears to his eyes.He wept silent.It has been hard for him to let go and he never thought it was possible for him.

At the other room located at the same floor with the master bedroom,Calista finally opened her eyes.

She opened them slowly as she tried adjusting them with the light that was flooding the room.She almost hopped off the bed when her eyes caught a figure peering at her.

"Sorry dear,I did not mean to scare you,"the woman spoke.

From her dressing,Calista could tell that she was a maid in the house.She was wearing a white shirt and a black dress and a black cap.

She actually looked like a scout to Calista!

She was abit older.

'Maybe she could have grandchildren already.

Calista gazed around for trying to find her googles.She found them beside her on the bed.She put them on then looked at the lady.

"I am Elizabeth...the only cook at the moment.The rest just went for a short break but they will be returning tomorrow,"the woman spoke.

Calista nodded. She did not understand why she was telling her all that.It was really none of her business.

"You know what dear I was really glad that Mave was did not marry that witch he called his girlfriend,she is so wicked,"she continued.

"Who is Mave and what girlfriend are you talking about?"Calista was confused.The old lady was talking much and she was just confusing her since she did not know what she was talking about.

"Oh dear,you know nothing do you?...Mave is your husband and yes he had a girlfriend...an ugly witch,"Elizabeth continued.

Calista narrowed her eyes at the old lady.

"Married?"she asked making the old cook frown as well.

At mentioning the word married,the previous night's event reviewed in Calista's mind.

'Oh,am married!'she mused in her head.

She had had a beautiful sleep and she had almost forgotten that she was married.

"I need to freshen up,please,"she spoke after remembering what she had forgotten...what she wished she would forget forever.

"Ofcourse dear...I already prepared your bath and I can help you with it ,"the old lady informed gladly making Calista smile briefly.

Help her with her bath?...that was not just impossible...it was very much impossible!

"Don't worry Liz,I can't handle my bath..."Calista responded calmly.She felt weak.Not because she had not eaten for awhile,even though that was one of the reasons but because the events last night took much of her energy.

"And your dress?...do you need any help with it dear?"she asked looking worried now.

Calista nodded her head negatively.She needed no help and the questions were becoming a bother to her now.

"Am fine Liz and it is not a dress...it's a saree.."she corrected and Liz let out a soft laughter.

"Alright dear.There are clothes in the closet and shoes as well and breakfast is ready downstairs.."she informed pointing at a door inside the room.

Calista nodded silently and Liz left after confirming that she needed nothing.

Calista wondered why the older woman was so friendly to her. She now looked at her surroundings. The room was awfully gorgeous and sparkling. The air inside was so fresh.

Everything in it was white in color as she loved it. She wondered if he had know she loved everything white...but would he if he was to marry Izara instead?

She got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. The bathroom was another space on it's on. Everything was so perfect there and she really loved it. She wondered how the rest of the mansion was, reminding her that she did not know where downstairs was and how to get there but the old lady spoke as if she knew all that already.

She ignored all that and dragged herself to the bathroom.

When she got to the bathroom,the first thing she could do was get off the down weighing saree she was in.She wrapped a towel around her not too slim but curvy body and walked to the mirror.

She did not need to have a good look at her self before she could notice the change of color around her chin region.The place was a little purplish.

It was definitely the effect of the garb on her chin by Maverick.After a while of studying her face on the mirror which looked abit stuffy,she walked to the bathtub and soaked herself in the water.The water was warm to her preference and it felt so relaxing to be in the tub.She closed her eyes as she let the relaxation feeling take over her.

When the water began getting cold,she washed up throughly with the lavender soaps and got off the tub.

She wiped off the water as she got to the closet.What met her eyes in there made her drop the towel in shock, leaving her fully nude.She quickly bent to pick it before moving around the closet.

This place resembled a little but filled boutique and the clothes looked just appealing. The brands were classy and the fashion too great.

Since she started her carrier she had always wished to own such expensive clothes but she did not.She would wear very expensive clothes but they actually never belonged to her.

Her tummy growled angrily as she continued admiring the clothes with a huge smile plastered on her face, forgetting her other worries at the moment.

She quickly applied oil and got dressed so that she could go attend on her innocent tummy but little did she know she would have a whole exam to attend to when searching for the way downstairs.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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