
Chapter 6

Stan Edgar was not one to shy away from telling a Supe they were unworthy, brutish garbage. A waste of resources is only worth covering up for because of its impact on the company. It's not often one surprises him the way Glacius did. Markus was someone who understood how this world of theirs worked. He understood that power wasn't everything and he understood the saying of paying your debts. 

As Stan read the report the Vice Head of the Hero Analytics Department. Rajesh was a hard-working and talented young man in his 30s who would undoubtedly replace Robert once he retired. Stan rested the report down on his desk and turned his chair so he was facing the window and taking in his favorite view of the city.

"What do think about Glacius? Tell me about his performance this past year since he joined The Seven," he asked.

Rajesh pondered for a moment, then he answered. " He is the perfect asset, sir. He is not a loyal lap dog that does what he's told all the time. He listens when we give instructions on various ops and adapts where and when he sees fit."

"So he sees them as suggestions, not instruction...good," said Egar. He motioned Ganesh to continue.

"Sir, do you recall the co-op military op a few weeks back? Where they wanted Hoemlander to aid in the search and destroy operation, but they changed their mind once it also became a rescue op and told us to send who we thought would be the most effective."

Stan remembered of course. That operation's success for there for in the door of more permanent cooperation with the military that they were determined to bring under Vought's control, with as much subterfuge as possible.

"I remember, why?"

"I have some footage to show you, sir," he said as he pulled out a drive. Stan turned his chair around, glanced at Ganesh, and then the drive. He pressed a button on his desk. From the ceiling, a 50-inch monitor descended. I gestured for Gnaesh to hand him the drive. He then inserted the drive into a port on his desk. There was only one file on the drive, which was good, he hated wasting time. 

As the file began to play he took note it was a standard military op. The rescue team was besieged by and large counter force of insurgents led by...led by two supes. He has to look into how Compound V got into Iraq, but that came later. One of the Supes was a Middle Eastern woman, pretty with petite curves, black hair, and tanned skin. She could emit a sonic stream which she focused on the soldiers' equipment and guns destroying them and allowing her partner a called average looking but well-built Middle Eastern man who emitted rays from his eyes, but not of the heat variety like Homelander, but the rays do seem to have concussive force.

Such versatile abilities and their users would be worth experimenting with. He watches as the super supported the insurgent not only pushing the army back but reducing their numbers by half within minutes. He watched the captain grit his teeth before touching his coms and requesting special assistance. 

Stan leaned forward knowing that this must be the moment their asset was finally deployed. The fact that the captain waited this long to request aid from a supe, shows a fraction of how stubborn the government and the military were. 

Before a been the size of a man's torso could crash into the captain a thick shell of ice defended him. As the shell dispersed he saw Glacius standing in his new suit they put together for him with input from Markus himself or his debut as a new member of the seven. 


"Fall back captain"


"You'll only hold me back, have you men fall back. The mission isn't over. You'll advance once I'm done here," Glacius said. His eyes were flowing a frosty blue that emanated a chilling frost aura. The mask over his lower face released an icy breath that made the captain shudder. The captain finally agreed, seeing that Glacius didn't say the mission was over. He could still salvage this. He just let the freaks handle each other. 

"Fine. Fall Back!"

As the soldiers fell back the insurgent squadron charged after them, but before they could get too far they were flash-frozen. Glacius tapped his foot on the ground and the frozen squadron broke apart and fell to the ground. 

The two enemy Supes that were further back became more on guard. The man's eye began to glow a bright neon red. And the woman inhaled and u heard a sonic scream. Galcius rolled out the way and unleashed a wave of ice one story tall. The man's eyes widened before the veins at the side of his eyes bulged as he unleashed a potent beam that clashed with the wave.

[Glacius Pov]

Hmmm, pure concussive force then. Seeing as he can't melt my ice, makes him far easier to deal with. The woman is the real problem. I have to keep my ice in a semi-fluid form since solid constructs do break at certain frequencies. However, she might be able to reach those decibels. Let's up the pressure a bit. 

I punched the ground, freezing most of the area surrounding our battle. What was once the sand and ruins of a former city is now a semi-frozen wasteland perfect for an iceman like myself. 

Clapping my arms in front of me I created a blast of frosty air that caused that forced my opponent to close to shield their faces. When the frigid air they open their eyes to counter only to be met with the sight of a literal wave of ice approaching them. 

They both unleashed as much power as they could. The woman screamed, and the man widened his eyes to unleash a beam as wide as a human torso. They managed to push back and eventually destroyed the attack. But before they could breathe a sigh of relief, my follow-up attack descended in the form of a rain of ice spears. 

The man knowing he could not blast all the ones above him in time jumped out of the way. The woman, however. Unleashed a scream akin to a banshee cry upward. She successfully thwarted the attack...that I meant for them to focus on. 

Neither could react in time as ice spikes shot up front the ground piercing their legs. The woman screamed again this time in pain but not of the sonic variety. It would seem her sonic screams were more active than passive.

I approached them from my position with an ice hammer in my right hand. My steps slow not that they could fathom why I took my time. They both went to unleash their abilities in my direction seeming of the same mind that doing so would cancel the attack that pinned them in place.

But as they were about to they both felt it. Or didn't feel in this case. The woman looked down in time to see the ice that had covered everything from her chest down. Before she could shreak in peril it encased her face as well. 

His partner suffered the same fate as well. Hmm, which one do I smash first?

"You know you guys are my first super fight in a while. I gotta say...I'm kinda disappointed." I said while flexing my right shoulder a bit.

"Then again I can see you both a bit inexperienced with your abilities. This begs the question...why did your abilities activate so late in life?" I said as my eyes narrowed at my frozen victims.

"You can't answer and I weighing if I should even entertain one or just...eliminate the competition. Sadly, that's not my decision to make and my instructions are to eliminate the opposition to make a good impression with the army....meh"

I said with a shrug as I arrived right to inform of them." Ah well," I reared back and got ready to swing when I heard my com buzz. With a sigh, I rested the hammer on my shoulder and tapped the com in my left ear to answer.

"I'm In the middle of something as you no doubt can see, through the live feed. So what is it?" I asked as I exhaled frosty vapor.

"Um...Mr Glacius sir." said a nervous male voice on the other end. Tch, I prefer women to whisper in my ear.


"New orders sir"


"Th-they want them for the Grove sir"

I was a bit taken aback by that. But my mind kicked into overdrive to try and decipher why. Hmm, lab monkeys perhaps, but why there...Interesting. Before I finally answered. 

"Aha, you want terrorist Supe's in a psychiatric facility. I wasn't aware it was fuck around and find out the season, but I digress."

I turned and faced the frozen Supe's before exhaling more frosty vapor. " Whatever, send the chopper to come pick me and these frozen fuckers up, while you at It let the captain know they can mover in," I said before hanging up. What an anticlimactic end to this fucking day.


Stan Edgar was not an easy man to impress but what he saw wasn't an easy feat to achieve. Not many in the seven handled operations with such professionalism. Yes, there were profanities, but that was minor compared to what this footage showed him. His investment paid off Markus Drake aka Glacius was a good product.

"Sir he's...frankly a work of art as a Supe. He can change the battlefield...any battlefield in his favor. And from what we see, he's capable of much more. he doesn't show it because he sees no reason to. Unless necessary he just does what he needs to to complete the objective."

Stan turned to face him as the Tv retracted itself. "Your analysis is appreciated and will be taken into consideration. Dismissed."

Rajesh nodded before exiting the office.

Stan tapped his fingers on his desk rhythmically. Perhaps he'd enlighten Mr. Drake about what goes on in Grove should he that his competence is not temporary. He's seen the fame of being in The Seven dull all the members over time. If Mr Drake proves different some plans could be moved. For now, he'd observe.