
Chapter 2

Six months had passed since the formation of Teenage Kix, and the young heroes had proven themselves. Their public image was of a self-made team, and to the world, they were a symbol of fresh hope and untapped potential in the superhero landscape. Little did the public know that their silent benefactor Vought International was also their creator.

On this particular day, a daring group of a dozen bank robbers had struck, and Teenage Kix had sprung into action. With a few members being more useful than others. Mesmer's telepathy required physical touch to work and the guns that robbers had put a hamper on any attempt to do so. Big Game was tossing objects at the robbers and using obstruction as a defense against the bullets to protect himself and Mesmer. A-Train had already been in hot pursuit of three of the robbers who'd escaped into the tunnels they most likely had vehicles down there as an ore-planned escape method. The one's trapped in the bank facing off against Big Game and Mesmer didn't make it to the tunnel. With his incredible speed, he closed the gap rapidly, and it was only a matter of moments before he apprehended them.

Meanwhile, Glacius and Popclaw were engaged in a high-speed chase, using Glacius's cryokinetic powers to slide on a platform of ice, with Popclaw perched confidently on his back. Their target was an armored vehicle, carrying four of the bank robbers and their ill-gotten gains. We the team arrived this group was packing the truck with money and immediately took off upon noticing their arrival.

The van was blitzing down try road but Goacius was gaining and fast. When he was close enough ice spread out from under his foot and headed toward the truck. When it reaches far enough spikes ice shoots up and pierces the engine and all four wheels simultaneously demonstrating his immense control of his abilities. The vehicle lost power and was held in place by the spikes showcasing the durability of the ice.

Glacius came to a halt three meters away from the vehicle and Pooclaw jumped off his back. The news chopper above was broadcasting this so they could not afford any errors as always.

Our heroes got into battle stances and the camera crews and police officers that were following them stopped a good distance away. Getting a good look at the duo and the situation. Glacius was wearing a mostly black body suit with blue accents and an image of a snowflake on the back that only let his upper arm and face be exposed. He had tattoos on his upper arm varying from snowflakes to oni masks. He had dark brown skin, white hair, and frosty blue eyes. And he expelled a misty breath from the silver mask on his face. He was one of the more mysterious members of the team but had one of the largest fan bases with the exemption of members of The Seven. People thought he was the second coming of Black Noir but he did speak.. just rarely. He was 5'11 and had a toned streamlined physique. His white hair was braided and sleeper backward to avoid blocking his vision. His uniform had a snowflake on his back with the words icy justice written underneath.


Popclaw was dressed in a black two-piece leather costume that accentuated her curves. She is 5'5 and caucasian with dark brown hair.

The rear door of the van was blasted open but not by a weapon as all four emerged, three with weapons in hand and one without because he was a weapon...He was a Supe.

He was a burly guy with a messy beard.

"Look here guys Vought sent their teenage cleaning crew after us"

The three laughed which showed their confidence in this unknown Supe.

Glacius stepped forward"Surrender or die I won't ask a second time," he said in an almost chilling voice.

"Only once dying today are you two" snarled the supe.

Glacius shook his head and got in a stance.

"Popclaw, you take down the tree gunmen, I'll handle the supe" instructed Glacius.

Popclaw however shook his head in rejection of the instructions"No my polls a down I need this to boost my numbers" she said before charging at the same who smirked at her actions. His hands began to crackle with mini explosions before he swung his hand at her intended to release a killing blow.

Popclaw already in motion could not back out and as the hand was about to reach her face an ice spike launched behind her forcing the supe to dodge and allow her to disengage.

"Do as I say" Glacius said before charging at the same.

"Kill the bitch then get try cash out of here. I'll deal with the popsicle" The enemy said before he used the explosion from his hands to launch himself forward with impressive speed an array of ice spikes shot up from the ground forcing him to dodge left, but Gladus wouldn't let him breathe as ice spikes condense and launched in quick succession forcing him to use his explosions for defense and quick maneuverability to avoid being skewered

Bullets whizzed through the air as the robbers desperately tried to fend off Popclaw who skillfully deflected the bullets with her razor-sharp claws. She managed to get close to one of them and impaled him in his skull before tossing him at another and using the opening to disembowel him. The last one used a grenade launcher to fend off the rabid teen before making a break for it. But Popclaw manages to dodge the projectile and evade the brunt of the explosive force. Ripped the side don't off the truck and tossed it with so much force it cut the escaping robber in half. As she turns to face the cameras in the distance and pose she's drawn from her reverie by the sounds of combat coming from farther down the street.

The enemy supe was setting profusely and was running out of steam. Glacius had an array of ice constructs from swords to spears launching at him in an unending volley. Eventually, a spear pierces his thigh and throws his balance off in mid-air allowing for a rapier and three daggers to pierce his abdomen. This causes him to crash into the ground and slams into a nearby vehicle further aggravating his wounds.

As he managed to brace his back against the car and shakily stand up he was grace with the site of those cold blue eyes pricing through the icy most produced by Glacius's mask as he walked towards him. Each step causes the ground beneath him to freeze. His wounds were the same frozen around the area the weapons pierced and he could feel the ice traveling to his bones. He could feel his life slipping as the darkness crept closer.

"Any last words"

"Can...I..still..sss.. current. der" he was beginning to stutter.

"I told you. I won't ask a second time" As that word left his mouth Glacius extended his right arm forward and a blast of ice hit the supe completely encasing him.

Meanwhile, back at the bank, Big Game and Mesmer had their hands full with the remaining five robbers. Big Game, with his superhuman strength and durability, was a formidable presence. He confidently blocked bullets with his body, while charging in at the robbers. He grabbed the closest one and used his to hit another two. The sheer force caused all three of them to burst apart leaving his leg in Big Game's hand.

This action left the remaining two terrified and they surrendered.

Mesmer seeing everything was over finally came out of his hiding spot and at the same time, A-Train showed up with the remaining robbers.

In the end, the confrontation unfolded smoothly, thanks to the synergy between the team members and their unique abilities. The bank robbers that were left intact were apprehended, the stolen loot was recovered, and Teenage Kix continued to shine as a youthful, self-made team of heroes.

Moments later the team was gathered at Vought Headquarters in front of Madeline.

"Good work as usual to most of you. Mesmer, you were useless out there," she said causing him to wilt."Popclaw you almost bit the dust for poll number. " this caused the admonished teen to clench his fists."As for the rest of you especially Glacius and Big Game. Your polls are up and the cameras love you. A-Train your poll numbers are steady but you need more camera time. "

Big Gane and A-Train were all smiles, meanwhile, Glacius simply nodded.

"That's all for now. Dismissed"