
The Boys: Domination

The boys is a world full of corrupt superheroes, who care more about their images and themselves, than being actual heroes. One of those was caught by the boys, but before they could even figure out a way to kill him, a mysterious man appeared out of thin air wearing what seemed to be battle gear and wielding a massive axe. Who exactly was this man? Why did he just appear in Frenchie's house? And why exactly is he on a manhunt against supes? --- A/N. The Boys fanfic, as I really love that show. It will follow the Amazon version of the story with quite a few changes the MC will cause. Warhammer 40K inspired MC. Semi Warhammer 40K, The Boys crossover. Gonna post elsewhere too

Nike13K · Televisi
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22 Chs

Chapter 2: Filth

Time ticked by as a very nervous looking man kept walking around, making different facial expressions which were easy to understand as panic and confusion. At times he would turn around to look at a very weird looking young man

The nervous guy looked at an extremely strong looking man with a beard and said "W-who is he? Is he a supe? Whe-where did he even come from? Is he here for translucent? What are we gon-"

"Calm it, Hughie! We are gonna have a nice little chat with our guest here and see who he is. I doubt he is a supe, maybe a victim of one, but that teleporting wasn't him." A muscular and tough looking man stared at the young asian kid tied with chains on the ground.

The young man looked like a typical Japanese man, but he was 1.7 meters tall and had a very well defined body and a lean build. He could be mistaken for a common teenager, if not for the battle gear he was wearing before he appeared and the huge axe not even the three of them could move.

The most confusing part were his clothes. For some reason, he wore a pink buttoned down shirt, pink underwear and pink pants. That combined with the special pink-white helmet and battle gear, along with the backpack and a weird belt confused everyone present.

The angry British man turned towards a small guy, who was wearing said pink-white helmet and slightly oversized battle gear and yelled "Frenchie, knock it off!"

A buzz cut head with a ring on one ear popped out, as the guy named Frenchie took off the helmet and struggled to unclip the battle armour on his chest. "This, uh, surprisingly light, ya?! It looks to be about-a 500 grams? a killo? For the, the bullet resistance, it quite light. Petit Hughie, put this on!"

The nervous young man named Hughie caught the helmet and the slightly too small for him battle armour and clipped it on. Within an instant of him getting fully equipped, Frenchie whipped out an assault rifle out from under the desk and gunshot noises riddled the room.

An entire clip was unloaded directly onto Hughie's head and chest area and he was pushed back to the wall, but not a single bullet managed to even pierce through the armour or helmet and over 50 bullets laid flattened on the ground near Hughie's feet.

"What the fuck, Frenchie?" The young man quickly popped off the helmet and struggled immensely to take off the armour on his chest. The Frenchman nodded his head continuously and asked "wee wee, Hughie. Any pain? Discomfort? Bruises? No?"

After a full minute of struggling to unclip the tight armour, Hughie finally managed to escape and checked himself over. Not a single wound, bruise, scratch or so much as a sore spot was visible on his body. The only injury on his body were his sore feet, which had to endure the pushback force of over 50 bullets.

Even the tough brit mouthed "Amazing"

"Indeed. One of our best in terms of quality."

The unknown voice unnerved everyone and they quickly turned their heads to see the asian looking young man open his eyes and look at them.

His eyes unnerved everyone present, as, unlike a normal human's, they looked to be just a ball of white with green veins coursing through the eyes. The pupils themselves were like his slick hair, as black as the abyss.

He looked at the three unknown people with a relaxed expression and asked a very unique question "Do you people not know who I am?"

The Frenchman and Hughie looked at eachother and then turned to the British man who widened his arms and sarcastically said "Am I supposed to know ye fucking name?"

The young man nodded his head and said "I am guessing my plan worked then. Now, could you be so kind as to tell me where exactly I am?"

The bearded man smiled and said "I think you're misunderstanding something here, love. YOU are currently a captive, who appeared in our humble workshop from out of thin fucking air. Now, who are you, what are you doing here and how the fuck did you get into our place!"

The young man didn't answer anything and kept staring at the British man. The nervous guy swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said "B-butcher, we, ugh, we should hurry up a bit, please? Homelander or Vought could be here any minute now, so, ugh, yeah!"

Butcher smirked and said "Alright. Pretty boy, I don't need much, just tell us 1 thing, are you a supe or are you a human?"

The young man nodded his head and said "I do not understand the meaning of your question. How could I be soup?"

Botcher laughed a bit and clapped his hands sarcasticall "The cunts messing with us. Soup he says, hahahaha, what a fucking comedian! Pure fucking genius!"

The young man nodded his head and said "I apologize for the misconception, my translator isn't able to translate jargons and abbreviations without prolonged exposure to the language."

This statement raised the eyebrows of the three men present. "Translator? Where you hiding that?"

The young man said "It's a special enchantment engraved upon my inner ear. It translates any word to it's equivalent in the language of mana and translates it Back to Valkan. Without adaptation, it can only give a direct translation, I would appreciate you speaking wit-"

"ARE YOU YOU A FUCKING SUPER POWER USING CUNT OR WHAT?!" Butcher yelled out the question after losing his patience with the young asian man and added "There, specific enough for your fucking nonsense ear?"

The young man frowned and said "Plenty. Now, I'll give you a couple of second to present me with a good enough reason why I shouldn't kill all 3 of you and find someone a bit more cooperative to ask questions? What would you say to that?"

Butcher smirked as he signalled Frenchie to raise his gun and said "I'm not the one at gunpoint and bound by chains. Good enough fucking reason for ya, mate?"

The young man nodded his head and looked down at his pants and then looked around himself. He sighed and said "Very. I will comply with your questioning, seeing as you would have probably already shot me dead if you meant harm."

Butcher went up to the asian man and patted his shoulder. "That's more like it. Now, what's your name, lad?"

The young man sighed once again and said "My name is Roch Mike." Butcher smiled with a cocky grin and patted the asian young mans head "Wasn't that hard, now was it? Quite a weird name for an asian, innit? Mike Roc-"

Butchers eye twitched as he barely held himself back from swinging at the young man. He breathed out angrily and calmed himself down "Son, I'm gonna ask you this question one more fucking time. If you don't stop being a smartass, I will rip you a new fucking asshole! Now, WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING NAME!"

The asian man looked confused "I do not know how you interpreted my name, but it is most definitely Mike Roch. My common name is Richard, if you were more inclined to that name."

Hughie looked at the asian man with a dumbstruck expression and said "Is his name genuinely my crotch?"

The young man's abyss-like eyes widened in surprise and he asked "Is that what my name translated to in your language. Quite a problem."

Butcher rubbed his eyelids and said "Look, Richard or Mike or whatever the fuck your name is. I just want you to tell me 1 thing. Are. You. A. Super? Like the Twat Translucent in there."

The young man suddenly frowned at what Butcher said and closed his eyes. Everyone wondered what he was doing, but after ten seconds, something happened.

His body suddenly got bigger and green tree-root-like veins popped up on his body. His height increased to 175cm and his face became one of anger and tattoos began appearing on his body and glowing.

His eyes suddenly opened and the greenness was nowhere to be found. What remained was just pure darkness, eyes black as the abyss. "So, you three were harbouring one of those filthy freaks. Turns out, you aren't part of any major political power and are just a bunch of nobodies in a shed. To think I even put on my pretty speech for you."

The room temperature turned colder as Frenchie opened fire and shot tens of bullets until his clip ran out. The bullets caused the huge asian man to stagger a bit, but he walked forwards. The most the bullets could do was penetrate his skin a bit and then flatten from the impact on top of his skin.

After Frenchie's clip ran out, he quickly inserted in another one and unloaded it completely, before he just dropped the gun. Over 120 bullets were stuck to the young asian man's forehead, torso, arms, legs, face and neck. With a small flex of his muscles, all the bullets fell onto the floor and the almost nonexistent bullet wounds on his skin healed within a second. Even the steel chains binding him broke apart.

"Now, would you like to explain why you are hiding a filthy ancient?"

This character is someone from a game I played and his name is genuinely Mike 'Richard' Roch. He will be referred to as Mike from now on.

In Mike's world, supes like homelander and Translucent are called ancients.

Nike13Kcreators' thoughts