

Lesley was almost dragging her feet as she walked out of the MNA lobby. Her body, brain, and heart were exhausted from so much that had happened to her today.

She can not help but frown on her way out of the building. Shane's annoying laugh kept playing in her head as she told her the reason why Bangs kissed her.

She confessed to the doctor that Bangs had romantic feelings for her, and so did she. As crazy as it sounds, that was the explanation she gave.

She expected Shane to mock her. It was no surprise, but that was still very insulting. What can she do? That is the truth. It is better than lying, right?

Her eyes are on the floor as she walks when she suddenly bumps into someone. She was completely lost in her own thoughts that she did not notice her surroundings. She almost fell, but she was caught in the waist by the person.
